Материалдар / Are you a patriot? 8 grade

Are you a patriot? 8 grade

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
8 grade .Extracurricular activity
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
11 Қаңтар 2024
0 рет жүктелген
810 ₸ 900 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз 10% жеңілдік
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
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Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
Ресми байқаулар тізімі
Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!
Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
Are you a patriot?Are you a patriot? Are you a patriot?Are you a patriot?

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Are you a patriot?Are you a patriot? Are you a patriot?Are you a patriot?

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Are you a patriot?Are you a patriot? Are you a patriot?Are you a patriot?

The aims of quiz: • promote the development of logical general educational skills and abilities, broadening the general outloo

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The aims of quiz: • promote the development of logical general educational skills and abilities, broadening the general outlook, developing teamwork skills. • develop feelings for patriotism, a communicative manner of behavior, determination, the will to win.

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The aims of quiz: • promote the development of logical general educational skills and abilities, broadening the general outlook, developing teamwork skills. • develop feelings for patriotism, a communicative manner of behavior, determination, the will to win.


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CategoriesCategories QuestionsQuestions GeographyGeography HistoryHistory СС ultureulture LiteratureLiterature Sport Sp

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CategoriesCategories QuestionsQuestions GeographyGeography HistoryHistory СС ultureulture LiteratureLiterature Sport Sport 1 2 1 3 5 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 5 41 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

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CategoriesCategories QuestionsQuestions GeographyGeography HistoryHistory СС ultureulture LiteratureLiterature Sport Sport 1 2 1 3 5 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 5 41 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

A question for 1 pointA question for 1 point .. What part of the world is Kazakhstan located in ? Kazakhstan is located in two d

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A question for 1 pointA question for 1 point .. What part of the world is Kazakhstan located in ? Kazakhstan is located in two different continents. The country's westernmost regions are part of  Europe ,while its central and eastern areas are found in  Central Asia .

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A question for 1 pointA question for 1 point .. What part of the world is Kazakhstan located in ? Kazakhstan is located in two different continents. The country's westernmost regions are part of  Europe ,while its central and eastern areas are found in  Central Asia .

A question for 2 pointA question for 2 point .. What countries borders Kazakhstan (east, west,south and north) ? The country bo

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A question for 2 pointA question for 2 point .. What countries borders Kazakhstan (east, west,south and north) ? The country borders  Turkmenistan ,  Uzbekistan , and  Kyrgyzstan  to the south;  Russia  to the north; Russia and the  Caspian Sea  to the west; China to the east.

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A question for 2 pointA question for 2 point .. What countries borders Kazakhstan (east, west,south and north) ? The country borders  Turkmenistan ,  Uzbekistan , and  Kyrgyzstan  to the south;  Russia  to the north; Russia and the  Caspian Sea  to the west; China to the east.

A question for 3 pointA question for 3 point .. What regions does Kazakhstan consist of? How many? Kazakhstan is divided into

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A question for 3 pointA question for 3 point .. What regions does Kazakhstan consist of? How many? Kazakhstan  is divided into 17 regions. Abai Region , Akmola Region , Aktobe Region , Almaty Region , Atyrau Region , Baikonur , East Kazakhstan Region , Jambyl Region , Jetisu Region , Karaganda Region , Kostanay Region , Kyzylorda Region , Mangystau Region , North Kazakhstan Region , Pavlodar Region , Turkistan Region , Ulytau Region , West Kazakhstan Region

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A question for 3 pointA question for 3 point .. What regions does Kazakhstan consist of? How many? Kazakhstan  is divided into 17 regions. Abai Region , Akmola Region , Aktobe Region , Almaty Region , Atyrau Region , Baikonur , East Kazakhstan Region , Jambyl Region , Jetisu Region , Karaganda Region , Kostanay Region , Kyzylorda Region , Mangystau Region , North Kazakhstan Region , Pavlodar Region , Turkistan Region , Ulytau Region , West Kazakhstan Region

A question for 4 pointA question for 4 point .. Which city of Kazakhstan equates the cities of Dubai? (this city translates as

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A question for 4 pointA question for 4 point .. Which city of Kazakhstan equates the cities of Dubai? (this city translates as white mountain) Aktau

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A question for 4 pointA question for 4 point .. Which city of Kazakhstan equates the cities of Dubai? (this city translates as white mountain) Aktau

A question for 5 pointA question for 5 point .. Which countries are washed by the Caspian Sea? Russia,Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan,

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A question for 5 pointA question for 5 point .. Which countries are washed by the Caspian Sea? Russia,Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Iran

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A question for 5 pointA question for 5 point .. Which countries are washed by the Caspian Sea? Russia,Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Iran

A question for 1 pointA question for 1 point .. When was the independent Republic of Kazakhstan founded? December 16, 1991.

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A question for 1 pointA question for 1 point .. When was the independent Republic of Kazakhstan founded? December 16, 1991.

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A question for 1 pointA question for 1 point .. When was the independent Republic of Kazakhstan founded? December 16, 1991.

