Материалдар / Theme:Animals
Сертификат Аттестацияға 100% жарамды


Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics 5.S.6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair group and whole class exchanges 5.R.2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
17 Қараша 2018
0 рет жүктелген
770 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз
+39 бонус
Бұл не?
Бүгін алсаңыз +39 бонус беріледі Бұл не?
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Батыс Қазақстан облысы, Орал қаласы

Облыстық көру қабілеті бұзылған балаларға

арналған арнаулы мектеп-интенаты

Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Жиесова Н.Ж.

Short- term plan

Long-term plan: Unit 2 Living things

School: Regional special boarding school for children with visual impairment

Date: 18.05.18

Teacher name: Zhiesova Nurlygul Zholdasovna

Grade: 5

Number present:


Lesson title: Animals


Learning objectives

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

5.S.6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair group and whole class exchanges

5.R.2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

define wild and domestic animals

describe animals

narrate about animals

create short text orally using the topical vocabulary

construct dialogue using the appropriate vocabulary

Assessment criteria

- classify wild and domestic animals and classify in group

- choose correct answers and ask questions

- identify true / false statements

- use the information to create short text

- identify the main idea of the text and make up a dialogue

Value links

When learners work in groups they will learn to be polite and respectful to each other, to bring up a personality with high spirituality who lives in peace and harmony with the environment.

( National unity, peace and harmony in our society ‘Mangilik Yel”, 2-3)

Cross curricular links

Biology, natural science

ICT skills

Smart board for showing a presentation

Previous learning

Know the names of animals


Planned timings

Planned activities



2 min

3 min

5 min

(W) Greetings:

Good morning, learners. I am very glad to see you. Sit down, please. What is the date today? What day of the week is it today? What season is it now? What’s the weather like today? Do you like today’s weather? Why do you like today’s weather?

Warm-up Find the animals

On the blackboard has written the letters of animals, students must find animals in this task.







-Very good

(W) Listening

Pre – listening Answer the questions

What animals do you know?

What is your favourite animals?

What other animals do you know?

Let’s listen the sounds that emit animals very attentively and guess what animal makes this sound

While – listening

Learners listen to the sounds attentively and take cards on the table. If they hear the sound of the cat they show the picture.

Post – listening

Sound as your favourite animal. And guess the sounds to other mates


A learner

  • Identify sounds of animals

  • Describe the animals

Divide into groups.

Students find out the theme of the lesson. Then I’ll divide students into 2 groups using the pictures of animals. Who choose domestic animals, you are the first group and who choose wild animals you are the second group.





5 min

8 min

5 min

5 min

7 min

(G) Reading and Speaking

Pre- Reading

Group “Wild animals” do association to the word” “Lion”

Group “Domestic animals” do association to the word” “Mouse”

Пятно 1 3

A lion

Пятно 1 4

A mouse

Descriptor: A learner

  • Write 3 adjectives

  • Write 2 nouns

  • Write 4 verbs

While – reading

Students read the text, pay attention to the lion’s and mouse’s action

The lion and the mouse

A lion is sleeping in his den. A mouse is running near the den. She runs into the lion’s den, jumps on his head and sits on his nose. The lion is angry. He takes the mouse in his strong paw. “What are you doing, silly mouse?”, roars the lion. “I am going to eat you”. The mouse is crying. “Please, don't eat me. Who knows, perhaps one day I can help you”. The lion laughs when he hears it. He thinks it's a joke. How is a little mouse going to help the King of Beasts? However he lets the mouse go and it runs out of the den. Some days later the mouse is running in the forest. She is looking for food. Suddenly she sees the lion in a big net. The net is a trap. “Lie still”, says the mouse to the lion. The mouse begins to chew the net. She is chewing and chewing and chewing. She is making big holes in it. First the lion’s paws are free, then his head and the lion jumps out. He is free. “There”, says the mouse. “You see how a little mouse can help a lion”.

