Материалдар / Using "Learning in cooperation" technique in developing speaking skills at the intermediate level of teaching
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Using "Learning in cooperation" technique in developing speaking skills at the intermediate level of teaching

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Using "Learning in cooperation" technique in developing speaking skills at the intermediate level of teaching

In connection with the tendencies of the modern educational process, an English teacher is faced with the task of forming universal learning activities. Students must learn independently get new knowledge, skills and competencies. In this regard, communicative universal learning activities act as an important component in the development of the ability to establish necessary contacts with people around and coordinate actions with the opinion of the companions. Communicative universal learning activities occupy an important place in the learning process of intermediate level of students, for whom interpersonal communication becomes the leading activity.

As S. L. Soloveitchik says: “Our life is a general work with many people, spiritual and spiritual cooperation. Education is a cooperation with children, for which adults are responsible.” [2], one of these pedagogical technologies is cooperative learning. The main task of this technology is to organize active joint educational activities of students in different study situations, to promote social adaptation of students, the formation and development of communication skills and intellectual skills of critical thinking.

The teacher’s role in such lessons is enormous: he/she has to build a lesson in order to transfer part of his/her functions to students, find reasons for failures, use problematic forms of education, show students assessment criteria and self-assessments, track the real growth of each student’s knowledge, teach correct forms of expression, create atmosphere of cooperation and a good psychological climate.

E.I. Passov, characterizing the organizing activities of foreign language teacher, drew attention to the fact that "to master foreign language communication by students, their joint group activities are insufficient when the work of one does not depend on the work of the other. The teacher should be able to organize a collective activity in which the work of all is interdependent."[3]

Collective learning methods are activities that require a creative approach to the material and create optimal conditions for students to work independently: role-playing, business games, various kinds of discussions, creative projects, work with sources. The experience of incorporating such learning technologies into foreign language classes proves their effectiveness, they encourage students to creatively rework their learned material in the personal and activity-oriented orientation of the learning process. The used techniques contribute not only to mastering the system of linguistic knowledge, but also the development of the personality of the student, the disclosure of his creative abilities, independent thinking.

Questions of academic work, based on the direct interaction of students, in national didactics were studied by Kh.I. Liymets (“group work”), V.A. Petrovsky (“joint educational activity”), I.M. Cheredov (“collective work”), V.V. Rubtsov, G.A. Zuckerman (“collective-distributed activity”), M.D. Vinogradova I.B. Pervin (“collective cognitive activity”), V.K. Dyachenko, A.G. Rivin (“collective learning method”) and others. The authors use different terms to refer to the same phenomenon, namely, the joint educational-cognitive activity (collective activity) of students in the classroom and out of the classroom. The usage of joint educational-cognitive activity in teaching a foreign language requires consideration o f the specifics of the subject. Nevertheless the usage of “learning in cooperation” in a foreign language lesson still requires technological elaboration and in accordance with the requirements of the time considering the principles of personality oriented learning. In view of this, we turned to the pedagogical technology of learning in cooperation (cooperative learning), which makes it possible to consider the specifics of teaching a foreign language and the principles of personality oriented learning.

History of origin and essence of "Cooperative Learning" technique

To better understand the cooperation, should be acquainted with the history of this method. Thousands of years ago, the Talmud asserted that to understand, one must teach the other. Socrates, for example, trained students in cooperation, drawing them into a dialogue with his famous “art of discussion”. As early as the I century, Quentillian argued that students could acquire knowledge mainly by learning from each other. In turn, Seneca, the Roman philosopher, when he defended cooperation, said: "When you teach, you learn twice." Jan Amos Kamensky believed that students would have benefit both from what they learn and from telling what they teach other students. [4, p.50].

At the end of the XVIII century, Joseph Lancaster and Andrew Bell widely used cooperative learning in England and India to conduct education in the "mass"; the Lancaster School was opened in New York in 1806. This system was embodied in the so-called Bel-Lancaster peer learning system. The essence of this system was that the older students from the beginning under the guidance of the teacher themselves studied the material, and then, having received the appropriate instructions, trained those who know less. This allowed one teacher to teach many students at once, to carry out mass education, but the quality of this training itself was extremely low. This explains that this system is not widespread. [4, p.50].

Based on the above, we should conclude that the method of learning in cooperation was used in ancient times to teach students.

