Материалдар / "Volunteering as a lifestyle choice"
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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"Volunteering as a lifestyle choice"

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
In this research work on the topic "Volunteering as a lifestyle choice", the history of the origin of the volunteer movement in the world was studied, the world experience of voluntary work was analyzed and compared with the volunteer movement in Kazakhstan, also analyzed awareness of volunteer activities among students of KSI "Al Farabi Gymnasium School".
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КГУ «Школа-гимназия имени аль-Фараби»

Исследовательская работа

Тема: «Volunteering as a Lifestyle Choice»

Авторы работы: Аскарова Жасмин,

Сәтбекова Әдия

ученицы 6 «З» класса

Руководитель: Кажыкереева Г.А.

учитель английского языка

Караганда, 2021


I. Іntroduction………………………………….…………………………………….….....3

1.1. Meaning of the word “Volunteer”……….……………………………………….…....5

1.2. Main streams of volunteering……………….………………………………….…….6

II. Famous volunteer organizations abroad..……………………………………….….…8

2.1. Volunteer movement in Kazakhstan…………………………….…………………....10

2.2. Youth volunteer organizations in Kazakhstan……………….…………………….....11

III. Volunteer movement as an educational initiative .......…………......…………….….14

3.1. Online poll of pupils in social nets………………..…..…………………………..….15

3.2. Motivating young people to participate in the volunteer activities……….………..…17



    1. Annotation

    2. In this research work on the topic "Volunteering as a lifestyle choice", the history of the origin of the volunteer movement in the world was studied, the world experience of voluntary work was analyzed and compared with the volunteer movement in Kazakhstan, also analyzed awareness of volunteer activities among students of KSU "Al Farabi Gymnasium School".

    3. I. Introduction

Volunteer movement, volunteer work, volunteers… We've been hearing these words a lot lately. We were very interested in this topic, and we decided to explore it more widely, to study the theoretical foundations and practical activities of the volunteer movement. As you know, nowadays more and more adults and teenagers are starting to lead a healthy lifestyle. Thousands of people refuse to drink alcohol, smoke tobacco. Many people play sports, are fond of painting and music. In addition, people begin to think about their spiritual health, about their moral status, about their civic position and about the ability to do good not only for themselves, but also for other people, that is, to do good, to do charity. Now citizens are thinking about homeless children, lonely old people, the sick and the poor, they help these people free of charge, without demanding payment in return. And this is volunteer voluntary work. Voluntary work makes people kinder, wiser and more compassionate. Volunteer activity is a wide range of activities, including traditional forms of mutual assistance and self-help, official provision of services and other forms of civic participation, which is carried out voluntarily for the benefit of the general public without counting on monetary remuneration. At the heart of any volunteer movement is the world-old principle: if you want to feel like a person, help another (if you want to become a real person, you should help any needy man or woman). This principle is clear and close to all those who are familiar with the sense of justice, who understand that it is possible to make the life of society better only through the joint efforts of each of its members.

The problem of the project

Many people don’t know what opportunities they can gain in volunteering.And many volunteering posters don’t inform about it. Only when somebody wants to become a volunteer he will find the way to apply. So how can we raise the number of volunteers in Kazakhstan? What can influence the pupils to become volunteers? How to provoke pupils to become volunteers?

The problem of this research work is the development of the volunteer movement in the region

In our work we would like to

* show how important the volunteer movement is in our lives;

* study and analyze the volunteer movement

I think that the topic of our research is very important and relevant today. I hope that our work will be interesting and useful for adults and children, for all those who really care about the spiritual health of the nation, the fate of their country, who are not indifferent to the aspirations and hopes of needy people living next to us.

The goal and tasks of the project

The goal of the project is to study volunteer activity and its role in human life.


