1 слайд
Customs and
1 слайд
Customs and Traditions

2 слайд
What can you say about customs and
traditions of Russia?
2 слайд
What can you say about customs and traditions of Russia?

3 слайд
What can you say about customs and
traditions of English-speaking
countries ?
3 слайд
What can you say about customs and traditions of English-speaking countries ?

4 слайд
4 слайд

5 слайд
•Christmas or
Christmas Day is an
annual holiday
celebrated on
December 25 that
commemorates the
birth of Jesus of
5 слайд
ChristmChristm asas •Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual holiday celebrated on December 25 that commemorates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.

6 слайд
6 слайд

7 слайд
What is your
to Christmas?
7 слайд
What is your attitude to Christmas?

8 слайд
What do you
8 слайд
What do you most (dis)like about Christmas?

9 слайд
•Santa Claus lives Santa Claus lives
with his wife with his wife
Mrs. Claus, a Mrs. Claus, a
countless countless
number of number of
magical elves, magical elves,
and eight or nine and eight or nine
flying reindeer. flying reindeer.
9 слайд
•Santa Claus lives Santa Claus lives with his wife with his wife Mrs. Claus, a Mrs. Claus, a countless countless number of number of magical elves, magical elves, and eight or nine and eight or nine flying reindeer. flying reindeer.

10 слайд
How do you feel
Santa Claus?
10 слайд
How do you feel about Santa Claus?

11 слайд
Guess what holidays are they
•Peter the First changed the Russian
calendar in 1699. He made the 31-st of
December,1699 the last day of the
year. The 1-st of January 1700 became
New Year’s Day.
11 слайд
Guess what holidays are they •Peter the First changed the Russian calendar in 1699. He made the 31-st of December,1699 the last day of the year. The 1-st of January 1700 became New Year’s Day.

12 слайд
•This holiday lasts for a week. Russian people
celebrate it at the end of February or at the
beginning of March. They say ‘’good-bye’’ to
winter on his holiday. During this time they
cook pancakes. People make fires and burn
straw scarecrows of winter!
12 слайд
•This holiday lasts for a week. Russian people celebrate it at the end of February or at the beginning of March. They say ‘’good-bye’’ to winter on his holiday. During this time they cook pancakes. People make fires and burn straw scarecrows of winter!

13 слайд
•Young people keep Russian traditions. They
like to celebrate Christmas, Easter, Women’s
Day and others.
13 слайд
•Young people keep Russian traditions. They like to celebrate Christmas, Easter, Women’s Day and others.

14 слайд
Английский язык. 10 класс. Поурочные
планы. Издательство «Учитель».
14 слайд
Resources: Английский язык. 10 класс. Поурочные планы. Издательство «Учитель». Волгоград.