Материалдар / Тірі ағзалардың әртүрлілігі пәнінен тест сұрақтары
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Тірі ағзалардың әртүрлілігі пәнінен тест сұрақтары

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
11-сынып оқушыларына тест арқылы есте сақтау қабілетін жақсарту
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
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Бүгін алсаңыз 25% жеңілдік
770 тг 578 тг
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

  1. Green algae grow like symbionts, forming

  1. Lichens

  2. Bacteria

  3. Moss

  4. Club moss

  5. Yeast

  1. Almost all the ……… have a filamentous structure except the yeast cells.

  1. Lichens

  2. Bacteria

  3. Moss

  4. Club moss

  5. Fungi

  1. In all ………………., the cell wall consists of chitin and polysaccharides.

  1. Lichens

  2. Basidiomycota

  3. Sphagnum

  4. Volvox

  5. Chlamydomonas

  1. Are eukaryotic, non-vascular, non-motile and heterotrophic organisms.

  1. Pine

  2. Spruce

  3. Mycota

  4. Moss

  5. Spruce

  1. Single-celled fungi are known as

  1. Yeasts

  2. Ascomycetes

  3. Basidiomycetes

  4. Zygomycetes

  5. Deuteromycetes

  1. They are also called as sac fungi. They can be coprophilous, decomposers, parasitic or saprophytic. Asexual reproduction occurs by conidiospores. Example – Saccharomyces

  1. Deuteromycetes

  2. Yeasts

  3. Zygomycetes

  4. Ascomycetes

  5. Basidiomycetes

7. They are otherwise called imperfect fungi as they do not follow the regular reproduction cycle as the other fungi. They do not reproduce sexually. Asexual reproduction occurs by conidia.

  1. Yeasts

  2. Zygomycetes

  3. Deuteromycetes

  4. Ascomycetes

  5. Basidiomycetes

8. Fungi are formed by the fusion of two different cells. Аsexual spores are known as sporangiospores. The hyphae are without the septa.

  1. Basidiomycetes

  2. Yeasts

  3. Ascomycetes

  4. Zygomycetes

  5. Deuteromycetes

9. This group includes the very tasty morels and truffles.

  1. Yeasts

  2. Zygomycetes

  3. Deuteromycetes

  4. Ascomycetes

  5. Basidiomycetes

10. Rhizopus, Mucor, Basidiobolus, Conidiobolus

  1. Deuteromycetes

  2. Zygomycetes

  3. Ascomycetes

  4. Yeasts

  5. Basidiomycetes

11. A symbiotic association with an autotrophic green alga or cyanobacterium

  1. Spruce

  2. Moss

  3. Lichens

  4. Pear

  5. Fungi

12. Lichens have a thallus consisting of minute, scale-like squamules

  1. Crustose

  2. Globose

  3. Foliose

  4. Fruticose

  5. Squamulose

13. Lichens produce a flat crust on or beneath rock or tree surfaces

  1. Squamulose

  2. Foliose

  3. Globose

  4. Crustose

  5. Fruticose

14. Lichens have a flat, leaf-like structure

  1. Foliose

  2. Crustose

  3. Globose

  4. Squamulose

  5. Fruticose

15. Parmelia physodes is

  1. Globose lichens

  2. Squamulose lichens

  3. Foliose lichens

  4. Crustose lichens

  5. Fruticose lichens

16. Lecanora muralis is

  1. Fruticose lichens

  2. Globose lichens

  3. Foliose lichens

  4. Crustose lichens

  5. Squamulose lichens

17. The source of carageenan and agar , which are used as food thickeners and stabilizers.

  1. Brown Algae.

  2. Red Algae.

  3. Diatoms.

  4. Green Algae.

  5. Yellow Algae.

18. Vaucheria is

A) Synurophyceae.

B) Phaeophyceae.

C) Chrysophyceae.

D) Xanthophyceae.

E) Raphidophyceae.

19. The ___________, or Chlorophyta, occur in freshwater, although some live in the sea.

  1. Brown Algae.

  2. Green Algae.

  3. Red Algae.

  4. Diatoms.

  5. Yellow Algae.

20. The __________ algae, or Rhodophyta, are marine plants that live mainly in shallow waters and deep tropical seas.

  1. Brown Algae.

  2. Green Algae.

  3. Red Algae.

  4. Diatoms.

  5. Yellow Algae.

21. The ____________ algae, or Phaeophyta, are shiny brown seaweeds that are especially abundant along rocky coasts, although some float in the open ocean.

  1. Brown Algae.

  2. Green Algae.

  3. Red Algae.

  4. Diatoms.

  5. Yellow Algae.

22. The ______green algae, or Xanthophyta, primarily occur in freshwater. Сell walls are made of cellulose and pectin compounds that sometime contain silica, they can have two or more flagella for locomotion.