  1. To find out the meaning of the word “volunteer”

  2. To study the history of the volunteer movement in Kazakhstan

  3. Comparison volunteering in Kazakhstan to other countries

  4. Іnvolvement of students in the voluntary movement;

  5. To reveal the key factors for the pupils necessary to participate in volunteer projects.

  6. To make an author’s motivating poster.

  7. To create own volunteering group at school

1.1. The meaning of the word “Volunteer”

He who does nothing for others

does nothing for himself

What is voluntary work?

Voluntary work of any gratuitous activity aimed at the benefit of people (as individuals and groups) who are not close relatives of the volunteer, as well as activities aimed at protecting the environment.

Volunteering is a contribution to the common cause aimed to improve people’s life on one’s own initiative and absolutely voluntary.In Kazakhstan there are approximately 7 million volunteers today, and the amount grows every year.

The word volunteer comes from the French volontaire, which in turn comes from the Latin voluntarius, and literally means a willing volunteer. In the 18th and 19th centuries, volunteers were people who volunteered for military service. Volunteering as an idea of social service is almost as ancient as the concept of "society". There have always been people in society for whom the way of self-realization, self-improvement, communication and communication with other people was work for the benefit of the community in which this person happened to be born and / or live. Volunteering is an unpaid, conscious, voluntary activity for the benefit of others .

Anyone who consciously and selflessly works for the benefit of others can be called a volunteer. Volunteering as an idea of social service is almost as ancient as the concept of “society”. There have always been people in society for whom the way of self-realization, self-improvement, communication and communication with other people was work for the benefit of the community in which this person happened to be born and / or live. However, it was only in the twentieth century, on the European continent smelling of war and individualism, that volunteerism began to acquire the features of a universal social phenomenon. Young people, French and Germans, met and came to a wonderful idea, which later became the slogan of the volunteer movement: "It is better to work together than to fight against each other." After the First World War, in 1920, in France, near Strasbourg, the first volunteer project was carried out with the participation of German and French youth, in which volunteers restored farms destroyed by the 1st World War in the area of the most fierce battles between German and French troops. The volunteers did not receive money for their work, but they were regularly provided with accommodation, food and medical insurance by the interested party — this principle of organizing volunteer work has been preserved to this day[1].

Seven basic principles of the volunteer movement:

  • VOLUNTARY: We work around the clock, but we never take money;

  • INDEPENDENCE : We are guided by needs, not kings;

  • UNITY: We have many ideas, but one ideal;

  • UNIVERSALITY : We respect nations, but we cross borders to help;

  • HUMANITY: We serve people, not systems;

  • IMPARTIALITY : We care about the victims - the guilty and the innocent;

  • NEUTRALITY: We take initiatives, but we never take sides

1.2. The main streams of volunteering

The volunteers have a choice in which direction of volunteering to go. In fact, not everyone knows what areas of volunteering exist at all. We can now identify 9 main areas of volunteering that are developed and developing further in the world and where a volunteer can come.

We can highlight seven main streams of volunteering which are well developed in the world and where a volunteer can come.

The first stream is social volunteering. If we talk about each of them in two sentences, the first direction is social volunteering, it is the most famous. These are assistance to lonely veterans, assistance to children, work with that category of people who are called socially unprotected. Social volunteering is a historically established direction. Now a lot of charitable foundations and volunteer organizations are engaged in social volunteering. Often, when a person comes to the idea that he wants to become a volunteer, the first thing he thinks about is, as a rule, about this social aspect. But in fact, volunteering is very different, and there are many other large, interesting areas of volunteering.It is the most popular one and includes assistance to lonely veterans and children.

The second stream, a bit less developed one, is sport volunteering. If we talk about the second direction in terms of both the degree of development and the degree of recognition, this is sports volunteering. Sports volunteering has its own differences, since special volunteer competencies are important here – for example, knowledge of a foreign language, since often major sporting events involve the participation of different countries in competitions. This is knowledge of a certain sport, especially if it is volunteering at a championship dedicated to a certain sport. This is a kind of tolerance, openness to the world, a desire to communicate with different people.

