Материалдар / Distance learning as an individual approach to the English language

Distance learning as an individual approach to the English language

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Қашықтықтан оқыту құралдары оқу үрдісіне көбірек енгізілуде. Сондықтан инновацияларды іздеу осындай сабақтардың әдістері мен технологияларын жасау. Атап айтқанда, келесі бағыттар бойынша жұмыс жүргізіледі: сабақ қарқындылығын арттыру; мазмұнды кеңейту; оның қабілеттері мен тұлғаның мотивациялық-құндылық сферасын ескере отырып, әр студент үшін жеке траекториялар; студенттердің өзіндік жұмыстарын күшейту. Қашықтықтан оқыту салыстырмалы түрде жақында пайда болғанымен, ол маңызды білім беру элементіне айналды. Оқытудың бұл түрі оқушының өзін-өзі бағалауын ескеру, оны ынталандыру және оқу процесінде ең жаңа технологиялық құралдарды қолдану арқылы жеке тәсілдің арқасында танымал болып келеді. Енді қашықтықтан оқыту әдістерінің тиімділігін одан әрі арттыру үшін кез-келген пәнмен, оның ішінде ағылшын тілімен жұмыс жасау құралдарын құрудың тұтас тұжырымдамасын әзірлеу керектігі айтылған.
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Distance learning as an individual approach to the English language

Шымкент қаласы

Әл-Фараби академиялық

мектебінің ағылшын тілі

мұғалімі Садыкова М.Б


Қашықтықтан оқыту құралдары оқу үрдісіне көбірек енгізілуде. Сондықтан инновацияларды іздеу осындай сабақтардың әдістері мен технологияларын жасау. Атап айтқанда, келесі бағыттар бойынша жұмыс жүргізіледі: сабақ қарқындылығын арттыру; мазмұнды кеңейту; оның қабілеттері мен тұлғаның мотивациялық-құндылық сферасын ескере отырып, әр студент үшін жеке траекториялар; студенттердің өзіндік жұмыстарын күшейту. Қашықтықтан оқыту салыстырмалы түрде жақында пайда болғанымен, ол маңызды білім беру элементіне айналды. Оқытудың бұл түрі оқушының өзін-өзі бағалауын ескеру, оны ынталандыру және оқу процесінде ең жаңа технологиялық құралдарды қолдану арқылы жеке тәсілдің арқасында танымал болып келеді. Енді қашықтықтан оқыту әдістерінің тиімділігін одан әрі арттыру үшін кез-келген пәнмен, оның ішінде ағылшын тілімен жұмыс жасау құралдарын құрудың тұтас тұжырымдамасын әзірлеу керектігі айтылған.

Түйінді сөздер: ағылшын тілі; оқыту; қашықтан; оқыту; Ғаламтор; шетелдік; тіл.


Distance learning aids are increasingly being introduced into the educational process. Therefore, the search for innovations in development of methods and technologies for such classes. In particular, scientists work in the following areas: increasing the intensity of classes; expansion of content; construction individual trajectories for each student, taking into account his abilities and the motivational-value sphere of the personality; intensification of students' independent work. Although distance learning has appeared relatively recently, it has already become a serious educational element, has established itself as a promising pedagogical technology. This type of training is gaining popularity due to a personal approach, taking into account the student's self-esteem, motivating him and using the latest technological tools in the learning process. Now, in order to further increase the effectiveness of distance learning methods, it is time to develop a holistic concept for creating tools for working with any discipline, including English.

Key words: English; training; remotely; teaching; Internet; foreign; language.


Дистанционные средства обучения все шире внедряются в образовательный процесс. Поэтому приоритетным направлением считается поиск новаций в

разработке методик и технологий для таких занятий. В частности, ученые работают в таких направлениях: повышение интенсивности занятий; расширение содержания; постройкой

индивидуальных траекторий для каждого ученика, учитывая его способности и мотивационно-ценностную сферу личности; интенсификацию самостоятельной работы учащихся. Хотя дистанционное обучение появилось относительно недавно, оно уже стало серьезным образовательным элементом, зарекомендовало себя в качестве перспективной

педагогической технологии. Такой вид занятий набирает популярность благодаря личному подходу, учету самооценки ученика, его мотивированию и использованию в процессе обучения новейших технологических средств. Теперь, для дальнейшего роста эффективности дистанционных методик обучения, пришло время разработать целостную концепцию создания средств по работы с любой дисциплиной, в том числе и с английским языком.

Ключевые слова: английский язык; обучение; дистанционно; преподавание; Интернет; иностранный; язык.

