Материалдар / Grade 10. Short term lesson plan. English Action. Unit 8. Space X.
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Grade 10. Short term lesson plan. English Action. Unit 8. Space X.

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
This unit develops the content themes of space and cosmology, previous knowledge learners have about planets or about space missions will be useful. This unit uses the topic of space to develop the theme of other worlds. The topic of Space in this unit provides opportunities for cross-curricular links to Physics and Chemistry, while presentation on a topic related to space offers a link to Computer Science.
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English teacher Bolysbekova Damira Grade 10* English Action Unit 8. Space X

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English teacher Bolysbekova Damira Grade 10* English Action Unit 8. Space X

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* CONTENT * This unit develops the content themes of space and cosmology, previous knowledge learners have about planets or

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* CONTENT * This unit develops the content themes of space and cosmology, previous knowledge learners have about planets or about space missions will be useful. * This unit uses the topic of space to develop the theme of other worlds. The topic of Space in this unit provides opportunities for cross- curricular links to Physics and Chemistry, while presentation on a topic related to space offers a link to Computer Science.

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* Vocabulary * Space – ғарыш, кеңістік * Spaceship – ғарыш кемесі * Satellites – жер серігі * Galaxy - галактика * Planet

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* Vocabulary * Space – ғарыш, кеңістік * Spaceship – ғарыш кемесі * Satellites – жер серігі * Galaxy - галактика * Planet - ғаламшар * Air – ауа, әуе * Dust - тозаң * Gas - газ * Meteor - метеорит * Night - түн * Sun - күн * Twinkle - жарқырау * Cosmonaut - ғарышкер * Flying Saucer – ұшатын табақша * Rocket – зымыран, ракета

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Spaceship. Satellite Flying Saucer or UFO

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Spaceship. Satellite Flying Saucer or UFO

* People have been studying space since very old times. They divided stars into groups – constellations giving them nam

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* People have been studying space since very old times. They divided stars into groups – constellations giving them names: Orion, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Aquila, Lyra, Vega, Andromeda, Cassiopeia, Draco, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor and others. Some of these constellations appear to rotate around the North Pole Star.

Just over 400 years ago, Galileo invented a device that allowed viewers to see very distant objects as i

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Just over 400 years ago, Galileo invented a device that allowed viewers to see very distant objects as if they were nearby ( the first telescope ) . Since that time astronomy started developing rapidly – people began making discoveries.

Then August, 1960 dogs Belka and Strelka were sent into space on board “Sputnik 5”. The flight lasted more tha

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Then August, 1960 dogs Belka and Strelka were sent into space on board “Sputnik 5”. The flight lasted more than 25 hours, orbiting the Earth 17 times. Then the era of space flights started in the 20 century. October, 1957, Laika, a Soviet Space dog was the first animal to orbit the Earth on board “Sputnik 2”.

Yuri Gagarin was the first human to journey into outer space when his Vostok spacecraft completed an orbit of the Earth on 12

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Yuri Gagarin was the first human to journey into outer space when his Vostok spacecraft completed an orbit of the Earth on 12 April 1961. The flight lasted 108 minutes.

Conditions on board a space vehicle orbiting Earth greatly differ from those on its surface – everything on board a ship i

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Conditions on board a space vehicle orbiting Earth greatly differ from those on its surface – everything on board a ship is in the state of prolonged weightlessness. What can weightlessness be used for? Many well-known processes go on differently due to the absence of weight.


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* Thanks for your attention

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* Thanks for your attention