Материалдар / UNT 2017 in Kazakhstan (changes, new format, objects, etc.)
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UNT 2017 in Kazakhstan (changes, new format, objects, etc.)

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03 Маусым 2018
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PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICSЗүлпия Темірхан, Шахарзат Құттықожаева(Kazakhstan, Kokshetau)

UNT 2017 in Kazakhstan(changes, new format, objects, etc.)

Unified national testing is a system for assessing the knowledge of graduates, applied in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The results of UNT are recognized by organizations of secondary general education as the results of final state certification, and colleges, universities - as the results of admission examinations. UNT is also a serious psychological test.Keywords: Test, graduate, education, school, subject, score.The main question that worries all students in their final year in Kazakhstan and their parents is UNT 2017. How to pass graduation and entrance exams in 2017 in Kazakhstan? Cancel any of the UNT in Kazakhstan in 2017? What items will need to pass graduates and alumni? When will be exams and will remain the same whether the passing score? Recently the Minister of education and science voiced the answers to all these questions. So, UNT-2017: new format, items, passing score and recent changes – all this in our article. UNT 2017: LATEST NEWS, CHANGES, NEW FORMAT That UNT 2017, Kazakhstan will undergo changes, said a long time ago. The main argument was that not all graduates pass the test (so, for example, in 2016, the test was attended by 77% of graduates). So, consider UNT equivalent final assessment for the course in high school, and on the basis of its results to evaluate the quality of secondary education in the whole of Kazakhstan is impossible.As explained at the briefing Yerlan Sagadiyev, the Minister of education and science of Kazakhstan, in 2017, the graduation and entrance exams will be held separately.Final assessment – exams for allAt school, all graduates will pass the final examination, which will include 4 compulsory subjects and 1 optional: language learning (KAZ. yaz. or Russ. Jaz) and literature (exam – essay of 250-300 words, time – 3 hours, you can choose to be 1 of 3 proposed order); algebra and beginning of analysis (in writing, time limit is 5 hours); history of Kazakhstan (the oral examination of the tickets, each with 2 questions and a work plan); target language (Kazakh in schools with Russian, Uigur, Uzbek, or Tajik language, Russian in schools with Kazakh language of teaching; form of the exam – the testing time – 80 minutes, 40 test items: 1 unit – vocabulary, and grammar, 2 – listening, 3 – reading); exam optional student: foreign language (English, French, German), physics, chemistry, geography, biology, geometry, computer science, world history or literature (the format of the exam – the testing time – 80 minutes test with 40 problems).These exams will be held in schools. Based on the results of the final certification of graduates will give a paper on secondary education "Altyn belgi".

UNT 2017: what changes and how it will give up?UNT in 2017 will take only those who decided to continue education in universities of Kazakhstan. If the graduate school has decided not to go to College or to enroll in a University abroad, UNT he may not go.The mechanism of UNT remains the same, and that the new format of UNT 2017, it will comprise of 2 blocks – mandatory variable (depending on the chosen specialty and the profile of the University).UNT 2017 "covers the" 5 items. In the mandatory block consists of 3 items. Each block will be 20 tasks:
  • history of Kazakhstan;
  • mathematical literacy;
  • reading literacy (includes testing of ability to compare, generalize, to compare).
With the relevant items in the IOC RK decided to do the following. All 175 majors were divided into 10 pairs of objects:1. mathematics and physics;2. mathematics and geography;3. history and geography;4. biology and chemistry;5. biology and geography;6. foreign language and history;7. the language of instruction and literature and history;8. geography and a foreign language;9. chemistry and physics;10. history and People. Society. Right.Separately there is a creative test that is primary in some professions (e.g., journalism).UNT in core subjects involves 2 blocks of 30 assignments. 20 of them are from the tests select 1 answer from 5, even 10 jobs is also a test, but will need to choose several correct answers from those that will be offered.It is easy to count, a total of 120 jobs. To execute all tests will be given 3.5 hours.The maximum score that can be obtained by all right – 140 (for multiple-choice answer is given 2 points).A passing grade on the UNT 2017 is still the same as before – 50 points.The sample tests in the month of December will be posted on the website of the Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan, and also on the website of the National testing center (NTC). So that graduates can start preparing for exams well in advance!

  • "Journal of scientific publications graduate and doctoral students" No. 8, 2017 page No. 27
  • Мathematics in the scientific school of theoretical and methodical journal 6/2016 page 12

СВЕДЕНИЯ ОБ АВТОРАХ:1) Темірхан Зүлпия Пахірдінқызы2) Кокшетауский государственный университет им. Ш.Уалиханова Республика Казахстан3) Магистрант кафедры физики и математики, 2015-2017 г.г.4) 8 778 337 27275) zuli4_ka_93@mail.ru6) НУЖЕН7) о конференции узнала в научном отделе университета

1) Құттықожаева Шахарзат Нуртаевна2) Доктор физико-математических, профессор3) Кокшетауский государственный университет им. Ш.Уалиханова Республика Казахстан4) Профессор кафедры физики и математики5) 6) 7) НУЖЕН8) о конференции узнала от коллег

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