Материалдар / The Fisherman and The Fish 5 grade
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The Fisherman and The Fish 5 grade

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
The Fisherman and The Fish 2 . Жалпы материалды талдау, қорытындылау. Оқушылардың көзқарасымен түсініктеме беру
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
20 Мамыр 2024
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Theme of the lesson: The Fisherman and the Fish


Reading for Pleasure

Teacher’s name:

Tazhibayeva Akniyet


14 February , 2023

Grade: 5 V

Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

The Fishermand and the Fish

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

5.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

5.R2 read and understand with some support short simple fiction and non fiction texts

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to read and roleplay the text

Most learners will be able to describe the characters from the story to their peers

Some learners will be able to express the thoughts clearly about the story.

Assessment criteria

- read the text and roleplay it

- describe the characters of the story using their pictures

- practice speaking skills

- express thoughts clearly and accurately

Value links

Learners will work together as a group showing respect and being polite with each other. They listen to each other’s answers.

Cross curricular links


ICT skills

PPT, Video, the use of whiteboard

Previous learning

Learners read non-fiction books in Kazakh, English, Russian languages.


Part of the lesson/Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson


5 min.

Pair work

Running activity”

Organization moment :


The teacher greets learners and asks them to take seats.

2. Organization moment.

The teacher asks learners to repeat the words and movements that they listen.

It’s time to think!

It’s time to speak!

It’s time show!

Ready! Steady! Go!

The teacher divides learners into 3 groups

(an old woman, the fisherman and the fish) using the website “Spinner wheels ” (there are 4 learners in each group).

3. Checking up the homework

In pairs, one learner is appointed as a runner, another is a writer.

The teacher hides the cards with the new words from the previous lesson behind, under the desk.

The runner looks for the words, while the writer the writer will write

4. Then, the teacher shows pieces of picture and learners must find the last piece and make picture.

Then teacher asks learners what these pictures represent.

Learners guess the topic of the lesson, which is “The Fisherman and the Fish”.

Watching the video

The teacher asks the students concept questions: You can see some portraits of famous people. I hope you know them. Who are they? Yes, first is A. Kunanbayev. He was the Kazakh famous writers. Second is Shakespeare. He was English poet. And third is A.S. Pushkin. He was a Russian poet. Today we talk about Pushkin. Who can tell about him?

What is the story about?

Learners open their copybooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson.

Learners remember the story about the fisherman and the fish, as they know it from their native language.

Aim: learners do some physical movements, develop speaking skills

Efficiency: maintain health, learn to speak in English and answer the questions


«The praise» method to motivate Ss. like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Learners evaluate themselves with the help of a “charge of knowledge”


Student’s Book

Excel 5,

page 76.

Spinner Wheel » Spin the Wheel to Decide at Random


Individual work.

Check the words”

5 min.

Before reading the text, the teacher checks if learners know the given words with the help of pictures (the teacher shows the pictures and learners say what word they express):

Poor, catch, let, wish, surprised, fool, shout, calm, swim away, grant a wish, rich, dark, land, stormy, cloud, sky, turn.

The teacher reads the words and learners repeat after the teacher and practice the correct pronunciation of the words.

Learners remember and learn the new words that they will use in the lesson.


Aim: learn the new words of the lesson

Efficiency: learners remember the words and use them at the lesson, practice their correct pronunciation


Well done!


Student’s Book

Excel 5,

page 75.

Exercise 2.

Middle of the lesson

Group work

10 min.

The teacher gives roles to the learners before reading the story: the author, the fish, the fisherman and the old woman (the fisherman’s wife).


Learners translate the text so that everyone understands the content.

Learners read the text, each learner performing the role given to them.

Aim: practice reading and roleplaying the story in groups

Efficiency: learn to understand the details of the text


- read the story.

- roleplay the story

- translate the story into Kazakh


The teacher corrects learners’ mistakes where necessary.


Student’s Book

Excel 5,

page 77,

the story.

Group work

10 min.

Warm up

The teacher gives pictures and learners must find which one shows.

The teacher gives the groups the pictures of an old woman, the fisherman and the fish.

Each group has to describe their character using the information they have got from the story.

The questions for learners as support:

Who is your character?

What is your character like?

Do you like your character?

The groups describe their character to other groups.

The teacher asks learners to watch a song and repeat the movements that they see.

The teacher explains the adjective to the learners.

Adjectives are words that describe people, places and things. They make a story more interesting. For example an old woman, a shiny bucket, a beautiful house

Learners use the pictures and describe their character.

Aim: learners practice speaking skills using the pictures

Efficiency: learn to make up sentences and describe the characters in their own words.


- use the pictures to describe the character

- say whether they like their character or not.


The teacher gives feedback and helps where necessary.

Student’s Book

Excel 5,

page 75.

the link to the song for a warm-up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg4WZvAXF5ss

Individual work

Learners stay with the same partners.

The teacher shows a QR code on an interactive whiteboard. Learners use their phone to scan the code and complete the task

Learners use the adjectives to complete the summary of “The Fisherman and the Fish”

The adjectives to hide:




Huge= very big



Learners fill in the gaps with necessary words.

Aim: identify the words that fit into the context

Efficiency: make learners think critically and practice the use of adjectives


- fill in all the gaps with correct adjectives as quickly as possible

The app shows the correct answers. Learners evaluate themselves with the help of a “charge of knowledge”

«The praise» method to motivate Ss. like:

Good job!

Well done!”


Student’s Book

Excel 5,

Exercise 6, page 77.


Individual work

2 min

What is the message of the story?

Explain your choice.

  1. Be happy with what you have got.

  2. Be careful what you wish for.

The teacher asks the learners

  • Imagine you met the golden fish: What would you wish for?

Game: Say the color not the word

Learners express their choices accurately as possible.

Aim: express thoughts clearly and accurately.

Efficiency: practice the to tell the thoughts.


«The praise» method to evaluate Ss. like:

Good job!

Well done!”


Student’s Book

Excel 5,

Exercise 8, page 77.

End of the lesson.


Reflection using TikTok images”

The teacher distributes the TikTok images among learners.

Learners need to stick:

A heart– if they liked the lesson;

A speech bubble – write a comment about the lesson and stick it under the picture;

Send to – they write and say whom they will recommend this lesson.

Learners reflect on their learning.

Aim: define how much they understand the new lesson.

Efficiency: learn to sum up themselves.


I can…”


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