Материалдар / Ашық сабақ Different ways of living
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспарларын

жүктеп алғыңыз келеді ма?
ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Ашық сабақ Different ways of living

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Монғолия, Тайвань және Африка тайпаларының өмір сүру әдет-ғұрыптарының ерекшеліктерін айта отырып, заманның дамуын негізге ала отырып, студенттердің мәдениетаралық құзіреттіліктерін дамыту. Мәтіннің негізінде «Түрлі елдердің өмір сүру әдет-ғұрыптары/Хадза» тақырыптарында өз ойларын жеткізуді.
19 Желтоқсан 2023
13 рет жүктелген
Материал тегін
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады



«Foreign Language»

(Social and Humanitarian Direction)


Module 9. Independent project

Theme of the lesson

Amazing places/ Simply unforgettable


__________ Dzhumagulova Indira Mukhanovna


«27» December 2023

General information

Course 1 Group EI 23-3

Type of the lesson

Assimilation of new knowledge, combined lesson

Lesson objectives

1) Understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics;

2) Evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk contexts on a growing range of general and curricular topics;

3) explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a range of general and curricular topics

Assessment Criteria

Learners will be able to:

  • Define key ideas on topic “Dіfferent ways of living” through lіstening and develop listening skills

  • Discuss the topic with peers, describe appearance and character of Hadza tribe

  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages living in the tribes.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG7OGeMKQL0&t=13s https://youtu.be/7Wl4t1PgiSE?si=x5VeSXSwp0EcGdhP


Stages of the lesson

Planned lesson activities


Start of the lesson

(call stage)

20 min

  1. Organization moment.

Goal: creating a collaborative environment.

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: Ball game came from Chula. It seems a bit simple at first, but it’s not as easy as it appears. First, we need a ball.

The first student holds the ball and asks a question like

How old is your boyfriend?” As the first girl is asking the question, she throw the ball to a friend who in turn must answer the question before touching the ball to catch it. Otherwise, if the friend hesitates for too long, or is too slow and hasn’t finished answering before she touches/catches the ball, then she is disqualified and must leave the circle and sit down.

Then, next girl on her right takes the ball, and asks yet another question while throwing it to yet another girl, who in turn must answer before her hands touch the ball, and so on and so on, until there is only one girl/person left standing.

Some sample questions might be

What’s your mother’s age? How many children are there in your family? What is your favorite sport? What is your favorite color? Movie? Song ? Actor? What is your favorite gemstone? What Sport do you play best? How tall are you? How much do you weigh? What kind of movies do you like? Music? Car? Fast food What is the capitol of USA?

II. Updating of prior knowledge

Answers to homework questions

Description of favorite book, genre or author

Work in group. How would this story be different if it took place today? Think of: characters-place-plot. Present your idea to the class.

Appendix 1


(Comprehension stage)

55 min

  1. Learning new material

I show the students the photos of the picturesque places. Students predict the topic of the lesson.

  • Brainstorming

Leading questions:

What do you think the main theme of today’s lesson will be?

What factors do you think shape the way people live in different parts of the world?

Begin with a brief discussion about the concept of different ways of living. Ask students to share their thoughts on what influences the way people live, considering cultural, geographical, and environmental factors.

Introduce students to the topic and objectives of the lesson.Рисунок 1

Dividing into groups

Here I divide students into 3 groups by 1, 2, 3 numbers and direct Ss’ attention to the texts A-C and the words in the lists above each one, give Ss time to use the words to complete the texts.


Presenting new vocabulary.

A 1 dark

2 rosy

3 friendly

4 happy

B 5 nomadic

6 colorful

7 slim

8 polite

C 9 pale

10 face

11 courageous

12 peaceful

Watch the video “People around the world” following the text in their book.

CCQ -Low achievers answer YES/NO questions, high achievers 5 Ws and H questions

Low achievers- Is the text A about Mongolia?

Are they friendly?

Are they happy to have guests?

Are the clothes of the Maasai colorful?

Do they like to wear necklace?

Do the Atayal live in Taiwan?

Are they hunters?

High achievers 5 Ws and H questions

What kind of people are Mongolians?

Where is Mongolia situated?

What kind of the clothes of the Maasai?

What do the Atayal do?

What don’t they like to do?

How are the Atayal called?

Use maps, flow charts, or webs to organize materials. (Find some additional information about these countries, their traditions, show them in the map)


Cognitive strategy

Uses reading skills to highlight necessary information

Differentiation method- They watch the video twice.

Make some differences and similarities between these countries and traditions by Venn diagram like postures

Find out similarities and differences between these countries

TPR method

Explicit teaching of vocabulary. Teacher explains new words related to the topic using “Definitions” method. It’s a verbal explanation, giving synonyms, antonyms, or superordinate terms, giving a full definition.

New words to learn:

Check these words box and explain/elicit the meanings of the words or ask Ss to use their dictionaries and look them up

3Bows- weapons that shoot arrows

1Lean- without fat

2Curly- having curls

8Attached- liking very much

5Native- belonging to an area

7Gather- collect together

4Crops- food grown to eat

6Generous- giving things to others

3Wander- walk freely around an area

What do the sentences in Ex 1 tell us about the Hadza?

Why are they the last of the first?

KWL chart stands for Know, Want to Know, Learned. They start by writing everything they know, everything they already know about a topic on the K column. Afterwards students list questions about what they want to know about the topic in the W column

What do the sentences in Ex 1 tell us about the Hadza?

Why are they the last of the first?


Task 1.Pre – listening

  • Group work

This activity helps to develop critical thinking.

Task 2. While listening

  • Video watching


I demonstrate the video on the topic of “Hadza the last of the first”. Students watch the video and do some tasks.

Task 3. Post – listening

1. True or False

Listening for detailed comprehension.

Task for low motivated students. Tasks for high motivated students.

Collaborative approach. Students talk about the peculiarities of Hadza tribe’s life.

The students understand the main idea and demonstrate their ability to talk about based on the video.

Low-achieving students scan the text and for each question, choose the correct answer to express their understanding.

High-achieving students scan the text intensively to get as much information as possible. They answer commands such as:

Identify the importance of living in the tribe.

Circle three adjectives describing tribe.

Underline the sentence about peculiarities of this tribe

Describe their appereances.

Explain why they chose this way of living.

Материал жариялап тегін сертификат алыңыз!
Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
Ресми байқаулар тізімі
Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!