Материалдар / The ways of increasing the level of efficiency and motivation of foreign language in a secondary school
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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The ways of increasing the level of efficiency and motivation of foreign language in a secondary school

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Эта статья посвящается повышению эффективности и уровня мотивации на уроке иностранных языков
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«The ways of increasing the level of efficiency and motivation of foreign language in a secondary school»

Nowadays, English is one of the spread languages in the world. And proficiency of English becomes a key of general, cultural competence and a condition for the formation of logical thinking and knowledge of schoolchildren. Schoolchildren of this century should be able to speak English free and have the communication skills, have translation skills to carry out socialization. The level of their development of communicative skills and technology depends on influences the methodology of teaching a foreign language, exactly English at school. Modern psychologies and teachers are united in the fact that the quality of the performance activities, first of all, depends on the motivation, needs of the individual exactly focused on activity, determination of choosing techniques, ways ordering to achieve the purpose. Motivation is the «trigger mechanism» (I. A Zimnyaya) of all human activity, be it labor, communication or understanding.The most important issue of concern to all teachers is to improve the effectiveness of the lesson because the lesson was and will be the main link of teaching educational process. Exactly in the lesson, pupils get part of the knowledge, homework is one of the important parts, but it is considered secondary role. Nowadays, the English language teachers are finding new opportunities and methods, and at the same time facing new challenges concerning the organization of teaching and control of learning in the global information society. The relevance of this work is determined by the need to go in step with time during the teaching schoolchildren. Lessons, conducting by the teacher, must meet modern education standards. In recent years, significant changes have been made in these standards. A method is a pedagogical science which develops the content of the principles and the method of teaching specific subject. Therefore, all questions of changing the standards will be attributed to it. The main issues in the modern methodology are the formation of interest in a foreign language and the improvement of the methodology itself. Skilful organization of pupil interaction on the basis of educational material becomes powerful factor of improving educational activity's effectiveness in general. The relevance of the above is determined not only by the social order but also by the person's needs for self-determination and self-expression in the conditions of the modern information society. Skills communicate of the teacher in the lesson depends on the moral and psychological attitude to the class, the pupils' mastery of spiritual values ​​and moral norms, the enthusiasm for the subject, the mood of the teacher and pupils, and their mental health, the level of individual and creative development. By communication, psychologists understand a complex, multifaceted process, and the establishment of the development of contacts generated between people, the needs for joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy of impact, perception and understanding of this person. In order to communicate effectively with pupils, we must constantly communicate with them. None of the trainings can replace the live communication with the students; they can only serve as an auxiliary tool for the development of communicative skills. The teacher should stimulate activity, inspire them, and ensure that they do not only understand. What they want from them, but they took the position of a teacher, agreed with it or expressed an opposite point of view, could independently put forward ideas, defend their opinions and act as full partners in communication. Positively to change a lot in relation to pupils to the opinion can the teacher's creative approach to the preparation of the lesson of a foreign language. hypothesis Scientific novelty research determined following provisions of: the modern criterion of evaluating for increasing motivation of pupils, to consolidate the lesson effectively, aspiration to develop the needs of pupil knowledge during the training, active participation of the pupils during the training, form an identity that will be able to participate in intercultural communication, organizing algorithm of lesson plan and the goal set by the student himself under the influence of the society. Practical significance research: proposed requirements to communicative skills in the main types of speech activity: listening, writing, speaking and reading; language tools and skills to use them; socio -cultural awareness; general education and special educational skills. Theoretical significance research is motivating pupils we increase the effectiveness of learning English The aim: to identify the most effective ways, methods and means of increasing the cognitive motivation for learning English by children of secondary school The object: the problem of the education activity's motivation in the psychological and pedagogical literature. The subject: using of stimulating methods in the teaching English to the schoolchildren in secondary stage Objectives:-using the language in the process of the communication -formation of skills and the level of knowledge through motivation-independent work of student for the general increasing of motivation-description and assessment of the initial level of language proficiency-measure and readiness of students to master language- testing pupils and conducting questionnaire, the results which allow to form the personality of pupils. Structure of diploma: the diploma consists of introduction, 3 chapters, conclusion, and list of literature. In introduction we give general information about motivation and how to teach a lesson effectively in secondary sсhools, techniques and methods. The first chapter devoted to theory of pedagogical bases the ways of increasing efficiency, and the level of motivation in teaching foreign language. The second chapter devoted to the analytical part of using methods and techniques to increase the efficiency and the level of motivation, and the third chapter devoted to practical bases of in teaching foreign language. Our President Nazarbayev N. A in Session of the People's Assembly of Kazakhstan said: «The new generation of Kazakhstan should know at least three languages that are fluent in Kazakh, Russian and English. In Europe, multilingualism has become the norm, and we must