Currently, new information technologies affect the level of knowledge of students. In developed countries, students are engaged in self-education, self-study, study independently find the information you need and solve problems, they should be able to analyze and apply the acquired knowledge in the future. Real learning system should orient students towards the desire to receive knowledge; provide individually tailored teaching aids for each teacher; give them the opportunity to study according to an individual schedule; immediately evaluate learning outcomes. "Individual educational trajectory is a temporary order implementation of an individual educational program, taking into account the specific conditions of the educational process in an educational institution "To date, the problem of distance learning English is not a sufficiently studied topic. "The basis of the constructive component is the ability of a teacher of technical disciplines to highlight the main patterns of the pedagogical phenomenon in pedagogy, taking into account the tasks and goals of professional activity, applying the knowledge of pedagogy and psychology, to apply psychological and pedagogical teaching methods in educational activities of a technical profile." The main condition for such an approach to teaching is the teacher's qualification, it is this that is the ultimate in the effectiveness of all methodological principles. The computer is only a means of acquiring knowledge. The one who teaches is and remains the main organizer of the teaching process. The teacher is the organizer of the entire learning process, he plans and the level of knowledge of students will depend on his skill, it is he who controls the technical means, no matter how “smart” it is. This approach to learning opens up new perspectives in learning and self-study and expands the information sphere.

"To create conditions under which every child, using his cognitive abilities, can receive the necessary knowledge «In European countries, including Kazakhstan

distance learning is becoming more and more a popular form of education, as it allows learners learn at their own pace and in the place where they located. Perhaps it will completely replace the traditional one in the future. The ongoing restructuring higher education is catalysts for change traditional educational system, including teaching English. Today new non-state educational institutions whose services are rapidly diversifying as they develop, not only innovative teaching methods, but also information technology. They are the incentive

increasing student motivation in this case. It gives everyone ample opportunities, they are provided with new mechanisms for the implementation of intersubject and socio-cultural ties, using the most modern forms of information exchange, systemic and intersystem interaction. "Amount of information, with which a person deals in everyday life, are growing rapidly. All data is now available. Not in a library, not under the control of a church or teacher, but at any point in space. " "Modern those wishing to learn should be able to acquire the necessary knowledge themselves. For this purpose, it is necessary to use the didactic properties provided by new information technologies”. The university teachers are faced with the task of graduating highly qualified specialists from industry and various farms. A university graduate is a broadly educated person with fundamental training. Accordingly, a foreign language for such a specialist becomes not only a necessary tool, but also an important component of the cultural and humanistic development. We believe that the computer as a powerful tool for teaching English allows you to change the traditional learning process, because: - he actively involves everyone in the educational process, turning them into subjects of learning; - it helps to optimize the tempo the student's work, i.e. individualization and differentiation of training is provided;

- it greatly expands the possibilities of filing

educational information, especially with the advent of multimedia technologies;

- the computer allows you to qualitatively change the control over the activities of students, increasing it objectivity, providing prompt feedback communication and due to this flexibility in managing the educational process.

Today, distance learning English has become possible thanks to online learning, which includes the necessary components of the traditional educational process. This method gaining knowledge is very popular, the goal of which is to master the language when factors such as the remote location of educational centers and an unstable work schedule cannot be an obstacle to achieving the set goals. Our country is huge and many would like to get higher education. This problem can be

solve through distance learning. This kind training has long established itself in educational environment and has become traditionally called “remote training”. Distance learning became the prototype of this type of education. “For the teacher to implement tactical goals is necessary: ​​to structure the course, implement selection of educational material for the required sections, choose the form of the lesson ".

Distance learning language is

a set of educational - computer programs. They are designed to meet specific learning needs. This learning approach also implies an individual approach. Some high level students’ knowledge, quickly perceive educational information,

and most with a low level of knowledge are slow. Such systems allow you to achieve high results everyone, regardless of their initial level of knowledge. It

allows you to study at any distance from a small audience, ending with different states. TO distance learning includes:

· Work with delivered materials;

· Help from a remote teacher;

· Timely delivery of training materials;

· Increasing information culture;

The opportunity to gain knowledge in any available anywhere in the world, and anytime, anywhere;

-accessibility to persons remote from educational institutions of higher education.

Advantages of distance learning over traditional education:

- the student can study English practically anywhere, at any distance.

- he does not bear the cost of teaching materials.

- sequence and duration of study

Everyone chooses these materials himself. He adapts the learning process to his level of knowledge.

- the quality of language teaching does not depend on the teaching in a particular educational institution.

