2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған


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Specialty: 5B011900: ‘Foreign language: Two foreign languages”



Done by:

Kokeshova Madina Seilbekkyzy

Scientific adviser:

Khaidarova Aimen Djeksenbaevna

Approved for protection

Dean: Islam A.

Almaty, 2020


INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………………… 3


    1. The essence and significance of the foundations of the national idea “Rukhani Zhangyru”……………………………………………………………………... 6

    2. Work on the modernization of consciousness the role of class teacher in the modern educational procces..…………………………………………………. 8


2.1 The purpose and objectives of the class teacher in the programme “Rukhani Zhangyru”…………..………………………………………………………….... 14

2.2The results of the work of the class teacher bu programme “Rukhani Zhangyru ………………………………………………………………………………… 24

CONCLUSION.................................................................................................... 26

REFERENCES.................................................................................................... 28

APPENDIX.......................................................................................................... 29


The Republic of Kazakhstan is developing dynamically, and this is the ideological approach to the revival of public consciousness. Modern society demands new socio-psychological models of behavior of citizens of Kazakhstan, models of national cooperation, cultural ties, self-development, preservation and possession of a high potential of a successful creative personality based on high professional professionalism, qualifications and education, increasing the role of family potential. The content of the conceptual foundations of education is known in six directions of activation of public consciousness: competitiveness, pragmatism, preservation of national identity based on knowledge, the evolutionary development of Kazakhstan, transparency of consciousness, as defined in the program article of the Head of state N. Nazarbayev "Bolashakka bagdar: Rukhani Zhangyru".

The relevance of professional application project: The purpose of the program "Rukhani Zhangyru" is to ensure equal treatment of schools, families, the state and society to the school, the class teacher, all types of educational systems and organizations of the pedagogical process, the modern development of modern educational space, expanding the horizons of moral, spiritual and General cultural significance, to the experience of educating young Kazakhstan’s.

Form: The educational process class hours and extracurricular activities.

Object of research: The system of work of the class teacher in the framework of the program "Rukhani Zhangyru".

Goal: Development of moral, spiritual and General cultural values of the class teacher in the framework of the program "Rukhani Zhangyru".

Issues arising from the goal:

  1. To reveal the essence, the fundamental program "Rukhani Zhangyru".

  2. In the framework the programme “Rukhani Zhangyru” increasing patriotic feelings students

Methodical bases: For cognitive indicators-the method of thinking (R. Descartes, D. B. Kabalevsky), the method of understanding the personal meaning of a work of art for emotional value (A. A. Pilichyauskas), the indicator of activity composition (L. V. Goryunov), the method of composition (V. O. Usacheva), the method aimed at developing the creative potential of the student, the method "development of my homeland" (K. Mahover), the method" Patriotic education" (E. E. Sergeeva).

Research method: generalization, analysis, modeling, forecasting of pedagogical phenomens and comparing process.

Empirical: test,question-answer, experiment, control.

Practical significiance: the research includes the possibility that class teacher’s using the study materials to develop the level of knowledge about program “Rukhani Zhangyru” and bring up patriotism in the course of extra curricular work to students.

In the first part, it is known that the work of class teacher in student’s daily life important. It is based on the international community which controls students self improvement, preserve its uniqueness, reveal its talents, and create conditions for normal spiritual, mental, and physical development.

The class teacher organizes, unites, and controls the daily life and activities of students in their classes. Modern classroom teachers in their activities perform not only certain forms of educational work, but also new forms of work with students in their practice. Types of work are determined depending on the pedagogical situation. The number of forms remains limitless: stories, discussions, games, competitions, trips and excursions to nature, competitions, socially useful and creative work, artistic and aesthetic activities, role-playing trainings and much more.

In the second part, we analyzed the level of feelings of patriotism and knowledge about the program "Ruhani Zhangyru", determined the results.

Students of the 8th grades took part in the research. To determine the level of knowledge about the program "Ruhani Zhangyru" for students of the 8th grades, diagnostic methods were used: testing, interviewing, questioning, learning experience. The study was conducted in the following stages: defining stage; forming stage and control (final) stage.

