Материалдар / USA and Kazakhstan
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспарларын

жүктеп алғыңыз келеді ма?
ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

USA and Kazakhstan

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Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
13 Мамыр 2021
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Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және ғылым министрлігі

Оңтүстік Қазақстан облысының білім басқармасы

гуманитарлық агроэкономикалық колледжі

Келісілді Бекітемін

Колледж әдіскері

________Ш.Дарменова Бекітемін

Директордың оқу ісі

жөніндегі орынбасары



Пәні: Ағылшын тілі

Тақырыбы:Holidays, traditions and customs in the USA and Kazakhstan


Оқытушы:Бейсенбиева С

Тобы: Топ аралық

«Жалпы білім беру пәндері бірлестігінің» отырысында қаралған

__ «__» _____2019 ж

Бірлестік төрағасы:____ А.Азимханова

(қолы) (аты-жөні)


Дәрістің тақырыбы: Holidays, traditions and customs in the USA and Kazakhstan

Дәрістің мақсаты: The aims of the lesson:

Educational: to advance students’ knowledge about Kazakh traditions and customs, to activate the students' speaking abilities about customs and traditions of our country, to teach students to search and learn necessary materials themselves; to acquaint student`s with Holidays and traditions in Kazakhstan; to consolidate and generalize knowledge of students on the theme “Holidays and traditions in Kazakhstan”; to enrich students’ knowledge in all spheres of country study; to widen their vocabulary through doing different tasks.

Developing: to develop pupils' monologue speech, oral speech; to improve their logical thinking, critical thinking; to develop pupils’ speaking, reading, writing, listening comprehension abilities through giving several tasks; to develop the students’ interest in the subject of English.

Upbringing: to bring up students to love, respect and keep traditions and customs of Kazakhstan; to develop their pride of their native country, respect and love of the foreign language; to bring up patriots of their Motherland through to known holidays, customs and traditions of their country.

Білімділік:Оқушылардың білім білік дағдысын қалыптастыру,алған білімін тереңдету;

Тәрбиелік: Оқушыларды, төзімділікке,байсалдылыққа,шыншылдыққа,ұқыптылыққа әрбір істі саналы түрде орындауға тәрбиелеу

Дамытушылық:Оқушылардың ой өрісін жан жақта ойлау кабілеттерін дамыту.

Дәрістің түрі:сайыс сабақ

Оқыту әдісі:интерактивті әдіс,түсіндіру,сұрақ жауап,топтық жұмыс.

Көрнекіліктер: интерактивті тақта,оқулықтар,плакаттар,слайдтар,кеспе қағаздар.

Пән аралық байланыс:Қазақ тілі,орыс тілі

Қолданылатын әдебиеттер:Basic English Джанабаева К English Starcov a.p.

І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі:3 мин

ІІ. Үй тапсырмасын сұрау:20 мин

ІІІ. Жаңа сабақ:15 мин

ІV. Жаңа сабақты бекіту:25мин

VІ. Сабақты қорытындылау:10 мин

VІІ. Оқушыларды бағалау:2 мин

VІІІ. Үйге тапсырма беру;5 мин

Дәрістің құрылымы мен мазмұны

І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі: I. Organization moment-3 мин
1. Greeting
Good afternoon, students!
I’m glad to see you.
Take your seats, please. 
1. Сәлемдесу ,оқушыларды түгелдеу, дәрісхана тазалығын тексеру, оқушылардың сабаққа дайындығын бақылай отырып, зейінін сабаққа аудару.Open your copybooks and write down today’s date and theme.

2. Өткен білімдерге сүйене отырып, оқу әрекетін дамыту

Theme of the lesson: Holidays, traditions and customs in the USA and Kazakhstan

Children, we are having guests today. Let’s greet our friends. Well, and now let’s get down to our work. As you know, the main topic of our conversation is “Holidays, traditions, customs in Kazakhstan”.
ІІ. Үй тапсырмасын сұрау: 20 мин

Checking up the home task

1. Өткенді қайталау сұрақтары, тапсырма сұрақтары және т.б.


ІІІ. Жаңа сабақ: 15 мин1 The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan protects the right to access to kindergarten. 2 Primary school in Kazakhstan starts at age 6. 