A question for 2 pointA question for 2 point .. Who was the first president of Kazakhstan ? And Who is the president of Ka

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A question for 2 pointA question for 2 point .. Who was the first president of Kazakhstan ? And Who is the president of Kazakhstan now ? Nazarbaev N.A. Tokaev K.K.

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A question for 2 pointA question for 2 point .. Who was the first president of Kazakhstan ? And Who is the president of Kazakhstan now ? Nazarbaev N.A. Tokaev K.K.

A question for 3 pointA question for 3 point .. The symbol of Kazakhstan. When do we celebrate the symbol of Kazakhstan? June,4

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A question for 3 pointA question for 3 point .. The symbol of Kazakhstan. When do we celebrate the symbol of Kazakhstan? June,4 flag coat of arms anthem

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A question for 3 pointA question for 3 point .. The symbol of Kazakhstan. When do we celebrate the symbol of Kazakhstan? June,4 flag coat of arms anthem

A question for 4 pointA question for 4 point .. What was the first capital of the Independent Kazakhstan? And what now? Almaty

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A question for 4 pointA question for 4 point .. What was the first capital of the Independent Kazakhstan? And what now? Almaty Nur-sultan

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A question for 4 pointA question for 4 point .. What was the first capital of the Independent Kazakhstan? And what now? Almaty Nur-sultan

A question for 5 pointA question for 5 point .. What is the name of the city of Kapchagay now? Why? Konaev Dinmukhamed Akhmedov

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A question for 5 pointA question for 5 point .. What is the name of the city of Kapchagay now? Why? Konaev Dinmukhamed Akhmedovich. He was a  Kazakh   Soviet   communist   politician   who served as the  First Secretary  of the  Communist Party of Kazakhstan .

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A question for 5 pointA question for 5 point .. What is the name of the city of Kapchagay now? Why? Konaev Dinmukhamed Akhmedovich. He was a  Kazakh   Soviet   communist   politician   who served as the  First Secretary  of the  Communist Party of Kazakhstan .

A question for 1 pointA question for 1 point .. • Which city is considered the cultural capital in Kazakhstan?Why? Almaty. Th

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A question for 1 pointA question for 1 point .. • Which city is considered the cultural capital in Kazakhstan?Why? Almaty. There are a lot of theatre, musuems,cinemas and beautiul parks.

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A question for 1 pointA question for 1 point .. • Which city is considered the cultural capital in Kazakhstan?Why? Almaty. There are a lot of theatre, musuems,cinemas and beautiul parks.

A question for 2 pointA question for 2 point .. Who is the Kazakhfilm film studio named after? Shaken Aimanov

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A question for 2 pointA question for 2 point .. Who is the Kazakhfilm film studio named after? Shaken Aimanov

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A question for 2 pointA question for 2 point .. Who is the Kazakhfilm film studio named after? Shaken Aimanov

A question for 3 pointA question for 3 point .. Listen to the music and say who composed it? Song Abai Kunanbaiev “ Kozimning k

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A question for 3 pointA question for 3 point .. Listen to the music and say who composed it? Song Abai Kunanbaiev “ Kozimning karasi”

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A question for 3 pointA question for 3 point .. Listen to the music and say who composed it? Song Abai Kunanbaiev “ Kozimning karasi”

A question for A question for 55 point point .. Who wrote the words and music of the song”Atameken”?Sing a patriotic song. l

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A question for A question for 55 point point .. Who wrote the words and music of the song”Atameken”?Sing a patriotic song. lyrics by Kadyr Myrzaliev, music by Eskender Khasngaliyev

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A question for A question for 55 point point .. Who wrote the words and music of the song”Atameken”?Sing a patriotic song. lyrics by Kadyr Myrzaliev, music by Eskender Khasngaliyev

A question for A question for 44 point point .. What is the Kazakh national musical instrument? When do we celebrate of this

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A question for A question for 44 point point .. What is the Kazakh national musical instrument? When do we celebrate of this national musical instrument’s day? Dombyra is a kazakh stringed   musical instrument played by plucking. It has wooden frame (its length is 1000-1300 millimeters) and two strings Dombyra is the sole of kazakh people . The Dombra Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of July.

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A question for A question for 44 point point .. What is the Kazakh national musical instrument? When do we celebrate of this national musical instrument’s day? Dombyra is a kazakh stringed   musical instrument played by plucking. It has wooden frame (its length is 1000-1300 millimeters) and two strings Dombyra is the sole of kazakh people . The Dombra Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of July.