  1. Brown Algae.

  2. Green Algae.

  3. Red Algae.

  4. Yellow Algae.

  5. Diatoms. Cladophora

23. Cladophora is

  1. Red Algae.

  2. Yellow Algae.

  3. Brown Algae.

  4. Golden-brown algae

  5. Green Algae.

24. The colonial shape of the thallus is

  1. Red Algae.

  2. Green Algae.

  3. Yellow Algae.

  4. Brown Algae.

  5. Golden-brown algae

25. Known as the “cellular power plants” because they supply much of the cell’s chemical energy.

  1. Ribosomes

  2. Rough endoplasmic reticulum

  3. Mitochondria

  4. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

  5. Golgi apparatus

26. Plastids of many green algae have prominent proteinaceous granules called paranoids, around which starch is deposited.

  1. Thylakoids

  2. Chloroplasts

  3. Ribosomes

  4. Stgima

  5. Paranoids

27. Аre means of locomotion for the motile cells of algae, found in all divisions except Rhodophyta

  1. Flagellum

  2. Thylakoids

  3. Chloroplasts

  4. Stgima

  5. Paranoids

28. The main body of most fungi is made up of fine, branching, usually colourless threads called

  1. Thylakoids

  2. Hyphae

  3. Flagellum

  4. Stgima

  5. Paranoids

29. The hyphae of most fungi are divided into cells by internal walls called

  1. Rhizoid

  2. Flagellum

  3. Stgima

  4. Septa

  5. Paranoids

30. sporocarp is

  1. Hyphae without septa

  2. The multicellular structure on which spore-producing structures form in fungi.

  3. Body of a fungus; consists of a mass of threadlike filaments

  4. Internal walls that divide the hyphae of most fungi.

  5. Hyphae that are divided into cells.

31. А complex polysaccharide, a polymer of N-acetylglucosamine, found in the exoskeletons of arthropods and in the cell walls of fungi; thought to be responsible for some forms of asthma in humans

  1. Glucan

  2. Ergosterol

  3. Glucose

  4. Chitin

  5. Starch

32. Тhis process, the mycelium breaks into two or more similar fragments either accidentally or due to some external force.

  1. Budding

  2. Mitosis

  3. Meiosis

  4. Apoptosis

  5. Fragmentation

33. They are flagellated, motile spores produced inside structures. These spores do not have a cell wall. Such spores are produced in lower fungi such as Saprolegnia

  1. Zoospores

  2. Sporagiospores

  3. Chlamydospores

  4. Conidia

  5. Oidia

34. These are spore like structures formed by the breaking up of hypha cells. Such spores are produced in Rhizopus.

  1. Zoospores

  2. Sporagiospores

  3. Chlamydospores

  4. Conidia

  5. Oidia

35. These are non-motile spores produced singly or in chains at the tip of the hypha branches that are called conidiophores. Such spores are produced in fungi like Aspergillus and Penicillium.

  1. Zoospores

  2. Conidia

  3. Sporagiospores

  4. Chlamydospores

  5. Oidia

36. These are thick walled resting spores which arise directly from hyphal cells.

  1. Zoospores

  2. Conidia

  3. Sporagiospores

  4. Chlamydospores

  5. Oidia

37. These are non-motile spores produced inside structures in fungi such as Rhizopus and Mucor.

  1. Zoospores

  2. Conidia

  3. Sporagiospores

  4. Chlamydospores

  5. Oidia

38. Sexual spores are

  1. Sporangiospores

  2. Ascospores

  3. Aplanospores

  4. Zoospores

  5. Conidia,

39. Asexual spores are

  1. Oospores

  2. Zygospores

  3. Ascospores

  4. Basidiospores

  5. Aplanospores

40. The structure of mosses does not include

  1. Inflorescence

  2. Stalk

  3. Capsule

  4. Sporophyte

  5. Gametophyte

41. Lower Fundi is:

  1. Agaricus

  2. Saprolegnia

  3. Pencillium

  4. Aspergillus

  5. Fusarium

42. Sac Fungi is:

  1. Agaricus

  2. Saprolegnia

  3. Mucor

  4. Aspergillus

  5. Fusarium

43. Club Fungi is:

  1. Agaricus

  2. Saprolegnia

  3. Mucor

  4. Aspergillus

  5. Fusarium

44. А group of non-mycelial or pseudomycelial ascomycetes which multiply asexually by budding or fission and where asci are not organised into ascocarps.:

  1. Agaricus

  2. Yeasts

  3. Mucor

  4. Aspergillus

  5. Fusarium

45. А symbiosis of at least two quite different organisms

  1. Mosses

  2. Lycopodium

  3. Cherry

  4. Lichen

  5. Gymnosperms

47. Mycelium that is divided into discreet cells by cell walls that are laid down at regular intervals along the length of the mycelium. These cell walls are called

  1. Volva

  2. Cap

  3. Septa

  4. 578тг - Сатып алу
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