The third stream in cultural volunteering often called as art-volunteering. It appeared recently, in late 2014.Its separation as a special direction is due to the fact that, firstly, many events related to art, culture and cinema have appeared. And secondly, the sites themselves - museums, libraries, parks - they also see that volunteers are able to provide them with a lot of help, so they open their doors and invite volunteers.

And another quite well-known stream is ecological volunteering.

Since then, volunteering has managed to gain momentum and popularity on a global scale.

And here we are talking not only about the preservation of nature in its classical sense, but also about the protection of flora and fauna. And the third important point is the ecology of the metropolis. This is especially true for large cities. Here we can talk about educational work, actions, and projects; there are foundations and organizations engaged in environmental volunteering systematically. Why is it better to screw in an energy-saving light bulb than an ordinary one? Why not throw away the batteries and where to take them? And there are many more similar moments that help a person adapt from the point of view of the ecological footprint that he leaves.

Another direction that can also be considered classic is donation. A lot of people want to become donors and become them. But if we consider donation as volunteering, not only as blood donation directly, but also as a large educational block, then, of course, volunteers are very much needed here. When people begin to recognize and understand a subject, they begin to treat it differently. We very often do not have enough donors precisely because people are either afraid or do not know about donation.

Another direction is event volunteering, or event volunteering. These are volunteers who participate in major events – festivals, forums, some big city projects, for example, City Day. This direction is probably interesting primarily to those people who would like to continue to develop in the industry of organizing major events or in some narrower specialties. And a nice bonus is the opportunity to look from the inside at the event that is being organized[2].

Public security volunteers are also a narrow, unique field. Unfortunately, this volunteer direction was discussed, including at the state level, after quite tragic events: a flood in Krymsk, a natural disaster in the Khabarovsk Territory, after natural disasters. Those people who responded then, of course, helped a lot. It is important here that volunteers, volunteers understand what they are going for, what they are signing up for, and be prepared, trained. There are special programs that train public safety volunteers. They practically play the role of "accreditation", when a volunteer can say: "Yes, I know how to provide first aid. I know what to do if there is a flood. I know what to do if there is a fire." But at the same time, there is always an opportunity to participate not directly at the scene of the tragedy, but with some additional actions: for example, collecting humanitarian aid, when volunteers work in a warehouse - packing, sorting, signing. This is also a very important part of volunteer work in terms of public safety, because such assistance greatly unloads the organizers.

Another new, narrow, very "green" direction in volunteering is media volunteering. There are competencies, knowledge and skills, and a person is ready to apply them in order to tell other people about volunteering. These are photographers, journalists, people popular in social networks.networks, designers… They help enormously - not to the beneficiaries, not directly to the wards, but to the organizers of volunteer activities - volunteer centers, charitable foundations, volunteer volunteer movements... Now it has become popular, and it is safe to say that there is such a direction as media volunteering.

II. Famous volunteer organizations abroad.

Sometimes volunteers are called public assistants, freelance volunteer employees, assistants, leaders, intermediaries. The basic principles of volunteer work are: the desire to help people voluntarily, the desire to share their experience, to learn by yourself, conscientiousness, legality.

Today there are many volunteer organizations with international status that operate in different parts of the world, some of them work under the auspices of the United Nations. Due to its rapid development and the annual replenishment of the ranks of volunteers, on December 17, 1985, at the United Nations World Assembly, the General Assembly invited Governments to annually celebrate December 5 as International Volunteer Day (International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development) or, briefly and clearly, International Volunteer Day (International Volunteer Day).

. Also The General Assembly called on countries to implement measures to raise awareness of the important contribution of the volunteer service and thereby encourage even more people in all fields of activity to offer their services as volunteers, both at home and abroad.

1. Fire Fighting Service in Germany is organized on a voluntary principle.

The Service recruits people from 16 or 18 years old, depending on the Land. Any applicant can become a voluntary fireman after an interview and a special training course. Only towns with population of more than 100 000 citizens have professional fire-fighting services.

