The 25 years of Independence of Kazakhstan!Plan1. Introduction.My motherland of Kazakhstan.2. The main stage.a) Astana. EXPO 2017.b)My Independence Kazakhstan.3. Conclusion.Modern Kazakhstan.4. Use of literature.
I want to tell you about my motherland. My motherland is Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is an independent Republic. It is situated in the Central Asia. It is population, is 17 million. All people of Kazakhstan have equal rights and duties. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. It is located on the Ishim River in the north portion of Kazakhstan, within the Akmola Region, though administrated separately from the regionas a city with special status. The 2014 census reported a population of 835,153 within the city limits, making it the second largest city in Kazakhstan. This is not simply the ancient earth of Saryarka, where the new capital was born. It is the cradle of the country is future. The history of Astana and the future of the people of Kazakhstan are inseparable from each other. Astana embodies power, dynamical development and stability of our country. It has become a strong and prospering city that unites all residents of Kazakhstan and paves it is path into the future. The capital city is the heart of our motherland the symbol of people is confidence in their own strength and great mission. Nowadays representatives of more than 100 nationalites live in Astana. Both Kazakhstan and it is capital city are built on the basis of people is friendship, mutual understanding and trust. Baiterek - a symbol of modern Astana. Kazakh legends have it that on the World River bank, there grows the Tree of Life, called
Baiterek. Samruk the holy bird of happiness is flying to it to lay a golden egg in the nest, located on it is top. The egg symbolizes the Sun, granting life and hope. But beneath, there is Aidakhar , a wicked dragon, hiding among the roots, and wishing to eat the egg. The tower is total height is 97 meters, excluding a basement floor, which houses aquariums, Bayterek Gallery and a small café. The tower is supported by 500 piles and its weight exceeds 1,000 tons. EXPO 2017 is an International Exposition scheduled to take place between June 10 and September 10, 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan. The theme chosen for the EXPO 2017 is “Future Energy” The theme is aimed to concentrate on the future of energy, and on innovative and practical energy solutions and their impacts. In preparation for the EXPO 2017 the administration of Astana launched several “smart city” projects. The projects imply introduction of digital technologies in such areas as payment, education and healthcare. On Desember 16 to 2016-25 years Independence of Republic of Kazakhstan. It is a holiday for our the state and our people will become above all and valuable. Independent financial crises able to resist to difficulties of our coutry in a flow almost fourth of century, went out on trajectory of stady development, high a level overmastered, abtained scale achievements. Kazakhstan entered number 50 competitive countries in the world. Strategic programs of the state in development of country get and before the appointed time. Every day with him the citizen of Kazakhstan especially is proud of and saved in memory. In 1991 of Desember 16 a constituational law was accepted on state independence of Republic of Kazakhstan. 25 our independence are this year executed. All of it to pride,of industriousness, friendship of people,result. Being to the representatives of generation, after birth to it independent, and I know how from priority. For Kazakhstan for people, there would not be Independence gift celestial. He counts people, freedom, barely attained Independence. To Independence is a daream of ancestors that since time immemorial. Brave spirit of our people immortal, and claims on freedom due to independent obtained. Program of holiday for parents-it reaching to our days of evendefence or freedom and civil wars, nationally are liberation revolts in history by the example of immortal, accessible as heritage-energy true. Modern Kazakhstan independent sovereign and democratic state with a stable economy and a win-win plan for the nature. Today Kazakhstan declares itself, about their right and purposes. Our President is a truly wise man a subtle politician, strategist and a true patriot. Thanks to him we have achieved staliti and prosperity. With a stay of independence began to develop the economy, science, culture. Of course, our country was hot easy to begin to “build”, their own state, out of the crisis, but to over come unemployment, we possed these difficulties we got up to his fut, and now our country continues to move forward. Durin the time of our independence, we have made considerable. Stand up a strong state we created one of the most dynamic economies and improved living standards. Personally I am doing to try to learn, to work for the state to contribute to the development of my country of Kazakhstan. My independent Kazakhstan is a my house, my motherlend.