At the defining stage of experimental work, specific levels of formation of Patriotic feelings of students in grades 8 were determined.

We selected methods developed to determine the level of Patriotic feelings of students in grades 8 and the level of knowledge about the program "Ruhani Zhangyru". Diagnostics of Patriotic development of a child is largely determined by the study of cognitive, emotional, value and behavioral indicators.

The study was conducted using the following methods: questionnaire for determining the level of knowledge of the eighth grade about "rukhani Zhangyru", the method" development of my homeland" (K. Mahover), the method "Patriotic education" (E. SergeevaE) " what is the Motherland?"questionnaire. Oқyшылapды пaтриoттық ceзiмдepiн тәpбиeлeyдe кинoөнep мaтepиaлындa caбaқтaн тыc ic-ә Purposeful work on Patriotic education in the materials of cinema, in particular, in animated films, will contribute to the formation of Patriotic feelings in children, stimulating active activities for the development of their native land. This experimental work uses the possibilities of film production materials to increase the level of patriotism, namely, the list of feature films, cartoons shot within the framework of the "Ruhani Zhangyru" program :

Cartoons: "Kazhymukan" Zhanseit Tuimebayev, Batyrkhan Daurenbekov, Bakytzhan Kulzhabai 2017

"Protection of Otrar" Zhanseit Tuimebayev, 2018

"Kieli Kazygurt" Zhanseit Tuimebayev, 2019

Feature films: "Tomiris" Akan Satayev, 2019

Oralman” Sabit Kurmanbekov, 2018


1.1The essence and significance of the foundations of the national idea “Rukhani Zhangyru

"I am sure that the large-scale changes we have started should be accompanied by the improvement of public consciousness."

(N.A.Nazarbayev, «Bolashakka bagdar: “Rukhani Zhangyru»)

On the basis of article of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan«Bolashakka bagdar: “Rukhani Zhangyru» , published on 12 April 2017, a programme "Rukhani Zhangyru". The main goal of the nation of the new historical period: to preserve and improve spiritual and cultural values, to become one of the 30 developed countries of the world. To achieve these goals, the program provides for several projects.

The project of gradual translation of the Kazakh language into Latin script is intended to give a new spark to the development of the language and stimulate its interest and the interest of citizens of other countries in learning the language. As you know, the full transition to the Latin alphabet is planned for 2025: starting from 2025, all written speeches - from publications in print to the work of the office - are in Latin.

The main goal of the project "100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language" is to transfer knowledge and experience to young generations, improve the quality of education, develop the personality of the nation and the Kazakh language. According to Nursultan Nazarbayev,"...our social and humanitarian education has been preserved for many years within the framework of one doctrine and against the background of one point of view of the world." To solve this situation, it was suggested to choose the 100 best textbooks in the world and translate them into Kazakh: textbooks on history, political science, sociology, philosophy, psychology, cultural studies, Philology.

The project "Geography of sacred lands of Kazakhstan" is based on the Holy and cultural-historical lands of the country. The goal of this project should be to create attractive places for the tourism industry that have important facilities. The special project "Tugan Zher" is aimed at solving social problems, developing the citizens of their native land - "native land". [1]

Teachers 'professional development programmeRukhani Zhangyru”

The article of the Leader of the nation is a strategic document that logically continues the system of measures to modernize the economy, politics and social life of Kazakhstan, announced in the annual Address to the people of Kazakhstan. It determines the course of the future movement of Kazakhstanis, as this update concerns, first of all, issues related to the formation of a new model of consciousness and thinking, which is the basis of our country. The proposed priorities will allow Kazakhstan to combine the goals that have been set for decades past, present and future. As elements of the renewal of public consciousness, competitiveness and pragmatism are primarily based on national success, culture, and knowledge, which are natural factors for the successful development of the nation.

The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan noted that "every citizen of Kazakhstan should understand that education is an important factor for success in the future". To achieve a global level, Kazakhstan has contributed to increasing investment in education and improving its quality. In particular, the transition to 12-year secondary education, content of education at all levels updated with the global educational trends, opened Nazarbayev University, established Nazarbayev Intellectual school, introduced credit system of education in the universities.