definitely be in this series. It is hard to talk about real competitiveness of a nation without knowing English. In future, those who live and work are today's schoolchildren, so the level of knowledge of the people of Kazakhstan depends on the teachers. Therefore, the tasks that teachers must perform are difficult»normative The relevance of the problem was determined by the choice because the opportunities and means of teaching the modern school have become much more diverse, which means it became harder to answer the question of how to achieve the maximum effectiveness of the lesson, what method, or how to use it in a given situation. It is necessary for each student to find an approach, to interest him, to unite the group, to create a collective, to cultivate in each pupil a person, without forgetting to instill in children the love of a foreign language. And there are a large number of means with which all this is easy to implement. In my article I will try to answer the most popular and effective methods of working in the lesson. The requirements for foreign language today's lesson. The lesson is a complex set of learning tasks that both as a teacher and classmates, based on a specific, strictly individual situation, the working conditions of a group or a single pupil. Each teacher gradually develops his own style, his favorite techniques of work. What is good for one teacher, it can always be acceptable not for another. But what all good lessons bring together is a competent methodological concept. Without a clear methodological concept, the lesson can turn into chaos, into a random set of exercises and tasks, I will try to list the main points that determine the features of the lesson, its structure, logic, and work methods. Individualization consists of recording and using the individual's reserves of the trainees, their life experience, their outlook, the context of their activity, and their interests, emotions and feelings, and the status of the individual in the collective. There may be some relation to the topic under discussion. It's good if the teacher knows the life circumstances of his pupils and takes them into account when defining the issues under discussion. Does this mean that it is necessary "to adapt to the worldview of students, often very immature and erroneous? There is no teaching of a foreign language, just as learning as a whole, above all, is called upon to develop the social maturity of a person, to prepare him for life in society, to correctly understand the dynamics of his development and the norms of human communication. Given the stereotypes of his pupils, the teacher can overcome them, contribute to a greater social maturity of the ability to adopt a different point of view, become more tolerant or, on the contrary, is more critical. When planning a topic, you must select the problems that this is the most relevant to this group, for the context of their activities; correspond to the level of understanding and knowledge of pupils The lesson of a foreign language is a multi-functional unit of the educational process, where focus on and being implemented all pedagogical impact, there is interactive communication, aimed not only at strengthening the activities of cognitive activities, but also the spiritual and moral evolution of a person. Pupils without motivation to learning just do not exist. Any position of students along with operational components (knowledge, skills) includes the information (motive, interest, and attitude). Motivation is the source of the person's activity and orientation of the individual to objects of reality and phenomena, as a result of which activity arises. External motives, includes the educational activity both positive and negative. Positive motives are due to a sense of duty to their close, imagination of learning as a way to mastering the great values of the culture education. Negatives are caused by threats, punishments by reprimands, abuse, and poor evaluation. Nurtures and sustains motivation, real stage and final success. If there is no success, then the motivation fades, and this negatively affects the performance of the activity. Among the various motives of the pupil occupies a special place the cognitive motive, which is one of the most specific. At the present time, the formation of cognitive motivation is necessary, because it gives to the students a special personality, so that the study of the academic subject acquires an independent value for it. At the heart of cognitive motivation lies an unselfish desire for knowledge, an uncontrollable desire to learn everything new and new. At such motivation pupils can cope with difficulties with a large easily. It should be recognized that the psychological patterns of the development of the motivational sphere and cognitive motivation in particular have not been studied enough. Questions remain unresolved about the patterns formation of cognitive motivation, the correlation of internal and external factors of its development, and the methodology for its formation. As a result of accelerated learning, children sometimes do not aspire to gain new knowledge themselves, but the curiosity of the child is suppressed, children grow sluggish and initiative to learn to obey an adult. The main problem of the study is that while the value of motivation, and especially cognitive in the study of a foreign language, not only does not decrease for all age-related studies in school, on the contrary, it increases. In pedagogical practice, the questions of motivating pupils to study the language are our opinion considered not enough. The formation of motivation is not a «shift» by the teacher into pupil's head of ready-made, out-of –the-way motives and goals of learning. In practice, the formation of the motives of the teaching is the creation of such conditions under which internal motivations (motives, goal, and emotions) will appear to the teaching: awareness by their pupils and further self-development of his motivational sphere. In this case, the teacher does not act as a simple observer of how the motivational sphere of students develops; teacher stimulates its development by system of psychologically thought-out methods. Under the motive which motivates pupils to study means not one but a number of motives of different properties that can be divided into the following groups:-educational and cognitive (interest in learning, desire for knowledge, cognitive need, curiosity, etc.-direct-impelling (brightness, novelty, entertaining, fear of punishment, etc);- perspective- impelling (responsibility, sense of duty). Numerous studies show that in order to form a full-fledged educational motivation, pupils should conduct purposeful work. Educational and cognitive motives that occupy a special place among the groups represented are formed only in the course of active mastering of educational activity.

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