Материалдар / What is happiness?
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What is happiness?

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05 Қараша 2022
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What is the happiness?

The 1046s of each of us to be happy. It's a natural desire to aspire to happiness. But how to be happy, who knows the clear answer to that question? It's one of those issues that people have been fighting over for centuries, but alas they don't find. Because everyone's happiness recipe is unique. This article will be about what it takes for happiness and what it is.

For the most part, if you take a common performance, happiness is associated with the embodiment of the goals achieved. But is it? Let's look at this issue together and find the ingredients for your happiness.

Happiness, it's not a feeling that can be felt all the time. It's a moment when you understand, yes, I'm happy and you're happy right now, at that point. It's impossible to be happy in the future or the past, only now. And that's what you create yourself, you decide whether it's going to be happy or unhappy. You're filling him with that feeling. Happiness is fleeting. Don't try to say it and put it in your cage.

Undoubtedly, all of all different, however. The society has adopted a common scheme to achieve happiness or its components. She looks like this: success, self-fulfilling, love, family, career.

  • In other words, happiness comes when you feel satisfied and fulfilled. Happiness is a feeling of contentment, that life is just as it should be. Perfect happiness, enlightenment, comes when you have all of your needs satisfied.

(In other words, it's happy when you feel satisfied and fulfilled what you've been done. Happiness is a sense of contention that life is going on as it should be. The utterly happiness, the enlighteness, comes when you have all your needs met.)

Already at this point of comparison, we see that the Russian and English psychologists have different attitudes to the notion of happiness.

The search for the meaning of life and its implementation, the awareness of the purpose of a person is their happiness. Happiness It's when you have everything to be satisfied with life when you love and you have no doubt about it when you're loved and you want something, but just be lazy to stand up and take it when there's no problem with housing, food, clothing. You've got the most necessary things at your hand and there's no problem with your job, and you like it, and you're happy to run home and you're going to see you at work to make it through and the morning and working day again, and when your favorite person prefers to communicate online with friends or in a cafe to communicate with you and a lot of little things you're happy with.

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