3 The curriculum for both primary and secondary school is established by the Ministry of Health. 

4 Primary and secondary schools together comprise 11 years of classes are compulsory in our republic. 

5 Nine years of classes are compulsory in our republic. 
Now I shall give you the text about the Holidays, traditions and customs of Kazakhstan. 2. Introducing with the theme and aims of the lesson.
­ Today we are going to have an unusual lesson, lesson –competition. The game –Auction. 
The word “Auction” means to sell smth. You have to buy question by answering it. For every 
right answer you will have one point and at the end of the competition we shall summarize

Жаңа тақырыптың мақсатын хабарлау және оның жоспарымен таныстыру

1 Оқушылардың білім білік дағдысын қалыптастыру,алған білімін тереңдету;

2. Оқушыларды, төзімділікке,байсалдылыққа,шыншылдыққа,ұқыптылыққа әрбір істі саналы түрде орындауға тәрбиелеу

3. Оқушылардың ой өрісін жан жақта ойлау кабілеттерін дамыту.

Дәрістің түрі:сайыс сабақ Студенттерді екі топқа бөлу; USA and Kazakhstan

Бірінші Қазақстан коммандасы ағылшын тілінде салт дәстүрлері халқы жайлы өз білгендері

жайлы айтып өтеді,


Kazakhstan Holidays

Kazakhstan is a large multinational country which is rich with its both old traditions and new ones acquired for the period of Independence. The Republic of Kazakhstan observes international holidays such as New Year, 8 March but it also has holidays specific only for this country such as Unity Day, Capital Day etc.

All the holidays of Kazakhstan may be divided into national, state and professional ones. The national holidays are held in honor of the events having a special historical importance for the development of independent Kazakhstan. Celebration of the national holidays is accompanied with holding of official events. Such holiday is considered Independence Day of Kazakhstan.

The state holidays are devoted to the events having social and political importance, they also include traditional Kazakh holidays. This category of the holidays includes New Year, 8 March, Nauryz, Unity Day, Capital  Day, Constitution Day etc.

In addition to these holidays Kazakhstan has another type of holidays – professional ones celebrated by some categories of citizens:

Fatherland Defender’s Day – 7 May 
• Political Repression Victims Memory Day -31 May 
• The Republic of Kazakhstan National Symbols’ Day – 4 June 
• Police Day – 23 June 
• Health Professionals’ Day (third Sunday of June) 
• Press, Television and Radio Day (last Sunday of June) 
• Diplomatic Service Day - 2 July 
• Tax Service Day – 6 July 
• Metal-Maker’s Day (third Sunday of July) 
• Transport and Communication Workers’ Day (first Sunday of August) 
• Builders’ Day – (second Sunday of August) 
• Sports Day (third Sunday of August) 
• Miner’ Day (last Sunday of August) 
• Knowledge Day – 1 September

The holidays of national and state nature are days off for the whole Kazakhstan population. These days Kazakhstan holds open-air merrymaking and official events. Various festive events and festive concerts with participation of both Kazakhstan and foreign stars are arranged for the country’s population.









international holiday

международный праздник

халықаралық мереке


national holiday

национальный праздник

ұлттық мереке


state holiday

государственный праздник

мемлекеттік мереке


professional holiday

профессиональный праздник

кәсіби мереке













b)Guess the holidays and complete the names of the holidays.

1. People see at midnight on the 31 of December and they greet with champagne and watch TV or listen to the radio, beating 12 o’clock. The first holiday of the year is………Day. 2. The day when men give presents to women and when men are supposed to do everything about the house and cook all the meals. 3. Traditionally this holiday is celebrated in Muslim countries though this holiday has never been purely religious one and contained none of canonic elements whatsoever. It is a very important holiday for Kazakhs, which marks the beginning of a new year in spring. 4. On the 9th May 1945, the Soviet Army and its allies completely defeated the German fascists and the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War ended. The greatest holiday in our country is ……. 5. The day when all nations and nationalities have festivals. 6. This holiday is a holiday of sacrifice. Muslims who have material possibility sacrifice a sheep. Meat of sacrificing sheep is divided into three parts. One part is dispensed to poor men, the second as a present, and the third is reserved as a meal. On this day Muslims also gather in mosques for holiday praying. After that they congratulate and visit each other too. The holiday lasts three days. These both are great holidays of Muslims. We celebrate them because the majority of Kazakh people are Muslims.  7. In this day celebrations dozens of various concerts, festivals, competitions and shows. In this day our president celebrates birthday. 8. Long time Kazakhstan was under the domination of the Russian Empire. The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Key: 1. (New Year’s) 2. (Women Day) 3. (Nauryz) 4. (Victory Day) 5. (Unity Day) 6.  Kyrban ait (Kyrban bairam) 7. (Day of the Capital)  8. (Independence Day)  

