Материалдар / Development of educational modular programs for competencies
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Development of educational modular programs for competencies

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
A module is a logically completed part of educational material, necessarily accompanied by the control of students' knowledge and skills. Modular training - is a method in which the content of educational material and the organization of its study are in modules. A modular curriculum is a system of means, methods with the help and by means of which an integrating didactic goal is achieved in the aggregate of all modules of a specific academic discipline.
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Development of educational modular programs for competenciesTeacher of chemistry and special disciplines of the general technical department        Knowledge and professional skills are key benchmarksmodern education system, training and retrainingPersonnel: “To become a developed competitive state,we must become a highly educated nation. ”Modular training is one of the most holistic andsystemic approaches to the learning process, providinghighly efficient implementation of the didactic process.N.A. Nazarbayev

A module is a logically completed part of educational material, necessarily accompanied by the control of students' knowledge and skills.Modular training - is a method in which the content of educational material and the organization of its study are in modules.A modular curriculum is a system of means, methods with the help and by means of which an integrating didactic goal is achieved in the aggregate of all modules of a specific academic discipline.

Comparative analysis - a comparison of traditional education and training based on the competence approach
Traditional trainingModular training
this is training, in which the work of a teacher is primarily focused on the communication of knowledge and methods of actions transmitted to students in finished form and intended for reproducing learning; the teacher is the only initiative member of the educational process; traditional learning is predominantly reproductive.method of organizing the educational process on the basis of block-modular presentation of educational information.
Advantages - is the ability to transfer a large amount of information in a short time.- With such training, students learn knowledge in a finished form without disclosing ways to prove their truth.- in addition, it involves the assimilation and reproduction of knowledge and their application in similar situations.Advantages - the activity of the student takes place in the zone of his nearest development;- is focused on self-government and mutual control, forms communication skills;- makes it possible to rationally allocate time;- realizes the student's reflective abilities in each lesson.- it is designed to free the teacher from performing a purely informational function and create conditions for a brighter manifestation of the consultative coordinating function.
Disadvantages- learning can be called its focus more on memory than on thinking.- this training also contributes little to the development of creative abilities, independence, and activity.Disadvantages- educational material should be constantly and not annually processed and updated.- the level of readiness of students to perform independent learning activities: not all of our students are capable of independent work.
Disadvantages and limitations of modular training

1. Great complexity in the design of modules.2. Development of modular curricula requires high pedagogical and methodological qualifications, special textbooks and teaching aids.3. To unleash the creative potential of gifted students, it is necessary to create modules of different levels.4. In the conditions of modular training, interactive learning functions, students' cooperation, and their mutual assistance often remain practically unrealized.5. If for each new lesson, lesson the teacher has the opportunity to update the content of educational material, to replenish and expand it, then the “module” remains as if a “frozen” form of teaching material, its modernization requires considerable effort.

But, what do modular lessons give?

In contrast to traditional lessons in lessons conducted using modular pedagogical technology, we observed a conscious level of discipline, which ultimately had a positive effect on the quality and effectiveness of the lesson. Independent work has become for pupils a means of active cognitive activity. Pupils actively used the opportunity to get an individual consultation, and self-control, intermediate and final control allowed identifying gaps in the module learning.The use of the modular system in the school gives a positive result, increases the level of academic performance and interest in the subject, a friendly atmosphere is created in the group. This technology contributes to the systematization of knowledge and holistic perception of the material, saves time, forms learning and cognitive skills, facilitates the transition to the university system of education.

The use of elements of modular technology in the Chemistry classroom

Водород- hydrogenХимический элемент- chemical elementПростое вещество- simple substance
  • Положение в ПС- position in the periodic system
  • Строение атома- atom structure
  • Нахождение в природе- location in the nature
  • Химические свойства- chemical properties
  • Получение- obtaining
  • Применение- appliance
  • Физические свойства- physical properties
  • Строение молекулы- molecular structure
  • История открытия- discovery history
1) N.Nurakhmetov, K. Bekeshev, N.Front methodological guide for chemistry 10kl, Almaty Mektep 20102) A.Temirbulatov, N.Nurakhmetov, R.Zhumadilova, S.Alimzhanova methodical guide to chemistry 10kl, Almaty Mektep 20073) A.Temirbulatov, N.Nurakhmetov, R.Zhumadilova, S.Alimzhanova collection of tasks in chemistry 11kl Mektep 20074) Chemistry 10kl natural-mathematical direction N.Nurahmetov, K.Bekeshev, N.Zagranichnaya5) Chemistry 11kl natural-mathematical direction A.Temirbulatov, N.Nurahmetov, R.Zhumadilova, S.Alimzhanova6) Guzeev V.V. Generations of educational technologies: “Traditional methods”, Modular-block and whole-block technologies. J .: Chemistry at school. №9 - 20037) Mitrofanenkova L.V., Ulitina S.N. Modular technology training. Allowance

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