(G) Post-reading

Complete the chart according to the text and divide the verbs relevant to the lion and mouse

Run, sleep, run, chewing, run out, paws, help, do, hears, looking, jumps, lie, see, jump out

A lion

A mouse

(G, I) Differentiation task

Group Wild animals. Choose the correct answer.

1. In his den the lion

a) is jumping. b) is sleeping. c) is eating.

2. The lion is going

a) to kill the mouse. b) to eat the mouse. c) to play with the mouse.

3. The mouse

a) is laughing. b) is running away. c) is crying.

4. When the mouse sees the lion in the net she

a) is running away. b) is laughing. c) is chewing the net.


A learner

  • identifies the correct answer in the test

Group Domestic animals

Read the sentences and write T for True or F for False sentences.

1. The lion and the mouse are good friends. ___

2. The lion kills the mouse. ___

3. The lion is sleeping in the den. ___

4. The mouse helps the lion. ___

5. The lion is free. ___


A learner

  • identifies true and false statements and writes True or False next to the sentences

(G) Speaking

Group WA Make up a short story

Descriptor A learner

  • chooses appropriate words from the text

  • Make up a story connecting the theme using of their imagination

(Прямая соединительная линия 1 P, G) Group DA Role-play. Create a dialogue

Descriptor A learner

  • spells the topic words accurately

  • Define the correct order of the text



Formative assessment

Cards with the text and tasks



3 min

2 min

Feedback. «Train»

On the board there is a train with carriages, on which marked the stages of the lesson, learners should put “funny smile” in such carriage which was very interesting, clear and “sad smile” in such carriage which was not so interesting not clear.

Evaluation Final Self-Assessment Tick “Good”, “Well” or “Bad”

Student’s evaluation card





2 activity






Working with text




Group work

True or false,

right answer




Group work, peer work

Role – play,

short topic




Train picture


Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

  • More support can be given in the reading activity. In this tasks the first group will read the text, answer the question and learners should explain their answers. Find the main idea of the text

  • More able learners can be encouraged with reading the text and answer the questions and providing a point of view and discuss then give their opinions

  • Monitor individual / group work, listen to discussions, check students’ understanding of classroom instructions

  • Through observing how learners do the tasks

  • Using “ Train” for feedback. On the board there is a train with carriages, on which marked the stages of the lesson, learners should put “funny smile” in such carriage which was very interesting, clear and “sad smile” in such carriage which was not so interesting, not clear.

  • For evaluation learners should tick “good”, ”well” or “bad” on learners’ evaluation card.

  • Learners will be safely arranged and seated in front of the monitor away from electrical outlets and cables.

  • Watch the right sit at the desk and for correct lighting

  • Conduct physical activity


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned

differentiation work well?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things can improve the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from the reflection of the learners? (difficulties of individuals or all the learners)

Бөлім: The world of animals and plants

Мектеп: Ш.Т.Еркінов

Күні: 03.04.2017

Мұғалімнің есімі: Н.Бисембаева

СЫНЫП: 5 «а», «ә»

Қатысқандар саны:

Қатыспағандар саны:

Сабақтың тақырыбы:

Plants in Kazakhstan

Сабақ негізделген оқу мақсаты (мақсаттары)

Қазақсатандағы өсімдіктердің түрлері мен өсетін жерлерін, өздеріне тән қасиеттерімен танысады

Сабақ мақсаттары

Барлық оқушылар:

  • Өсімдіктердің түрлерін ағылшынша атай алады

Оқушылардың басым бөлігі:

  • Жаңа сөздерді пайдаланып, сөйлем құрастыра алады

Кейбір оқушылар:

Мәтіндегі бұрыннан таныс сөздерді сөздікке сүйеней, аудара алады.

Тілдік мақсат


  • Өсімдік атауларын қолдана алады, сөздік қоры көбейеді, жаңа сөздерді пайдаланып сөйлем құрастыра алады.