A question for 1 pointA question for 1 point .. Who was the Hero of humorous stories and jokes of Kazakh folklore? Aldar Kose

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A question for 1 pointA question for 1 point .. Who was the Hero of humorous stories and jokes of Kazakh folklore? Aldar Kose

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A question for 1 pointA question for 1 point .. Who was the Hero of humorous stories and jokes of Kazakh folklore? Aldar Kose

A question for 2 pointA question for 2 point .. Who wrote the epic novel “The path of Abai”? M ukhtar A uezov

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A question for 2 pointA question for 2 point .. Who wrote the epic novel “The path of Abai”? M ukhtar A uezov

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A question for 2 pointA question for 2 point .. Who wrote the epic novel “The path of Abai”? M ukhtar A uezov

A question for 3 pointA question for 3 point .. Who translated many of Krylov's fables into Kazakh? Abai Kunanbaiev

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A question for 3 pointA question for 3 point .. Who translated many of Krylov's fables into Kazakh? Abai Kunanbaiev

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A question for 3 pointA question for 3 point .. Who translated many of Krylov's fables into Kazakh? Abai Kunanbaiev

A question for 4 pointA question for 4 point .. Did Mukhtar Auezov translate the plays of English playwrights into Kazakh?If ye

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A question for 4 pointA question for 4 point .. Did Mukhtar Auezov translate the plays of English playwrights into Kazakh?If yes, whose work? Shakespeare .

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A question for 4 pointA question for 4 point .. Did Mukhtar Auezov translate the plays of English playwrights into Kazakh?If yes, whose work? Shakespeare .

Who was Akhmed Baitursynov? Who did he become for the Kazakh people? A question for 5 pointA question for 5

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Who was Akhmed Baitursynov? Who did he become for the Kazakh people? A question for 5 pointA question for 5 point .. Akhmed Baitursynova- Kazakh educator, linguist, literary critic, Turkologist, poet and translator, public figure and political publicist. "Teacher of the Nation“.

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Who was Akhmed Baitursynov? Who did he become for the Kazakh people? A question for 5 pointA question for 5 point .. Akhmed Baitursynova- Kazakh educator, linguist, literary critic, Turkologist, poet and translator, public figure and political publicist. "Teacher of the Nation“.

Who was Akhmed Baitursynov? Who did he become for the Kazakh people? A question for 5 pointA question for 5

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Who was Akhmed Baitursynov? Who did he become for the Kazakh people? A question for 5 pointA question for 5 point .. Akhmed Baitursynova- Kazakh educator, linguist, literary critic, Turkologist, poet and translator, public figure and political publicist. "Teacher of the Nation“.

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Who was Akhmed Baitursynov? Who did he become for the Kazakh people? A question for 5 pointA question for 5 point .. Akhmed Baitursynova- Kazakh educator, linguist, literary critic, Turkologist, poet and translator, public figure and political publicist. "Teacher of the Nation“.

A question for 1 pointA question for 1 point .. What is the most popular sport in Kazakhstan? boxing, wrestling, weightlifting,

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A question for 1 pointA question for 1 point .. What is the most popular sport in Kazakhstan? boxing, wrestling, weightlifting, chess, martial arts

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A question for 1 pointA question for 1 point .. What is the most popular sport in Kazakhstan? boxing, wrestling, weightlifting, chess, martial arts

A question for 2 pointA question for 2 point .. When did Kazakhstan host the Winter Universiade? Kazakhstan hosted the Winter Un

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A question for 2 pointA question for 2 point .. When did Kazakhstan host the Winter Universiade? Kazakhstan hosted the Winter Universiade 2017 in the city of Almaty.

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A question for 2 pointA question for 2 point .. When did Kazakhstan host the Winter Universiade? Kazakhstan hosted the Winter Universiade 2017 in the city of Almaty.

A question for 3 pointA question for 3 point .. • Do you know, Who is he? • What was he? Kazhymukan Moonaitpasov Kazakh wre

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A question for 3 pointA question for 3 point .. • Do you know, Who is he? • What was he? Kazhymukan Moonaitpasov    Kazakh wrestler and circus artist

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A question for 3 pointA question for 3 point .. • Do you know, Who is he? • What was he? Kazhymukan Moonaitpasov    Kazakh wrestler and circus artist

A question for 4 pointA question for 4 point .. What are the Kazakh national sports games? Baiga kokpar

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A question for 4 pointA question for 4 point .. What are the Kazakh national sports games? Baiga kokpar

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A question for 4 pointA question for 4 point .. What are the Kazakh national sports games? Baiga kokpar

A question for 5 pointA question for 5 point .. Name the champions of the Olympiad of Kazakhstan.( boxing, figure skating, we

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A question for 5 pointA question for 5 point .. Name the champions of the Olympiad of Kazakhstan.( boxing, figure skating, weightlifting, chess?) Serik Sapiev, Denis Ten, Elizabeth Tursynbayeva, Ilia Ilin, Zhazira Zhapparul , Zulfiya Chinshanlo, Zhansaya Abdumalik,Biebsara Asaubaeva, etc…

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A question for 5 pointA question for 5 point .. Name the champions of the Olympiad of Kazakhstan.( boxing, figure skating, weightlifting, chess?) Serik Sapiev, Denis Ten, Elizabeth Tursynbayeva, Ilia Ilin, Zhazira Zhapparul , Zulfiya Chinshanlo, Zhansaya Abdumalik,Biebsara Asaubaeva, etc…

Thank you for participating!

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Thank you for participating!

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Thank you for participating!

Thank you for participating!

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Thank you for participating!

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Thank you for participating!