Материалдар / Various Occupations
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Various Occupations

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
түрлі мамандықтар туралы түсінік
29 Қараша 2024
0 рет жүктелген
Материал тегін
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Plan of the Lesson

Theme of the lesson:

Various occupations.

  • Title of the module/discipline

English language

Prepared by

Yuldashova Sevara

Date of the lesson

General information



Type of the lesson:

1) To give information about new theme.

2) to use skills during comunication, during the life.

Continuous :

2 hour (90 min)

Location of event:


Learning Outcomes

ОН 4.1. Болашақ кәсіби қызметпен байланысты әр түрлі функционалды стильдердің: ғылыми-көпшілік, публицистикалық, өмірбаяндық шынайы мәтіндерін оқу және түсіну

Reading and understanding authentic texts of various functional styles related to future professional activity: scientific-public, journalistic, biographical

Assessment criteria

  • Өтілген тақырып бойынша грамматикалық және лексикалық материалды меңгереді;

  • Барлық тілдік дағдыларды дұрыс қолданады.

Required resources

Poster, layout, textbook

5. The outline of the lesson

Stages of the lesson




Student activities







1 Organization moment


1.Check the list of students by Journal.

2.Pay attention to the appearance of students

The headman of the group reported on the students..



Checking the completion of homework.

Dividing into groups

10 min

Answer the questions below using the "empty microphone" method

Answer the questions.

What is an immigration?

Tell pros of immigration?

Tell cons of immigration?

What do you want to be in the future?

Circle of joy method

Divide students into 2 groups according their future profession

Students answers the questions through of microphone

Students Make a circle tell your wishes each other

Students choose the cards their future dream profession

Poster, layout, textbook

3. Preparation of students for work at the main stage .

5 min

Watch the video and tell your opinions

Students watches video about new theme


4. Approval of new knowledge and methods of activity.

Pre reading


35 min

Task 1 Skim the text and write the underline words.

In our world, there are many types of occupations or careers. People work in different fields, and each career has its own unique role. For example, a doctor helps sick people get better, while a teacher helps students learn. Engineers design and build things like roads, bridges, and computers. Artists create music, paintings, or designs that inspire others. Each job needs specific skills and training. Learning about different occupations

Here are some broad categories of occupations, each with examples of specific roles within them

1. Healthcare and Medicine

2. Education

3. Engineering and Technology Software

4. Science and Research

5. Arts

6. Business and Finance

7. Law and Public Policy

8.Construction and Skilled Trades

9.Information Technology

10. Hospitality and Tourism

12. Transportation and Logistics

13. Public Safety and Security Police

14. Agriculture and Environment Farmer Agricultural

15. Media and Communications

The terms "occupations" and "professions" are often used interchangeably but have distinct meanings.

1. Occupation: This is a broad term referring to any job or activity people do to earn a living. It includes a wide range of roles, from entry-level to highly skilled jobs, and doesn’t necessarily require extensive specialized training or advanced education. Examples of occupations are cashier, construction worker, and retail salesperson.

2. Profession: This is a subset of occupations that requires specialized education, training, and expertise. Professions typically have a governing body, set ethical standards, and often require licenses or certifications. They also focus on serving the public and maintaining high standards of practice. Examples of professions include doctors, engineers, and lawyers.

Picture 1
Occupation = General term for any work or job. Profession = Specialized occupation requiring specific education, training, and often certification.

Task 2 Matching task

Match the photos with the name of professions

Task 3 Answer the questions

1)What is the function of Medicine and Education?

2) Do you know famous people in your specialists?

3) How many jobs includes your profession (medicine and education

The paper written text

A student answers these question in a group


Handouts with task

5. Application of knowledge and methods

25 min

Refreshment moment

Task 4 test

1. Which professional is responsible for treating sick people?

a) Engineer b) Teacher

c) Doctor d) Artist

2. Who designs and builds structures like buildings and bridges?

a) Engineer b) Scientist

c) Teacher d) Lawyer

3. A person who helps people learn in a school setting is called a:

a) Journalist b) Doctor

c) Teacher d) Architect

4. Which occupation involves writing and reporting news stories?

a) Engineer b) Journalist

c) Chef d) Scientist

5. Who is primarily responsible for creating art, such as paintings or sculptures?

a) Scientist b) Engineer

c) Artist d) Lawyer

6. A veterinarian’s main job is to:

a) Take care of sick animals b) Build structures

c) Cook food d) Teach students

7. What does a chef do?

a) Designs buildings b) Cooks food

c) Treats patients d) Conducts research

8. Which profession primarily works with the law?

a) Lawyer b) Artist

c) Engineer d) Teacher

9. A firefighter is responsible for:

a) Treating animals

b) Putting out fires and rescuing people

c) Teaching children

d) Writing news stories

10. A software programmer’s job is to:

a) Write code for computer programs

b) Diagnose illnesses

c) Paint pictures

d) Build roads

Task 5 complete these cards and tell

Task 6 Group work. “Mind map” activity.

Make a circle write your ideas about professions

Task 7. Random wheels method

Answer the questions spinning random

Task8 complete the sentences with the words below

students make a face clothing their eyes.

Students do the test individually

Students answers the questions choosing these cards

Students write the words about their professions

Students answers questions in wordwall.net

6. Reflection on the lesson

5 мin


At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning:

- What has been learned

- What remained unclear

- What is necessary to work on

The task given to the students at home was clear..


7. To give information about hometask

5 мin

Saying goodbye

Poster, layout, textbook

Оқытушы С Юлдашова

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