Материалдар / The results of the preparation of elementary school students in English language
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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The results of the preparation of elementary school students in English language

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
The easiest time to learn a language is as a child. Children can use the abilities they are developing to acquire their native language to develop skills in other languages as well. English is a particularly useful language to teach a child, as it is commonly used as an international language throughout the world.
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17 Қырқүйек 2018
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The results of the preparation of elementary school students in English language

Serikbaeva A.A

2018 year

The easiest time to learn a language is as a child. Children can use the abilities they are developing to acquire their native language to develop skills in other languages as well. English is a particularly useful language to teach a child, as it is commonly used as an international language throughout the world.The advantages of beginning earlyYoung children are still using their individual, innate language-learning strategies to acquire their home language and soon find they can also use these strategies to pick up English.Young children have time to learn through play-like activities. They pick up language by taking part in an activity shared with an adult. They firstly make sense of the activity and then get meaning from the adult’s shared language.Young children have more time to fit English into the daily programme. School programmes tend to be informal and children’s minds are not yet cluttered with facts to be stored and tested. They may have little or no homework and are less stressed by having to achieve set standards.Children who have the opportunity to pick up a second language while they are still young appear to use the same innate language-learning strategies throughout life when learning other languages. Picking up third, fourth, or even more languages is easier than picking up a second.Young children who acquire language rather than consciously learn it, as older children and adults have to, are more likely to have better pronunciation and feel for the language and culture. When monolingual children reach puberty and become more self-conscious, their ability to pick up language diminishes and they feel they have to consciously study English through grammar-based programmes. The age at which this change occurs depends greatly on the individual child’s developmental levels as well as the expectations of their society.When babies learn their home language, there is a ‘silent period’, when they look and listen and communicate through facial expression or gestures before they begin to speak. When young children learn English, there may be a similar ‘silent period’ when communication and understanding may take place before they actually speak any English words.After some time, depending on the frequency of English sessions, each child (girls often more quickly than boys) begins to say single words (‘cat’, ‘house’) or ready-made short phrases (‘What’s that?’, ‘It’s my book’, ‘I can’t’, ‘That’s a car’, ‘Time to go home’) in dialogues or as unexpected statements. The child has memorised them, imitating the pronunciation exactly without realising that some may consist of more than one word. Gradually children build up phrases consisting of a single memorised word to which they add words from their vocabulary (‘a dog’, ‘a brown dog’, ‘a brown and black dog’).Children should not be told they have made a mistake because any correction immediately demotivates. Mistakes may be part of the process of working out grammar rules of English or they may be a fault in pronunciation. As a young and active teacher I try to find something new for myself .I use these methods and recommend to others:One of the first things you should start with is to teach the alphabet and numbers. By teaching the alphabet and numbers, you’ll create a great foundation for everything else that your students will learn.Have your students learn the alphabet to a certain point. You can start at "a" and go to "m," if you want. Have your students finish the alphabet at a pace you are both comfortable with. The point is to push your students but to not push them too hard.Ask your students to work on numbers. As with letters, start them and stop them depending on their capabilities. Consider creating a worksheet on which students can practice writing letters and/or numbers.Use flashcards with a word that begins with each letter of the alphabet to reinforce your lesson.Teach pronunciation, especially for difficult sounds. Teaching pronunciation is extremely important when teaching English as a second language.Teach your students nouns. After teaching the alphabet and numbers, move on to nouns. Teaching nouns will be one of the easiest things for your students to learn. This is because your students will be able to look at everything around them as potential things to learn.Start with common objects in your classroom.Move on to common objects in your city or town. Good examples are: car, house, tree, road, and more.Continue on to objects your students will encounter in their daily lives, such as food, electronics, and more.You will find that the children will be highly motivated and excited about learning a foreign language. Your main aim is to maintain this initial motivation and sustain their curiosity and interest so that they develop a real desire to learn the language, even if you don't feel they are learning very fast. You need to be realistic and so do the children about how much they can learn in the relatively short time you will spend with them.It is quite normal for children to take some time before they actually start producing much language as they will need time to familiarise themselves with you and assimilate the language before they feel ready and confident enough to produce any.Be patient and don't be afraid of repeating things again and again - children need and enjoy lots of opportunities to hear the language.Make positive comments about the children's work and efforts and let them see that you value their work.Have additional material prepared to cope with faster and slower pupils' needs and don't let activities go on too long.In the period of teaching of my students I realized that children like to play interactive games. I used many kinds of games for teaching English language and they were all useful and showed their results. The children begun to learn more new words . The first class I taught showed a good result at the end of the year. They learned the alphabet, numbers up to 10, names of colors, etc. We gave final lesson to colleagues and parents. They estimated how much their children have changed during the year. I used different methods of teaching . One of them is a game. Below I will recommend you the games that I used:Board Race.Call My Bluff / Two Truths and A Lie.Simon Says.Word Jumble Race.Hangman.Pictionary.The Mime.Hot Seat.Colors Board Game etc.At the beginning of the year my students showed less results (28%), and at the end of the year showed better (75%).

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