Материалдар / The Energy Storage pp.78-79

The Energy Storage pp.78-79

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
11 сыныпқа арналған сабақ жоспары
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Module 6 “Stem” Тексерілді: Қалменова Л

Lesson 2

The Energy Storage pp.78-79


Class: 11

Teacher’s name: Utegenova R

Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to

11.3.7 - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics;

11.4.2- understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics;

11.6.9-use a wide variety of present and past forms, including a growing number of more nuanced contrasts [ past and perfective aspect / simple and progressive aspect] on a wide range of general and curricular topics:

Lesson objectives

*Scan to find specific information and detail in extended texts

*apply appropriate subject- specific vocabulary and syntax

*give a presentation about energy storage benefits

*revise present and past tenses


Energy sources - Renewable: solar power, wind power, hydro(electric) power, geothermal energy, wave power, biomass, biofuels, biogas;

Non-renewable: coal, petroleum, natural gas;

Verbs: fluctuate, outweigh;

Nouns: decarbonisation, decentralisation, grid;

Adjectives: intermittent

Assessment criteria

Scan to find specific information and detail in extended texts

Apply appropriate subject- specific vocabulary and syntax

Give a presentation about energy storage benefits

Revise present and past tenses

Value links

Explore the topic “Intelligent Energy Storage”

ICT skills

Using videos& pictures, working with URLs

Previous learning



Part of the lesson/Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson

8 мин.

Icebreaker activity

I.Organisation moment.


II.T. asks to say one adjective that describes them best.

III. T. divide the class into two groups.

IV.T. asks the homework with the method ‘Clean the board’

T. stick some questions on the board. The theme was written under the theme. After answering questions Ss will find the theme of the lesson.

Questions of home task

1.What do you know about STEM?

2.What can you say about science?

3.Say the description of the word of technology.

4.What do you mean when you hear the word engineer?

5.What can you say about mathematics?

6.Who works in STEM?

Students say one adjectives that describes them best

I’m smart, I’m talkative, hardworking, perseverance etc.

Ss divide into two groups

Students answer the hidden questions.

The praise” method

Good job!

Well done!”

The praise” method

Good job!

Well done!”


PPT (With words)


Pupils Book

Middle of the lesson

5 min

V.Teacher sticks two envelops on the board one is renewable energy the another non-renewable energy. The teacher sticks the various pictures of energy resources.

To develop critical thinking skills

T. asks questions

A method ‘Fish bone’

Give Ss time to think about the difference between them and elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Monitor the activity around the class and then ask some groups to share their answers with the class.

1.What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy?

2.which types of renewable energy use wind turbines and photovoltaic cells?

3. How hydroelectric power is produced?

4.How geothermal energy is produced?

5.Do you know about biomass and biofuels?

6.What about biogas?

Students put the pictures inside those envelopes according to the name of each envelope.

Ss answer the question

Ss’ own answers

1.The difference between renewable energy sources is that renewable energy sources do not run out, whereas non –renewable energy sources are only available in a limited amount.

2.The equipment for extracting solar and wind power are solar panels and wind turbines. The photovoltaic cells inside solar panels, transform the sun’s radiation into electricity.

3. Hydroelectric power is produced using dams, waterfalls or in any place where water flows downhill.

4. Geothermal energy is produced using the heat from the Earth’s core. It heats up water, turns it into steam and turns a turbine.

5. . They are both produced using organic matter from plants.

6. They have a biogas tank at the local farm. The farmer puts the waste in there and it's broken down by bacteria to produce a really smelly gas.

The praise” method

Good job!

Well done!”

Pictures of resources


PPT (With words)


Pupils Book


3 min

VI. New words






Offshore wind energy


Ss write the new words with their descriptions

The praise” method

Good job!

Well done!”


PPT (With words)


Pupils Book


VII. Ex.3 p.78

To introduce the topic; to listen and read for specific information

Group work.

Teacher asks the students ask and answer group’s questions. Ss share their questions and answers with the class.


1.What had developed Italian scientist Alessandro Volta two centuries ago?

2.What have we been using inside our smartphones?

3. Are there any concerns with this batteries?

4.How was the problem solved?

