Материалдар / Visiting a fairy tale. The Three little Pigs
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Visiting a fairy tale. The Three little Pigs

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07 Қаңтар 2019
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1 «Г» класс. The Three little Pigs (три поросенка)

Я: Once upon a time there lived three little pigs. The first little pig, the second little pig, and the third little pig.

One day they decided to build their own homes.

1 pig: I’ll build a straw house. Straw, straw, straw. I want to make it quick.

A: So he built a cozy house of straw. He looked so happy.

2 Pig: I’ll build a wooden house. Wood, wood, wood. I want to make it quick, too.

A: So he built a cozy house of wood. He looked so happy, too.

3 pig: I’ll build a brick house. Bricks, bricks, bricks! I’ll take some time, but I want to make it strong.

A: So he built a cozy house of bricks. He looked so happy, too.

In the woods, there lived a big bad wolf. He was very hungry, so he came to the first little pig’s straw house.

Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me come in!

Wolf: Then I’ll huff I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.

A: And he did. The house of straw fell down.

1 pig: Help me, help me.

A: The first little pig ran to the second little pig’s house. The wolf then came to the second little pig’s wooden house.

Wolf: Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!

1 pig and 2 pig: No we won’t

Wolf: Then I’ll huff I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down

A: And he did. The house of wood fell down.

pigs: Help me, help me

A: The two little pigs ran to the third little pig’s house. Finally, the wolf came to the brick house.

Wolf: Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!

Pigs: No, no. You can never come in.

Wolf: Then I’ll huff I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.

A: The wolf huffed and puffed but he couldn’t blow the brick house down.

Pigs: You can’t do that! Our house is strong.

A: So the wolf decided to climb down the chimney to get into the house.

Wolf: I’m coming down the chimney to eat you for dinner!

Pigs: Please do

A: But the little pig was very smart. He boiled a big pot of water in the fireplace. When the wolf came down the chimney he fell into the hot water.

Wolf; ouch, ouch, ouch

A: He yelled and ran away.

Wolf: Help me, help me.

A: After that, the big bad wolf never bothered them again. And the little pigs lived happily ever after in the brick house!

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