Назар аударыңыз. Бұл материалды сайт қолданушысы жариялаған. Егер материал сіздің авторлық құқығыңызды бұзса, осында жазыңыз. Біз ең жылдам уақытта материалды сайттан өшіреміз
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Ybyrai Altynsarin the great teacher of humanity
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады
Ybyrai Altynsarin the great teacher of humanity
Даулетова Назипа Танирбергеновна
Түркістан облысы, Шардара қаласы «Шардара» мектеп-лицейі
e-mail: nazipad@mail.ru
There are many popular scientists that will never be forgotten of the late 19th century. At that time Ybyrai Altynsarin was a modern great educator and public figure of Kazakh people. This year marks the 180th anniversary of his birth. He became the Kazakh leader, who led the people to the light of knowledge. All his life and activities was to teach the children. Since his childhood, Ybyrai Altynsarin began to think about the historical destinies of his people, about their future.
Ybyrai Altynsarin was born in the region of the Kostanay oblast in 1841. His father Altynsary Balgozhin died when Ybyrai was not even four years old. The boy was brought up in the house of his grandfather, the famous biy Balgozha Zhanburchin. Balgozha at that time was one of the most authoritative biy in the entire Middle Horde and enjoyed great influence among the ruling elite of the Kazakh society. Ybyrai Altysarin was briliant pupil, he was educated by teachers many times. Leaving school he came back at home and became to work like clerk, later –translator and teacher. Y.Altynsarin opened 4 two-classes central kazakh-Russian schools, 5 region’s schools, 2 schools for Russian children, skills’ school, school for teachers and some girl’s secondary school. There is a museum of Ybyrai Altynsarin’s in Kostanay in the center of the city, where you can see how great enlightener lived and worked. The monument’s Ybyrai Altynsarin in Turkestan region town of Kentau was opened in May 2013.
Altynsaryn is also credited with authoring the first Kazakh grammar book, the first Kazakh-Russian newspaper, and with translation of a large number of textbooks and reference works. He was honored by the Imperial Russian government with numerous awards, including the title statski sovetnik.
A number of Kazakh
institutions, including the Kazakh Academy of Education, Arkalyk
State Pedagogical Institute and some streets, schools, and academic
awards, are named after Altynsarin. There is also Altynsarin’s
museum in Kostanay.
Being the Kazakh poet, whose
works are samples of classical poetry, Ybrai Altynsarin devoted to
the composition of stories and poems for children, actually became
the founder of the Kazakh children's literature. The success
or failure of his ideas—indeed his very effectiveness as an
intermediary—depended on cultivating allies within and outside of
Turgai province. Even in the field of education, where Altynsarin’s
authority would seem likely to have been strongest, provincial
politics delayed and transformed his proposals, which had only
mixed and conditional success. His most successful intervention had
to do with the introduction of Islamic education. If the
administrative context in which Altynsarin worked tended to be
hostile to Islam, this hostility was not uniform or unchanging. The
publication and use of Altynsarin’s catechism, though, shows that
it could. On the other hand, the cantonal schools, so important to
Altynsarin’s synthesis of mobility, civilization, and imperial
loyalty, were a long time in coming. Altynsarin, however, did not
live to see most of this. The exhausting regimen of travel and work
to which he had devoted himself overwhelmed him, as it did so many
tsarist bureaucrats at the edges of the empire. Altynsarin worked
within these options and applied his own understanding of the
present state and future direction of a population and environment
he was familiar with to articulate and defend original views of the
possible future of the steppe.
Today Altynsarin's works inspire all over the World an support the desire for education, knowledge and the development of nations through culture. For all the originality of his thought, though, and his projection of local expertise as a means of advancing his viewpoints, Altynsarin remained a mid-level functionary of an autocratic empire subject to frequent changes of leadership.