c)True and False

1 You may always get a cup of tea or kumiss when you visit Kazakh family. 2 Children don’t learn hospitality from young age in Kazakhstan. 3 When you tell someone important news in Kazakhstan you may get a present. 4 During hard work nobody help each other in Kazakhstan. 5 Zhylu is a special tradition of helping people in difficult situation. 6 Betashar is a tradition connected with the first step of a child. 7 There are no traditions connected with children. 8 Kazakh wedding lasts 40 days.

True or False. 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 F 8 T

d)Name these traditions in our country 

  • Betashar”

  • Kudalyk”

  • Tusau kesu”

  • Besikke salu”

  • Salemdesu”

  • Bata beru”


Basic Word Order

English word order is strict and rather inflexible. As there are few endings in English that show person, number, case and tense, English relies on word order to show relationships between words in a sentence.

The word order in negative sentences is the same as in affirmative sentences. Note, however, that in negative sentences we usually need an auxiliary verb:



indirect object

direct object




will not tell


the story

at school


Exercises on English Word Order

1.our holiday / will / at home / we / not / spend / next year

We will not spend our holiday at home next year.

2.did / I / him / see / not / last night / at the disco

3.to a party / not / we / tonight / going / are

4.will / a letter / not / next week / send / you / she

5.not / the truth / did / he / tell / you

6.to the cinema / we / want / not / do / tonight / to go

7.play / in the bar / did / he / last week / not / the piano

8.not / now / she / in England / is

9.eat / in winter / ice-cream / do / not / I

10.right now / have / not / we / time / do

Kazakh Traditions and Holidays

Nowadays we live in the independent state of Kazakhstan that is why our holidays are different from those that we had in the soviet period of our history. We don’t have any longer most of Soviet holidays dealing with communist ideology like the First of May and the Seventh of November .On the contrary now we have many new holidays that returned from the past.

The most popular holiday in Kazakhstan is Nauruz, the ancient holiday of spring, the oriental New Year. Nauruz, the modern Kazakh word for NEW YEAR, comes from Persian '”nau-new, ruz-year”'. Before that New Year was called ”Ulys kuni”' meaning tribe or clan day. The beginning of the year is announced by the appearance of greenery. The patient resistance to the winter hardships has come to an end, and now, with the coming of spring it is time to participate in the life -giving festival. The main ritual dish is nauryz-kozheh. Nauruz -kozheh always includes seven ingredients, signifying the seven life beginnings- water, meat, salt, fat, flour, cereal and milk. They symbolize joy, luck, wisdom, health, wealth, speed growth and Heavenly protection.

Education in Kazakhstan

The education in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages -Kazakh and Russian. The constitution prohibits any discrimination on the basis of language and guarantees equal rights in education regardless of nationality. Secondary education is compulsory in Kazakhstan. Children start school at the age of 7 and finish at 17 as a rule a child attends the school, located in the neighborhood. However, in big cities there are so -called special schools, offering deeper studies of the major European languages(French, English, German) or the advanced courses in physics and mathematics and children, attending one of these may have to commute from home.

Education in Kazakhstan has until recently been free on all levels. College students with good marks are rewarded with stipend. The government subsidized all institutions of higher learning. Now that the country is changing to a market place economy, the system of education is also bound to undergo profound changes. In 1990 the first private school appeared in Almaty. Today there are more than 200 private secondary and high schools in the country. For the last two years the number of non-government higher education institutions has increased twice. The work of private institutions is evaluated by a special accreditation commission, which gives out a special license. Today the young people of the Kazakhstan have the opportunity to choose and acquire various types of education and build their lives according to their ambitions.

