Материалдар / The geographical position of the USA.
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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The geographical position of the USA.

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Form : 8 date: 12. 01The theme of the lesson: The geographical position of the USA.The aim of the lesson:Educational: to give more information and to enrich student’s knowledge about the USA.Developing: to develop critical thinking, logical thinking, to develop pupils’ speaking, reading, writing, listening comprehension abilities; to develop the students’ interest in the subject of English.The type of the lesson: Demonstrative lessonMethods of the lesson: showing, explaining, individual work, question-answer.The visual aids: lecture, table, pictures, CD, interactive board.Connection of the subjects: Geography, HistoryThe procedure of the lesson.Organization moment: Good morning? Glad to see you! How are you? What date is it? Who is absent today? What problem has he (she)? Are you ready for the lesson? The division in groups Come here and choose the heart. tell each other the wish ( blue and white heart)II Checking home task.The phrasal verb “to turn”To presentation of videoTo show the videoWhat do you say in this video?What do you think?What country you see?T: Have a look at these video and guess WHAT ARE WE GOING TO SPEAK ABOUT?P: I think we are going to speak about the USA.T: Yes of cause, you are right we are going to speak about geographical position of the USA.Today’s lesson’s theme: The USA .Geographical position. Population. The discovering of America.III.  Demonstration of the new language: Now we’ll read the text about the geographical position of The USA. Before you make a new theme let's me introduce you with new wordsNew words:Pacific ocean [pəˈsɪfɪk əʊʃn] Тынык мұхиты Gulf Mexico –Мексика Шығанагы border – [ˈbɔːdə] -шекараласуconsist- тұру Huron [‘hju:ərən] Lake - Гурон көлi Erie [‘iəri] Lake – Эри көлi peak — шың Superior [sju:’piəriə] Lake – керемет көл District of Columbia — [ˈdɪstrɪkt əv kəˈlʌmbɪə] - Колумбия Округі lowlands — ойпатар to be located —  орналасy The Snake River -  жылан   Өзенi compriseқамту IV. Demonstration of the new lexical material.Read the text « Geographical position of the USA»Geographical position of the USAThe USA is the 4th largest country in the world (after RussiaCanada and China). It is situated in central North America and stretches from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. It borders on Canada in the north and Mexico in the south and has a sea-border with Russia. It also includes Alaska and Hawaii.The total area of the country is 9.4 million square kilometers. The enormous size of the country influences the diversity of landscape, climate and even people.The West is a mountainous area of the Rocky Mountainsthe Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada. The highest peak is Mount McKinley in Alaska(6,000 meters).As compared with the Appalachians in the east, the Rocky Mountains are sharp and rugged, over 4,000 meters high, rich in gold, copper, lead, silver and other minerals.The longest rivers are the Mississippi (6,400 kilometers), «the father of waters», the Missouri(1,600 kilometers), the Colorado wild, restless and angry, the Columbia full of quiet dignity and the Rio Grande (3,200 kilometers), a national boundary between the USA and Mexican sizes. The largest state is Alaska.The Colorado forms the Grand Canyon, which strikes one's imagination as a fabulous phenomenon of nature. Its perpendicular walls go up to 1,500 meters above the river level. The USA has thousands of lakes of all kindsThe Great Lakes make up the largest group; they are the greatest collection of fresh water lakes in the world with the total area equal to that of Great Britain. They are Lakes Huron, Erie, Ontario, Michigan, Superior. Here the famous Niagara Fallsprecipitate from the height of 50 meteres. Among salty lakes the Great Salt Lake in Utah and the Salton Sea in California are the most famous. They are rich in salt (6,000 million tons)..VI. The questions for discussion:1.What country is the USA?2. Where is it situated?3. What is the USA separated from Canada by?4.What is its total area?5.Where does the main land stretch?6. What oceans is the USA washed by?7. What are the US highest mountains ?8. What is the highest mountain peak in the USA?9. What is the longest river in the USA?10. Name the fine Great Lakes, please.VII. Practice. What is file these numbers?50 - largest country in the world10.000 -total area of country3rd - lake9. 5 million - longest river6194 -highest of peak4th - states VIII. Grammar.We generally use either 'the' or 'no article' with geographical names in English. There isn't a lot of logic! We just need to learn if we need 'the' or 'no article' for each kind of place.We use 'no article' with:Lakes:We visited Lake Geneva.Mountains: I saw Mount Fuji from the aeroplane.Continents: She loves living in Asia.Most countries:She travelled to Chile last year. (But: The USA / the United States, the Netherlands, the Philippines, the United Kingdom / the UK.)Counties, states, provinces, regions: They live in California.Cities, towns, villages:He stayed in Paris for a week last year.Islands: Bali is popular with Australian tourists.We use 'the' with:Rivers: The River Nile flows through Egypt.Mountain ranges: We ski in the Alps every year.Deserts:She travelled across the Sahara.Oceans and seas: We sailed around the Mediterranean.Groups of islands: They went to the Canary Islands.. Choose ‘the’ or ‘no article’. 1. I went sailing around _____ Lake Geneva 2. I’ve been living in _____ London for six years 3. _____ Danube runs through many European cities 4. Wild horses live in _____ Gobi Desert 5. _____ Pacific Ocean has many different types of fish 6. I love swimming in _____ Mediterranean 7. We spent our holiday on the shore of _____ Lake Windermere 8. _____ Nile is a very beautiful river 9. She stayed in _____ Belgrade for several weeks 10. Her husband comes from _____ California 11. They studied the geology of _____ Sahara Desert 12. They crossed _____ Black Sea by boat 13. He has always wanted to visit _____ Rome 14. She lived in _____ Asia for several years 15. _____ Tuscany has many beautiful citiesIX.  Reflection.T: So today we have spoken about the USA.You have worked very well today.Homework.Write down your home task:  p 116 ex 3Conclusion & Mark- The lesson is over. Thank you for your attention. Good bye. See you late.

Demonstrative lesson

“Geographical position of the USA” Form : 8 A

Done by: Kuandyk S

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