2. China has introduced a project for monitoring the level of air pollution where citizens meter with their phones the level of pollution and send the results to government on a regular basis. This is an example of volunteering which is possible only with participation of volunteers.

3. Recycling group volunteers.

In Arakawa, Japan there is no centralized system of collecting utility waste, but there are voluntary organizations in each district which collect glass, aluminum, waste paper and plastic bottles. The volunteers collect the utility waste and take it to recycling. This scheme is so successful that Arakawa manages to collect up to 54.3 kg of utility waste per year from every citizen.

The leaders of global ratings by the number of volunteers are the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Myanmar. The UK and Australia rank fifth. Russia is on the 8th place by the number of volunteers.According to the UN, one billion people, that is every seventh, participates in volunteering[3].

2.1. Volunteer movement in Kazakhstan

If not me, then who?

In Kazakhstan, the volunteer movement began to emerge since 1993, although, if you look into history, it has always existed, for example, there have always been people in every society who are ready to provide voluntary, selfless assistance. For example, the Kazakh people have an ancient custom of "ASAR", meaning "help the whole world" in Russian, it is a custom of mutual assistance, when people come together, gratuitously, sincerely help to perform work that is unaffordable for one person or family.

A synonym for the word "volunteer" is the word "volunteer".

Legislative regulation is necessary to guarantee the protection of volunteers. In Kazakhstan, the Law "On Volunteer Activity" was adopted on December 30, 2016. In the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, volunteer activity is understood as voluntary socially oriented activities that are carried out at will, as well as socially useful activities that are carried out free of charge in the interests of both individuals and legal entities. According to the law, individuals who have reached the age of 18 can act as volunteers; those who have not reached this age can carry out volunteer activities, provided that it does not harm their health and moral development, as well as does not disrupt the learning process; persons under the age of 14 can participate in volunteer activities by providing written consent of parents (other legal representatives) or accompanied by them. Only volunteers over the age of 18 are allowed to work related to the prevention and elimination of the consequences of emergency situations[5].

Volunteer activity in Kazakhstan can be carried out in three forms:

1) individual volunteer activity;

2) volunteer activity as part of a group of volunteers;

3) volunteer activity through a volunteer organization.

By Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 135 dated August 26, 2019, 2020 was declared the Year of the Volunteer. This will give an impetus to the development and popularization of the volunteer movement in the country, as well as help solve the problems faced by volunteers[6].

Nevertheless, saying that volunteers only give their time and effort and do not get anything in return is wrong, because volunteers benefit in the form of new skills and abilities, experience, self-development, communication, expanding horizons, as well as, importantly, internal satisfaction of a sense of duty. In other words, they receive benefits, but not in a material form.

The legal regulation of volunteer activity has gradually entered world politics. Each country, based on its social, economic and cultural conditions, applies its own model of regulation of volunteer activity. Thanks to this, in most cases today, volunteers can count on reimbursement of their expenses, such as travel, meals (if they worked all day), overnight accommodation (if the volunteer arrived from another city), etc.

According to a study conducted by the National Volunteer Network of Kazakhstan together with United Nations Volunteer and experts on the development of volunteerism, they identified popular problems in the development of volunteerism:

- lack or insufficient provision of volunteer projects with resources,

- lack of the necessary knowledge to implement a volunteer project,

- difficulties in attracting volunteers to their projects.

Nevertheless, major events are held in Kazakhstan with the help of volunteers, such as the 2017 Winter Universiade, held in Almaty, involved 3,000 volunteers, of which about 100 volunteers are foreigners from 20 countries, Russia, China, Korea and other countries. More people wanted to participate as volunteers, according to official information, more than 5,000 candidates registered on the website. The first event in the country that brought together 4.5 thousand volunteers in one place is the international specialized exhibition EXPO-2017. Volunteers from all over Kazakhstan and about 150 volunteers from 46 countries of the world worked at the exhibition

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