Everyone who has used this training method interprets its effectiveness (work results) differently. The greatest effectiveness of cooperative learning was confirmed by such philosophers and naturalists as the Talmud, Socrates, Seneca. With teamwork, they observed significantly effective student learning. But this system did not become widespread at the end of the 18th century, when Joseph Lancaster and Andrew Bell used this method in India and England, because they did not use their experience and knowledge, but knowledge of students who did not understand the material they received to study in cooperation.

The ideology of cooperative learning (CL) was developed in detail by three groups of American educators: R. Slavin from Johns Hopkins University; R. Johnson and D. Johnson from the University of Minnesota; a group of E. Aronson from the University of California.

CL refers to the methods of the humanistic direction in pedagogy. The main idea of ​​this method is to create conditions for active joint learning activities of students in different learning situations.

Mutual understanding necessary for personal development can be achieved only in the process of communication, and personal development can be achieved only through interaction with other people and with the environment. CL means learning together, and not just doing something together. At the heart of CL, not competition. Cooperation implies the individual responsibility of each and equal opportunities for everyone. Individual responsibility is that the success of a group depends on the contribution of each, which includes helping each other; Equal opportunities for each participant in the group means that the student is able to improve their own achievements.

The students are different: some quickly "grasp" all the explanations of the teacher, easily master the lexical material, communication skills; others need not only much more time to comprehend the material, but also additional examples, explanations. Such students are usually embarrassed to ask questions with the whole class, and sometimes they simply do not realize that they do not understand specifically, cannot formulate the right question. If, in such cases, students are grouped into small groups (3-4 people each) and give them one common task, specifying the role of each student of the group in carrying out this task, then a situation arises in which everyone is responsible not only for the result of his work (which is often leaves the student indifferent), but most importantly, for the result of the whole group. Therefore, weak students try to find out from the strong all the questions they do not understand, and strong students are interested in that all members of the group, first of all a weak student, thoroughly understand the material (at the same time a strong student has the opportunity to check his own understanding of the issue, to go to the very essence). Thus, joint efforts eliminate gaps. This is the general idea of ​​ CL.

For example, a teacher introduces students to new grammatical material. Time for an explanation is given a little. At the same time, it is very important that the new grammatical phenomenon is correctly understood, because further mastering of the skill depends on this. It means that it is necessary to organize a practice on the formation of an indicative basis for action. This practice, oral or written, is required for each student in the group. If the students work frontally, then the weak learners will not be able to understand why they need to do the tasks in one way or another. If the work is organized individually, the more weak students will not be able to independently understand the new material. In cooperation (organized in such a way that in each group of three or four people, there must be strong, medium and weak students) when performing one task for a group, the students are obviously put in such conditions under which the success or failure of one reflects on the results of the whole groups. Score for the implementation of this common task is also placed one per group. This is not necessarily a mark (in points). There may be different types of promotion, evaluation of the group.

Thus, when CL, special attention is paid to group goals and group success, which can only be achieved as a result of the independent work of each member of the group in constant interaction with other members while working on the topic to be studied. The task of each student is not only to do something together, but also to learn something together so that each team member masters the necessary knowledge, forms the necessary skills, and at the same time, so that the whole team knows what reached every student. That is, the whole group is interested in the assimilation of educational information by each of its members.


This article describes the method of "learning in cooperation" at the level of secondary education,the development of speech skills.It was noted that for the formation of students ' speech skills it is important to use this effective method to perform exercises


В данной статье изложена методика "обучение в сотрудничестве" на уровне среднего образования,развитие речевых навыков.Было отмечено, что для формирования у учащихся навыков речи важно использовать этот эффективный метод, выполнять упражнения.


  1. Budko A.F. Organization of speech interaction in the process of teaching foreign languages ​​at school on the basis of a person-centered approach / A. F. Budko // MGLU Bulletin. Ser.2. Pedagogy. Psychology. Methods of teaching foreign languages. - 2005. - №2 (8). - p. 114-124

  2. Soloveychik S.S. Pedagogy for all. M., 1987.

  3. Passov E.I. Modern trends in methods of teaching foreign languages: a tutorial / Ed. E.I.Passova, E.S. Kuznetsova. - Voronezh: LEO "Interlingua", 2002. - P.40.

  4. Johnson D. Johnson R. Johnson-Holubek E. Teaching methods. Learning in cooperation: Trans. Of English-SPb .: School of Economics, 2001.-256s.

  5. Polat E.S. Learning in cooperation [Text] / E.S. Polat // Inostp. languages ​​at school. - 2000. № 1. - 51 c.

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