A modern teacher should be the personification of peace, tolerance, love, respect for children, be a person who can reveal the qualities that every child has. In this regard, systematization of teachers 'professional development, further Informatization of the educational process, strengthening of state support and stimulation of teachers' work, active promotion of the high mission of teachers, experience and achievements of the best teachers-mentors and best international experience in teacher training. In the article of Nursultan Nazarbayev, it is said about the harmony with the requirements imposed on the teacher.

The conceptual basis of the activity of the research and production center "Orleu "in the process of improving the skills of teachers is the installation" training throughout life", aimed at self-realization and professional self-improvement of teachers. Keeping the best approaches of the education system, "Orleu" trains teaching and coaching staff of schools that meet global educational requirements, working in an updated format of educational programs and methods of training, with professional competencies and skills in the field of leadership, teamwork, skills.The personnel structure of "Orleu" allows us to effectively and promptly solve the tasks of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the new format of the teacher training system. [2].

1.2 Work on the modernization of consciousness the role of class teacher in the modern educational procces

Kazakhstan's patriotism. The formation of these qualities should connect students with their beloved Fatherland, pride in its achievements and great names of outstanding historical figures, the ability to respect their village, city, territory, culture, traditions, respect the history of the country, serve its prosperity and development.

Competitivenesses. These qualities among students should be in modern conditions intellectually developed, competitive, healthy, have critical thinking, have a clear idea that there is a need for self-development, self-knowledge, the Unified importance of forces.

Pragmatism. Education of pragmatism as a personal quality depends on the readiness and ability of students: to achieve specific goals, knowledge, a healthy lifestyle; if possible, manage their own lives; building a system of ic actions and views on life in the aspect of obtaining practical useful results; focusing on time planning.

National identity. The formation of national identity is due to the fact that students are ready to actively study the history, customs and traditions of the Kazakh people, the Kazakh language as the State, as the cultural code of the nation ("if the nation loses its cultural code, the people themselves lose their cultural code"), actively study as the main element of national identity.

Evolution and transparency of consciousness. The development of these qualities in students should be associated with readiness for changes that entail a new technological structure; to move forward, adhere to its main directions, and support them fully.

Healthy lifestyle-for every citizen of Kazakhstan, health is the main value. It is necessarily associated with sports and proper nutrition.

These qualities as worthy qualities of a person of the XXI century not only determine the essence of the updated content of education in educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but also contribute to the implementation of the following directions: civil-Patriotic, spiritual and moral, labor, aesthetic, mental, physical, national education.:

1) education of new Kazakhstan patriotism. The new Kazakhstan patriotism is something that should unite the entire society, regardless of ethnic differences;

2) equality of rights of citizens of all ethnic groups. We are all Kazakhstanis who have equal rights and equal opportunities;

3) development of the Kazakh language and trilingualism. Responsible language policy determining the consolidating factors of the Kazakh nation. The Kazakh language is our spiritual core and it is necessary to actively develop it in all spheres of activity;

4) revival of culture, traditions and identity. Traditions and

Genetic code of the nation, culture;

5) increasing the role of the national intelligentsia (teachers-the leader of the national intelligentsia));

6) strengthening of secular values; the nature of the state is the most important condition for the successful development of Kazakhstan.[3].

The role of the class teacher in educational institutions from year to year is very important and responsible, the effectiveness of education, the comfort of the class, personal qualities, and performance are important. The formation of group work is a mandatory element of education. The content of extracurricular educational work is determined by a conceptually based program for integrating the interests and needs of the individual and society. The problem is not only to know the interests and needs of young people, but also to ensure a harmonious combination of the social needs of young people, on the one hand, and the needs of society, on the other. Today, it is impossible to influence the personality of a student, so the educational system of an educational institution determines the possibilities for indirect influence.The demands placed on teachers, in particular, have increased significantly. The status of the class teacher, the ways of his activities have undergone great changes.

The usefulness of the work of schools or educational organizations depends on the joint activities of each member of the teaching staff, as well as on the activities that correspond to the goals of each category of teachers, among which the most important role belongs to class teachers. The class teacher performs functions related to the student, class,parents, and psychologist. Each teacher should form a unique personality that has the right to originality, uniqueness, as well as an environment in which the team has special principles, the class should become a second family. Personal qualities of a teacher are one of the main indicators of their professionalism. This gives you the power to recognize mistakes in simple situations, to overcome them, to prove your rights in relationships with colleagues, students, parents, and to violate your rights.