Негізгі сөздер мен тіркестер:

Daіsy-дәстүргүл, dandelion -бақбақ

Сыныптағы диалог/жазылым үшін пайдалы тілдік бірліктер:

  • Discuss the chart that is created. Which is the most popular fruit choice? How do we know?

  • Has every learner’s choice been recorded? How can we check?

  • Ask learners if they can think of other questions that we might have investigated. If ideas are not forthcoming, ‘lead’ the discussion by suggesting – what else could we have put in the basket? What other things could we try, to see if people have favourites? What other questions could we have asked about our fruit basket?

  • Take ideas and ask – What do you think the result might be? What would the pictogram look like?

Талқылауға арналған тармақтар:

Қазақстанда өсетін өсімдіктердің алуан түрлілігі

Сіз неліктен ... екенін айта аласыз ба?

Өсімдіктердің атауларын айта аласыз ба?

Жазылым бойынша ұсыныстар:

Тақырыпқа қатысты презентация, суреттер көрсету, өз бетімен жаңа сөздерді пайдаланып сөйлем құрастыру, постер қорғау

Алдыңғы тақырып

Thе world of animals and plants. Let’s plant flowers.


Жоспарланған уақыт

Жоспарланған жаттығулар (төменде жоспарланған жаттығулармен қатар, ескертпелерді жазыңыз)


І. Ұйымдастыру

Good morning dear children!

-How are you?

Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

-What date is it today?

-What day is it today?

-What season is it now?

-What is the weather like today?

Оқушыларды гүлдер мен жануарлардың аттары жазылған қима қағазды пайдаланып 2 топқа бөлу.

ІІ Үй тапсырмасын тексеру

І, ІІ, ІІІ деңгейлік тапсырмалар арқылы өткен тоқсанда алған білімдерін тексеру.

ІІІ Миға шабуыл


I like flowers that are bright,

I like flowers that are white,

I like flowers with a nice smell,

That blossom in gardens so well.

Өлеңді жатқа айту

-What do you thing what about our new theme?

-What kind of plants are you know


10 мин

Топ басшысы сайланады, бағалау парағы беріледі.

ІІ Үй тапсырмасын тексеру

«Таза тақта» әдісі арқылы өткен тоқсанда меңгерген білімдерін пысықтау

ІІІ Миға шабуыл


I like flowers that are bright,

I like flowers that are white,

I like flowers with a nice smell,

That blossom in gardens so well.

Өлеңді жатқа айту

-What do you thing what about our new theme?

-What kind of plants are you know

Бағалау парағы

Қима қағаздар

Ағылшын тілінен бастауыш сыныптарға арналған тақпақтар жинағы

Орындаған: Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

Тенлисбаева Жибек


25 мин

ІІІ. Жаңа cабақты түсіндіру

Ok, let's begin new lesson. The theme of the lesson «Plants in Kazakhstan» (Қазақстандағы өсімдіктер)

Over six thousand kinds of plants are growing in Kazakhstan (from them 515 - only here).

New words(жаңа сөздер):

Please, open your vocabulary notebooks and write down the new words.

Rose [ rәuz] раушангүл

Tulips [tju:lip] қызғалдақ

Dandelion [dᴂndilaiәn] бақ - бақ

Daisy [‘deizi] – дәстүргүл

Birch [bә:tᶘ]

Snowdrop [snәudrᴐp]

Exercise 2.p.176. Read the text and translate

1 – топ.


It is red. It is spring blooming perennials that grow

from bulbs. I can grow as short as 10 cm or as high as 71 cm. It has 2 or 6 leaves. It is a symbol of Holland. The birthplace of wild tulips is Central Asia. The Karatau mountains in southern Kazakhstan are home to some of the most beautiful flowers.

36 types of tulips are growing in Kazakhstan today. Half of them are listed in the Red Book.


I am blooming early spring. I am perennial flowering plants native to large parts

of Europe. Found in many wood- lands, parks and gardens.

