Материалдар / Benefits of distance learning in English language

Benefits of distance learning in English language

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Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
26 Желтоқсан 2021
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Benefits of distance learning in English language

Шымкент қаласы

Әл-Фараби академиялық

мектебінің ағылшын тілі

мұғалімі Садыкова М.Б


Мақалада шет тілін қашықтықтан оқытудың мектепте қолдану тәжірибесі сипатталған. Веб-квесттер шетел тілін оқытудың белсенді түрі ретінде пайдалануы қарастырылған

Түйінді сөздер:

қашықтықтан оқыту, вебинар, жеке бағдарлама,веб-квесттер.


The article talks about the experience ,the use of distance learning foreign language

at school. The use of web-quests as an active form of learning foreign language.


distance learning, webinar, individual program,

web quests.


В статье рассказывается об опыте применения дистанционной формы обучения иностранному языку в школе. Обосновывается использование

web-квестов как активной формы обучения иностранному языку.

Ключевые слова:

дистанционное обучение, вебинар, индивидуальная программа,


Modern students know that knowledge of English is not a luxury today, but a necessity. Knowledge of the language increases competitiveness in

labor market, increases the chances of finding a prestigious job. But what should a student combining study with work do? when there is a sorely lack of time for regular attending English classes? In this situation, it becomes relevant to study English remotely, without direct contact with a teacher.

The case for distance. And despite the apparent contradiction, distance learning

foreign language in our college is actively and productively used due to

its undeniable advantages.

1. The teacher has the opportunity to use the

open access electronic textbooks, necessary for a deeper study

language; video and audio recordings, virtual library with editions of such series as

Basic Survival, Raymond Murphy, Face 2 Face, Headway, Opportunities, Round-up that are of a recommendatory nature; electronic dictionaries for better quality translation of professionally oriented texts, such as Multitran, Prompt.

2. It becomes possible to create online tests with the possibility of instant

testing knowledge and skills using the Moodle program, which is very convenient and saves time.

3. Separately taken distance lessons can be recorded and played back at any time in the event that if the student needs remember, clarify or refresh the material passed through - that is, the teacher there is no need to repeat the same material over and over again.

4. The teacher can create an author's program for distance learning of the English language. For example, our college students are given CDs with

individually developed programs and rules for their implementation, audio recordings for listening. Moreover, there is a program that allows

learn a language using parallel translation: a text program is launched,

voiced by a voice that looks on screen as two parallel moving columns (from Russian-language and English-language dialogues). Finally, one of the most popular, effective and widespread methods used in our college are miniature videotapes played out in everyday life by native speakers.

Students better remember the English-language vocabulary presented in this way, since the information received by them is supported by vivid video images. Based on its own experience in conducting distance lessons in English, I try harder use an integrated approach - parallel study of vocabulary, phonetics and grammar.

Web-quests as an active form teaching a foreign language

A large number of children are currently studying at our school. Now, during quarantine, the only way to contact them, to consult on any topic, to give them tasks or to certify is via the Internet. The teacher, having a flexible work schedule, is not tied to a specific office, he can adjust the time and place of classes himself, communicating with students via Skype or through webinars. Webinars aimed at learning conversational vocabulary on professionally focused topics are very relevant for students of our school, since usually several people participate in them, sometimes a whole subgroup, and the classes are built in a playful free form. More convenient to share each webinar on several topics. It must necessarily include grammar exercises, while the rules are clearly explained to students, which are supported by examples from everyday life. Each vocabulary or grammar lesson should include a list of exercises that the teacher can send to the student in advance by email. During the webinars, it is possible to correct errors in the speech of students and give them advice in real time. Also, in our English language school, work is already underway to involve interested and gifted students in web-quests - "a continuous targeted search that may be associated with adventure or play." During the academic year, students work on one of the most interesting and topical topics "English borrowings in various spheres of life." Work on this project is carried out both group and individual. Individual project work is that each student does his part of the project: for example, theoretical justification, practical

significance, selection of specific examples, justification of relevance, formulation of conclusions, etc. However, group work on a project is still more preferable, since two main goals of language learning are fulfilled: communication and information exchange. Quests develop thinking, the ability to compare, analyze, classify, think abstractly, increase students' motivation to learn. Assignments are based on examples from real everyday life, so students perceive this information as useful for themselves, which leads to an increase learning efficiency. The result of the web-quest is a project prepared by the end of the academic year, which

prepared in the form of essays, computer presentations or oral presentation at scientific student conferences. In our school we practice web-quests of the following types:

- compilation (creation of a collection of culinary recipes in English with pictures, tasks for them);

- presentation (creation of presentations in English on additional professionally focused topics, which include vocabulary exercises and questions to the presented material; oral presentation of the presentation before the group);

- design, analytical task (search for English borrowings in various fields of activity: everyday life, economics, medicine, sports, engineering, computer technology; systematization of information on a given topic);

- assessment (substantiation of one's point of view on the relevance of the topics under study);

- scientific research (in the form of sociological surveys to identify how well students of various specialties are guided in the English vocabulary, which is densely included in the Russian language).

Distance learning opportunities help the English teacher to correctly compose an individual program for each specific student in accordance with the specific goals and objectives of the student.

Distance learning opportunities

help the English teacher to correctly compose an individual program for each specific student in accordance with the specific goals and objectives of the student.

Remote capabilities trainings help the teacher of English to competently draw up an individual program for each student in accordance with specific goals and objectives, facing him.


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