Материалдар / Types of Holidays

Types of Holidays

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
All learners will be able to: identify speaker’s purpose and tone. Most learners will be able to: discuss and respond to content of a reading or listening passage. Some learners will be able to: present information using digital tools
26 Мамыр 2023
0 рет жүктелген
Материал тегін
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Theme of the lesson:.


Holidays and Travel

Teacher’s name:

Sadiyarova M.A.



Grade: 6А

Number present: 22 absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Types of Holidays

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics curricular topics; give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics;

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to: identify speaker’s purpose and tone.

Most learners will be able to: discuss and respond to content of a reading or listening passage.

Some learners will be able to: present information using digital tools.

Assessment criteria

-say the phrases in mother language.

- tell to the class like/dislike holidays

Value links

Ss will respect each other during the lesson without interrupting each other while somebody expressing thoughts or opinions.

Cross curricular links


ICT skills

PPT, Video, the use of whiteboard

Previous learning

Ss know the name of places and holidays from 5th grade


Part of the lesson/Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson


6 мин.

Organization moment :


2. Organization moment.

Listen and repeat. What are these words/phrases in your language.


Take photographs

Send postcards

Swim in the sea

Buy souvenirs

Sit by the pool

Stay at a hotel/in a tent

Go sightseeing

Visit museums

Go to the beach

Go skiing

Eat local dishes


Play in the snow

Enjoy nature

Ss say and discuss in mother language

The aim: build a general comprehension to start the new theme.

Efficiency: know the topical phrases and define the meaning of the phrases.

Feedback with the method: “The Praise”.

You are right”



Excel 6. Student’s book.

Page 65, Ex. 1



Individual work.

10 min.

Oral Presentation

Divide into three groups

Sguare Stars Triagle Which of the following do you like doing while on holiday? Tell your partner.


Take photographs

Send postcards

Swim in the sea

Buy souvenirs

Sit by the pool

Stay at a hotel/in a tent

Go sightseeing

Visit museums

Go to the beach

Go skiing

Eat local dishes


Play in the snow

Enjoy nature

What transport do you prefer?

The safest

The cheapest

The best

The worst

Ss tell to the class actions that they like to do.

Aim: deliver an effective oral presentation.

Efficiency: reflect on and evaluate learning and performance, and set goals for progress.


For the less able Ss Teacher shows examples: I like beach holidays. I usually go to the beach, sunbathe and swim in the sea.I like travelling by car because it is very cheap.


-read the phrases

-tell to the class.

1 point.

Feedback with the method: “The Praise”.

You are right”



Excel 6. Student’s book.

Page 65, Ex. 2


Middle of the lesson

Individual work.


5 min.

Look at the pictures and match them with the words below.

Work in group


All Ss understand the task and less able Ss work with the help of dictionary and more able Ss do the task correctly. This task differentiated by the time management.

Ss understand the instruction and match the pictures and words.

Aim: infer meanings of unfamiliar words.

Efficiency: identify specific details.

The book of progress”

Well done, you math the correct items, but practice on pronunciation.

Excel 6. Work book.

Page 44, Ex. 1

Individual work.

Fill in”

10 min.

Fill in the correct verb from the list.

Visit Stay Take

Send Swim Relax

Eat Go Sit

This year, Jenny is going to spend her holiday by the sea. During her holiday:

She is going to …..

1)…. in the sea all morning

2) …. local dishes

3) …. photographs

4) … by the pool

5) …. at a hotel by the sea.

She isn’t going to …

6) …postcards to her friends

7) … sightseeing

8) …. Museums

Jenny feels so tired, so during her holiday she just wants to 9) …… and enjoy the sunshine.

Ss fill the sentences and read to the class.

Aim:  understand and apply the conventions of academic writing in English.

Efficiency: write effective and coherent paragraphs.


Less able Ss work with more able to build the general comprehension. Fill the sentences with the help of strong Ss.


- understand the text

-fill the sentences

Total: 1point


The book of progress” method.

Great you can fill the sentences correctly and say without mistakes, but you forgot to use the topical words.


Work Book


Exercise 3. page 44

Individual work.


6 min

Teacher asks Ss to say about their dream places where they want to travel.

Ss discuss the theme and step by step try to say about their dream places.

Aim: deliver an effective oral presentation.

Efficiency: present information using digital tools.

Feedback with the method: “The Praise”.

You are right”




End of the lesson.

Individual work:

8 min.


At the end of the lesson, students reflect on their learning. Students should match the words in column b to form collocations.


1) Famous

  1. dishes

2) Crown


3) High

c. street

4) Local

d. jewels

5) luxurious

e. hotel

Ss match the words and collocations.

Aim: define how many Ss understand the theme.

Efficiency: produce accurate grammatical forms.


The book of progress” method.

Very well, you define the words and collocations, but there are some mistakes. Work on your mistakes



DIFFERENTIATION – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

ASSESSMENT – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety rules

During the lesson some tasks differentiated by outcomes of the students and by their abilities.

All learners identify speaker’s purpose and tone.

Most learners discuss and respond to content of a reading or listening passage.

Some learners present information using digital tools.

Reflection at the end of the lesson and teacher summary provides support for progress and achievement, and challenge to thinking and setting future objectives.

During the activity teacher after each right answer gives feedback with the method: During the activity teacher after each right answer gives feedback with the method: “The Praise”.

You are right”



The book of progress” method.

Very well, you define the words and collocations, but there are some mistakes. Work on your mistakes

Provide some physical exercises for learners


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all learners achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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