5. Are pumped hydroelectric facilities efficient today?

6.Should we save the energy?

Ss share their questions and answers with the class.

Answer Key

1.Two centuries ago, Italian scientist Alessandro Volta had developed how to generate electricity, but the process has evolved over the years.

2. We have been using small versions inside our smartphones for years, the lithium – ion battery. It is the ideal candidate as it can both deliver and store energy.

3. The main safety concern with lithium – ion batteries is overheating. This is because delivering energy to a battery causes a chemical reaction, and if energy is delivered to quickly it can cause the system to short circuit or catch fire.

4. Programmers have developed intelligent software which will regulate the speed of charging and eliminating the risk of overheating.

5. Currently, 95% of global energy storage in pumped hydroelectric facilities. Decpite being the oldest form of energy storage technology, they are still efficient today. However each one needs two large reservoirs.

The praise” method

Good job!

Well done!”

The praise” method

Good job!

Well done!”


PPT (With words)


Pupils Book

3 min

VIII. Ex. 4a) p. 79 Reading. To read for specific information (multiple choice)


Ask Ss to read the questions 1-5 and the possible answers.

Check Ss’ answers.

Ss choose the correct answer for questions (1-5)

Answer Key

1 D 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B

The praise” method

Good job!

Well done!”


PPT (With words)


Pupils Book

3 min

IX. Ex 5. P 79

The method “Kill the fly”

To consolidate new vocabulary through synonyms

Direct Ss to the words in bold in the text and give them time to match them to their synonyms in the list using their dictionaries to help them if necessary.

Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Answer Key

generated – produced

offshore – not on land

grid – a network of electricity

fluctuate – change

outweighs – is more than

reliable – stable

reservoirs – places where water is stored

capacity – available space

supply – quantity produced

demand – quantity required

overheating – becoming too warm

The praise” method

Good job!

Well done!”

PPT (With words)

Pupils Book


2 min

X. • Read out the definition and elicit whether Ss have heard of 'energy storage' before.

Ask Ss to write down two questions they have about energy storage.

Play the recording. Ss listen and check if they can answer their questions.

Ask various Ss to share their questions and answers with the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1 How can we store energy? (We can use batteries such as lithium-ion batteries.)

2 What are the benefits of using energy storage? (We can have energy any time we need it.)

1 What is the oldest energy storage solution?

(Pumped hydroelectric facilities are the oldest energy storage solution. They involve pumping water uphill from one area to another and

generating energy as it flows downhill again.)


The praise” method

Good job!

Well done!”


PPT (With words)

Pupils Book

3 min

XI. Teacher asks the students to match the words to make phrases and with these phrases complete the sentences.

Ss match the phrases and complete the sentences.

Answer Key

1-F, 2-E, 3-G, 4-D, 5-B

6-C, 7-A


The praise” method

Good job!

Well done!”


PPT (With words)

Pupils Book

5. min

XII.Present/Past tenses

Ex.7 p.79

To revise present and past tenses

Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section to review the theory on present and past tenses.

Then elicit examples in the text (had already discovered, has evolved, are committing, are moving, have been using, have developed) and when/how we use different present/past tenses.

Give Ss time to complete the email with the correct present/past tense.

Check Ss' answers around the class. Ss justify their answers.

Answer Key

1 received (past simple, action happened at a stated time – last week)

2 have been researching (present perfect continuous, emphasis on the duration of an action that started in the past and continues up to the present – for three days now)

3 had been looking into (past perfect continuous, an action which started and finished in the past, before another action – before my company's

lithium-ion battery production took off)

4 had expressed (past perfect, an action which finished before another past action – prior to our expansion in this field)

5 hadn’t considered (past perfect, an action which finished before another past action – before I read your proposal)

6 are thinking (think is a stative verb – when used in a continuous tense it means ‘consider’)

7 want (present simple, stative verb in the present)

8 had intended (past perfect, an action which finished in the past and whose result was visible at a later point in the past – but the weather forced me to cancel it)

9 forced (past simple, an action which happened at a stated time in the past – a few hours ago)

10 hasn’t arrived (present perfect – an action which started in the past and continues up to the present – the time word 'yet')

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