University education in Kazakhstan

Secondary education is compulsory in our country. Citizens of Kazakhstan have the right to education, which is guaranteed by the Constitution. Nowadays thousands of young men and women enter Universities and Institutes. After finishing secondary school some people can continue their studies to get higher education. All applicants take competitive examinations. Rectors head higher educational establishments. Vice -rectors are in charge of the academic and scientific process. Deans head the faculties. There are chairs (departments) within faculties.

Traditional customs in Kazakhstan

Kazakh culture and national traditions

Zharys Kasan is a celebration on behalf of a long-expected and desired baby. Children have always been highly prized by the Kazakhs. Kazakhs have always been known as a very generous people. For example, when an unexpected guest came to the house, the host would often butcher the only horse he owned in honor of the visitor. The same practice might be followed if the household was blessed with a child.

A second celebration of new life in the Kazakh tradition was called the Shildekhana, and this gathering also included the participation of many young people. All participants donned their best clothes and rode their horses to the event if they had one. Others rode their bulls, and sang songs en route to the celebration. Elders came to give a "Bata", or blessing. Invited participants ate, had fun, and sang songs to the tune of the dombra, a traditional two-stringed instrument. Young people playing this instrument were expected to compose and improvise songs during the singing.

During the Shildekhana, the godmother sliced the boiled fat from a sheep's tail and put it in the baby's mouth. In this way it was believed that the baby would learn how to suck. And the baby who was trained in such a manner was believed would never have stomach trouble.

Besik Toi
The arrival of new birth, whether it be of a foal, calf, or baby also involved another celebration called Besik Toi. For babies, the tradition of Besikke Salu was practiced and involved placing the baby in the cradle for the first time. Special foods are prepared, and all the relatives, neighbors, and nearby children are invited. Guests to the feast brought "Shashu," or candies, kurts, and coins. The baby's cradle is made by a special master carver. Only women who have conceived their own children are allowed to place babies in their cradles, and any woman who would place a friend's baby in this place of honor must sew and present a new itkoiiek to the baby's mother.

The symbolism of the cradle is important in Kazakh tradition, which may be one reason that the Kazakhs often call their native place "Golden Cradle." When a mullah would be present for the Besik Toi, he would shout the baby's new name into his ears. And in ancient times, seven items - including a whip, a bridle, a fur coat, and a blanket would be placed in the cradle. Each of these items meant something to the family. A bridle and a whip signified family hopes that the baby might ride a horse, be brave or even become a batyr.

Tusau Kesu
After the baby's cradle and crawling stage, the scene is set for another celebration: when the baby begins to walk for the first time. Wealthier parents would butcher a cow for this celebration; less wealthy parents, a sheep. For the ceremony, black and white thread was prepared in advance to tie the baby's legs. The mother would ask one of the more energetic woman first to bind the baby; and then to cut the string. In this way the baby's first step would be toward his mother. Everybody would then wish the family great success for the baby's future. Here the reader might ask a question: Why use black and white thread instead of red or green? White is symbolized in this case to mean hopes for success without any obstacles. Black and white is associated with the concept of honesty, even to the level of taking a thread which does not belong to you. Cutting of such a thread meant if you see a person stealing something or an unpleasant situation, the watcher should try immediately to intervene.

Sundet toi (Circumcision)
If the baby was a boy, four or five was the age for circumcision and another toi. It was one of the remarkable days of a boy's life. Again relatives and friends of the family gathered, ate, and had fun. All the above mentioned traditions, except Sundet, were celebrated in honor of both son and daughter. From this point on we'll talk about boys and girls upbringing separately, because a son's upbringing was accomplished by the father, and a daughter's by the mother.

Mounting Ashamai
Boys until the age of seven were believed to be too prone to injury for aiding their families. After this age they were increasingly encouraged to imitate their fathers, taking a stick and pretending to ride a horse, and watching how their fathers led the cattle to grazing. An ashamai is a kind of a saddle. It was made of wood according to the boys size. On the front and the back it had support or backing, but it had no stirrup. There was a soft pillow inside. The father put the ashamai on a horse and t

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