A very important aspect of the personal approach to the formation of students ' decent lifestyle. Students without consultation and guidance from teachers themselves do not understand such a complex concept, so as a goal, the content of the work should be properly explained about the education of a decent lifestyle. [4]

Functions of the class teacher

The class teacher should study the pupil's personality, individual adaptation skills and interests. In this case, the teacher is intended to preserve a favorable environment and a favorable moral and psychological climate for each child in the class. The class teacher should focus on self-education and self-development of the student. The activities of the class teacher include coordinating the activities of subject teachers for the purpose of intellectual and moral development of their students and providing assistance in learning.

The main functions of the classroom teacher's activity are the following: analytical and predictive, organizational and coordination, communication, preventive, protective, and corrective.

Let's look at some of the functions in more detail. Analytical function:

* receiving and processing personal information about students, their level of psychophysical development, social environment and marital status;

* analysis and monitoring of the development of the individual and the team as a whole;

* analysis and objective assessment of the level of education of students;

* research and analysis of the educational potential of teachers working with the class; The forecast function consists of the results of the partial analysis function and consists of:

* forecasting the results of educational impact on students;

* forecasting the level of personal development of students;

* forecasting the process of class formation and its activities;

* creating a model of educational activity in the classroom;

* drawing up a plan of educational work in the classroom.

The organizational and coordinating function is to provide direct or indirect assistance to pupils and consists of::

* assistance in organizing various public works for students;

* assistance to students in the organization of the educational process;

* organizing the work of students ' self-government bodies in order to teach the basic skills of self-organization, responsibility and decision - making;

* assistance in obtaining additional extracurricular education for students;

* creating favorable conditions for self-education and self-development of students;

* students ' work with the school psychologist;

* close communication between students and their families;

* protecting the legal rights and freedoms of students in their class;

* organization of interaction with subject teachers, school psychologists, library staff, and medical professionals.

* encourage and support joint creative and innovative activities of students, parents and teachers. work as a member of the pedagogical Council and at meetings; organization of various extracurricular activities;

* maintenance of class documents, including class registers, Records of participation, maintenance of personal files, plan their work;

* participation in the optimization of material and living conditions for the development of creative activity of students.

Research of children and classes is carried out not only with the help of special psychological techniques, but also with the help of individual conversations, observations, conversations with parents and teachers.

In the course of activity, the class teacher interacts with:

* With subject teachers: the purpose of the educational institution is to jointly develop common pedagogical requirements and approaches to students in the educational process; protect the interests of their students at the pedagogical Council; involve teachers in working with parents; include students in their classes in the system of extracurricular work on subjects.:

* Teacher-psychologist class teacher studies the characteristics of students, their adaptation in society and the process of integration.

* With the teacher-organizer. Having agreed on joint activities, the class teacher engages them in conducting activities within the class, and organizes students ' participation in school-wide activities during extracurricular and vacation time.

* Together with the librarian, the class teacher expands the educational space of students, forms their reading culture and ethical standards.

* The class teacher in their work constantly monitors the health of the students in their class using the information received from medical professionals and educational institutions. [5].

Types of educational work in the activities of the class teacher

Organizes educational work in their free time from school. Children participate in exciting, meaningful educational work at their own request. By its content, leisure activity can be socially significant, that is, contribute to the multi-sided development of the individual (all activities included in extracurricular education), in which all educational activities organized during leisure are objects in which the activity of leisure of teenagers is manifested. Any form of investigative and leisure activities should be educational work.

Structure of educational work

If we consider educational activities as an image of system education, we can distinguish their generalized structure: setting goals, planning; organization and preparation; real implementation of the case; analysis of the results achieved. The variety of forms of extracurricular educational work is constantly supplemented by new forms that correspond to the conditions of school life, which are constantly changing. The basics of their content and methodology consist of popular games and TV programs (KVN, brain-ring, Field of wonders, guess the tune).[6

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