2- топ


It is white, red, pink, yellow, blue and black. It symbolized eternal love, respect, courage and reveal an unconscious beauty. It has been used in herbal and folk medicines. It has long been used in Chinese traditional medicine. It is also symbol of England.


It is rich source of vitamins A.B complex C and D as well as minerals such as iron.

In traditional medicine my roots and leaves were used to treat liver problems.

Exercise 3 p.177. Read the text and complete the chart

(2 топ өздері оқыған мәтін бойынша 2 гулге сипаттама жазып, постер қорғайды.)


What color is it ?

Where does it grow?






Exercise 5 p.177. Talk to your partner. Write the answer

- Do you like flowers?

- Do you plant flowers?

- Do you water them?

- What is your favourite flower?

- Do you have a pot flower at home?

Thank you for your answers

Make up sentences (I, II - деңгей). 1.Asem,spring,plants, flowers,every.

2.The,in, rose, gardens , the, grows.

3.Rose,a, is, of, England , symbol.

Make up words:

Dandelion: lion, Deli, and, an,on,land, etc.

R_se ,t_l_ps, d_ndel_on, da_sy, b_r_h, s_owdr_p, p_t, sme_l, sce_t

Интерактивті тақта, суреттер

Бағалау парағы

Постер, маркер

«Саусақпен бағалау»



10 минут

Conclusion (Бекіту):

Жеке жұмыс. Сөздерді аудармасымен сәйкестендір

Tulip иіс, иісі шығу

Snowdrop хош иіс бақбақ

Rose ыдыс

Dandelion хош иіс

Daisy бәйшешек

Pot қызғалдақ

Smell дәстүргүл

Scent раушангүл

Giving hometask (Үй тапсырмасы):

Thank you very much. We had a very good time at the lesson. You have done many tasks. Please write down your home task for the next lesson.

Үй тапсырмасы: Гүлдерді туралы қосымша ақпарат жинау, жазып келу, жаңа сөздерді жаттау.

Evaluation (Бағалау):

Count your points. I am satisfied with your answers.

Reflection (Кері байланыс)



Білгім келеді:

Қосымша ақпарат

Саралау – Сіз қосымша көмек көрсетуді қалай жоспарлайсыз? Сіз қабілеті жоғары оқушыларға тапсырманы күрделендіруді қалай жоспарлайсыз?

Бағалау - Оқушылардың үйренгенін тексеруді қалай жоспарлайсыз?

Пәнаралық байланыс
Қауіпсіздік және еңбекті қорғау ережелері
АКТ-мен байланыс
Құндылықтардағы байланыс


Сабақ / оқу мақсаттары шынайы ма?

Бүгін оқушылар не білді?

Сыныптағы ахуал қандай болды?

Мен жоспарлаған саралау шаралары тиімді болды ма?

Мен берілген уақыт ішінде үлгердім бе? Мен өз жоспарыма қандай түзетулер енгіздім және неліктен?

Төмендегі бос ұяшыққа сабақ туралы өз пікіріңізді жазыңыз. Сол ұяшықтағы Сіздің сабағыңыздың тақырыбына сәйкес келетін сұрақтарға жауап беріңіз.

What have I learnt?

I have learnt about how to plan the lesson correctly according with the updated curriculum. Then I have learnt how to compose descriptors and criteria. The trainer helped me to formulate the goals of learning more specifically, taking into account differentiation.

What have I known?

I have known about micro-teaching for the fist time at the course. Micro-teaching allowed to acquire practical skills in designing the educational process of the updated curriculum. I have known about feedback and assessment. I want to thanks to the support of our trainer and colleagues. Then I have known that the teacher should speak in the class 20 percent and the student speak 80 percent.

In the future:

In the future, while planning my lessons, I will pay more attention to the learning objectives, lesson objectives, assessment criteria and to the development of differentiated assignments.

Ресми байқаулар тізімі
Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!