Ybrai Altynsarin was the real patriot of his people, and he loved to teach the children. Ibrai Altynsarin is an outstanding educator, public figure, teacher-innovator, ethnographer, poet and prose writer, one of the founders of the Kazakh written literature and literary language, the creator of the Kazakh alphabet based on Russian graphics. In the dictionary of the Russian language, an educator is someone who spreads knowledge, enlightenment. And Altynsarin was an ardent fighter for the progressive development of the Kazakh people. Altynsarin not only created secular folk schools, he also scientifically developed for didactic principles of teaching and raising children and wrote educational and methodological manuals. Altynsarin devoted his entire life to educating his native people. "The Kazakh people themselves represent a fertile ground for education," he wrote. Altynsarin was a staunch supporter of the commonwealth of the Russian and Kazakh peoples. Russian Russian literature was promoted by him, and he used the experience of the Russian teachers-writers K. D. Ushinsky and L. N. Tolstoy. In the letters, Y.Altynsarin constantly touches upon the pressing social problems of the Kazakh people. Ybyray Altynsarin was a famous scientist and a pedagogue – innovator. He opened new types of schools. He wished every people be happy and said: “Kel, balalar, okylyk!” (Let’s read children and enjoy).
Ибрай Алтынсарин был настоящим патриотом своего народа и любил учить детей. Ибрай Алтынсарин-выдающийся просветитель, общественный деятель, педагог-новатор, этнограф, поэт и прозаик, один из основоположников казахской письменной литературы и литературного языка, создатель казахского алфавита на основе русской графики. В словаре русского языка просветитель-это тот, кто распространяет знания, просвещение. Алтынсарин был ярым борцом за прогрессивное развитие казахского народа. Алтынсарин не только создавал светские народные школы, но и научно разрабатывал дидактические принципы обучения и воспитания детей, писал учебно-методические пособия. Всю свою жизнь Алтынсарин посвятил воспитанию родного народа. "Сам казахский народ представляет собой благодатную почву для образования", - писал он. Алтынсарин был убежденным сторонником содружества русского и казахского народов. Русская русская литература пропагандировалась им, и он использовал опыт русских учителей-писателей К. Д. Ушинского и Л. Н. Толстого. В своих письмах Ы. Алтынсарин постоянно затрагивает насущные социальные проблемы казахского народа. Ибрай Алтынсарин был известным ученым и педагогом – новатором. Он открыл новые типы школ. Он пожелал каждому народу счастья и сказал: “Кел, балалар, окылык!” (Давайте читать дети и наслаждаетесь).
Ыбырай Алтынсарин өз халқының нағыз патриоты болған және балаларды оқытуды жақсы көрген. Ыбырай Алтынсарин көрнекті ағартушы, қоғам қайраткері, жаңашыл педагог, этнограф, ақын және прозашы, қазақ жазба әдебиеті мен әдеби тілінің негізін қалаушылардың бірі, орыс графикасы негізіндегі қазақ әліпбиін жасаушы. Қазақ тілінің сөздігін әлемге танытқан ғалым. Алтынсарин қазақ халқының прогрессивті дамуы үшін қызу күрескер ретінде кемеңгер данышпан ғалым болған. Алтынсарин зайырлы халық мектептерін құрып қана қоймай, балаларды оқыту мен тәрбиелеудің дидактикалық принциптерін ғылыми тұрғыдан дамытып, оқу-әдістемелік құралдар жазды. Алтынсарин бүкіл өмірін туған халқының тәрбиесі мен бііміне арнады. "Қазақ халқының өзі білім алу үшін құнарлы негіз болып табылады", - деп жазды ол. Алтынсарин орыс және қазақ халықтары достастығының сенімді жақтаушысы болды. Ол орыс әдебиетін насихаттап, орыс мұғалім-жазушылары К. Д.Ушинский мен Л. Н. Толстойдың тәжірибесін қолданды. Өз хаттарында Ы. Алтынсарин үнемі қазақ халқының өзекті әлеуметтік мәселелерін қозғайды. Ыбырай Алтынсарин белгілі ғалым және жаңашыл педагог. Ол мектептердің жаңа түрлерін ашты. Ол әр халыққа бақыт тілеп: "Кел, балалар, оқылық!".
PS: Ybyrai Altynsaryn was a modern teacher and was very wisdom scientist.
PS: Ыбырай Алтынсарин был современным учителем и очень мудрым ученым.
PS: Ыбырай Алтынсарин өз заманындағы атақты мұғалім және өте дана ғалым болған.
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2. Dzhumagulov K. T. Ybray Altynsarin and the development of culture. Alma-Ata.1999
3. Kuzembaev A., Abil E. History of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty.2019
4. Kazakhs. Historical and ethnographic research. Almaty. 1995
5.N. Nazarbayev In the flow of history. Almaty. 1999