Материалдар / Diagnosis of reading proficiency in a language teaching methodology
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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Diagnosis of reading proficiency in a language teaching methodology

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Көркем сөз өнерінің тілдік және поэтикалық санатына жатын мақал-мәтелдер мән – мазмұнының тереңдігімен,өткірлігімен,өміршеңдігімен, түп жағынан ықшамдылығымен ерекшенеді.Көлемінің ықшамдылығына қарамастан,бейнелі тілдік,бірліктер нақты да күрделі ойдың себеп –салдарын,халықтың өмір тәжірибесінің қорытындысы мен дәлелін қатар береді. Онда өмірдің сан-саласы құбылыстарына баға беріліп,ой түйінделіп,халықтың ғасырлар бойғы тәжірибесі негізінде пікір айтылады.Халық терең ойды аядай қалыпқа сыйғызып,шебер беруге тырысады.
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Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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Presented byDiagnosis of reading proficiency in a language teaching methodology

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Presented byDiagnosis of reading proficiency in a language teaching methodology

The aim - to prove that diagnosis of reading proficiency in a language teaching methodology is so important in schooling. The

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The aim - to prove that diagnosis of reading proficiency in a language teaching methodology is so important in schooling. The tasks of the diploma work are: 1. To consider the strategy of developing diagnosis of reading proficiency in a language teaching methodology. 2. To analyze the productive ways of reading types. 3. To use the method in practice

Effective Teaching and Effective Learning Process Teacher Student Planning and stategies Methodology Preparation Presenta

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Effective Teaching and Effective Learning Process Teacher Student Planning and stategies Methodology Preparation Presentation Promote thinking skills Technology integration Satisfaction Motivation Result Evaluation Group Work Attitude & perception Critical thinking Willingness to learn Cooperative learning Goal orientation State of the mind Self-regulated Reason application Accountability

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Silent reading Intensive reading Oral reading Silent reading Content reading Linguistic reading Skimming reading Scanning

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Silent reading Intensive reading Oral reading Silent reading Content reading Linguistic reading Skimming reading Scanning reading Extensive reading Types of reading

Diagnosis of reading proficiency is a complex process that entails a thorough analysis of how students gain meaning from text

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Diagnosis of reading proficiency is a complex process that entails a thorough analysis of how students gain meaning from text. Iliyas R. A (2002), citing Lawal (1991)

. The purpose of reading diagnosis is to suggest a prescription but not to categorize, compare or certify. 1 ) diagnostic

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. The purpose of reading diagnosis is to suggest a prescription but not to categorize, compare or certify. 1 ) diagnostic since it collects the additional information to clarify and check the previous hypotheses of the process, and (2) instructional because teachers/tutors have opportunities to examine the instructional methods and materials that may be successful alternatives for working with a student

The principles of reading diagnosis Diagnosis is an essential aspect of teaching of reading and is a premilinary step to sound

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The principles of reading diagnosis Diagnosis is an essential aspect of teaching of reading and is a premilinary step to sound instruction. Diagnosis should be continuous because child growth in reading depends upon the sequential development of skills which is promoted through the teacher's knowledge It demands far more than an assessment of reading because reading difficulties are symptoms of many causative factors.

Miscue analysis was originally developed by Ken Goodman for the purpose of understanding the reading process. It is a diagnos

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Miscue analysis was originally developed by Ken Goodman for the purpose of understanding the reading process. It is a diagnostic tool that helps researchers/teachers gain insight into the reading process.

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Teacher Role in Strategy Training • Teacher should learn about students 1. Interests 2. Goals 3. motivations 4. Learning styles

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Teacher Role in Strategy Training • Teacher should learn about students 1. Interests 2. Goals 3. motivations 4. Learning styles 5. Purpose for learning a language• The most important teacher role in foreign language teaching is the provision of a wide range of tasks to match the needs of all students possessing different learning styles, motivations etc. (Hismanoglu)

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Pyramid of reading S k i m m i n g s c a n n i n g s i l e n t o r a l t r a n s l a t i o n

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Pyramid of reading S k i m m i n g s c a n n i n g s i l e n t o r a l t r a n s l a t i o n