Currently, one of the striking examples of distance learning is educational platforms. There are dozens of platforms around the world that enable students to get an education at a convenient time in any convenient place and get higher education. The main representatives of educational platforms are Coursera, Skiing,

Intel Education Galaxy and others. «In an intensively changing world, where the flow of information is increasing at times every day, it is impossible train professionals, providing them with the necessary knowledge at the same time. Due to the intensive development of the spheres of human life, there will be an inevitable need to obtain new knowledge and develop new skills in practical activities in the context of such a changeable nature of the environment. " The main direction of the educational process in our time is to increase the level of knowledge through self-education. Without the use of new teaching technologies, it is impossible to achieve a qualitative improvement in education and effective

training of qualified specialists. The main task of distance learning English as a student-centered approach is the organization of training for each individually, and for a subgroup of students on an individual schedule. "We need to know not only the abilities and capabilities of each child, but also his mental characteristics"

Teachers are encouraged from time to time send out educational materials and organize access to information channels. Sent materials must contain:

- educational and methodological program;

- teaching aids;

- list of references;

- control questions and tests for self-examination to practical work;

- exercises and tasks for consolidation;

- final tests.

The sent educational materials are provided in printed form and in the form of electronic hypertext manuals. “Learning through activity, or operational strategy, confirms the activity-based nature of the concept of multilateral education, in accordance with which the education and development of a student are carried out at the expense of his diverse and differentiated intellectual and cognitive, emotional-evaluative and practical activities aimed at transforming oneself and the surrounding reality. " This approach to teaching the English language makes it possible to increase the efficiency of educational processes regardless of the place of residence of the students and differs from traditional forms of education in high dynamism associated with the flexibility of the choice of training courses, a large volume of independent work, and a variety of forms of educational and methodological support. “In modern conditions are no longer enough to simply educate students, give them a certain, fairly large amount of knowledge. It is necessary to teach them to constantly update knowledge, to systematically look for something new. " Some companies specialize in the production of materials

for self-study and self-training. In this case textbooks are complementary to the general curriculum material, not fixed assets. Depending on from the direction, it can be educational and methodological manuals or textbooks, and periodicals.

It follows from this that this approach to teaching English from books has both pros and cons. Students do not have to waste time on the road to the tutor and study in a convenient place in their free time. We give preference to such distance courses that involve feedback. For example, after students have read the text on the topic of the studied material, it is necessary to complete the exercises on reading comprehension, which is checked remote teacher. In traditional classes there is no interlocutor in the language, with the exception of the teacher. In this case, language proficiency becomes problematic. And in distance learning, no such problems. Student can communicate with native speakers’ language virtually. “It is possible to teach speech activity only in communication, live communication. “The general goal of the types of activity used on the Internet is to organize communication in the conditions of network communication, while the main indicator of the culture of communication is the level of formation of the general culture. Along with this, the level of communication culture takes into account some intellectual skills, which include the ability to briefly express the main idea, listening and listening to interlocutors, conducting a conversation, justifying

own point of view, acceptance of the point of view of the interlocutors, the formation of a unified point of view that covers the argumentation of both parties. " As a rule, completed tasks are sent by email. In addition, by listening to educational audio recordings, you can reinforce the correct pronunciation, which is checked from a distance. “Practice shows that teaching students reading skills contributes to the formation of skills oral speech. Accordingly, when choosing texts, it is necessary to take into account the interests and needs of students, and

also pay attention to novelty and practical the significance of the material. To solve these problems, it is possible to use authentic texts, since they are perceived by students with interest and great enthusiasm " “The teacher becomes the organizer of the process of research, search, analysis and processing of information. The gradual transfer of control and regulation of one's own educational work does not mean the teacher's departure from the pedagogical scene or the belittling of his role. In a sense, his activity becomes more complex, creative, requiring more concentration and effort. "Email is used to prepare and transmission of information to everyone, including audio recordings. Distance learning contains different methods learning: programmed learning, intellectual (problem) learning, expert systems and etc. "To the teacher for the implementation of tactical goals

it is necessary: ​​to structure the course, to carry out the selection of educational material for the necessary sections, choose the form of the lesson ". “The foreign language study program includes teaching materials from professionally oriented disciplines, but they are attracted for the purpose of using them. For the formation of the necessary competence in a foreign language”. So, the main advantage over traditional education is distance learning English language provides students with free access to databases, library catalogs, etc., they are provided with ample opportunities for individual and group work and convenient materials for learning or communication, the ability to test in direct access. Unlike the traditional approach to teaching, it has several advantages. First, we should emphasize its availability to everyone with a radio or television receiver at their disposal and within reach of radio and television broadcasting. Secondly, it is distinguished by its wide democratic character, since it can be used by students of various courses, different levels of education and social status. In case of educational problems, at any time he can contact the teacher and receive professional help. Thirdly, can choose a course according to their level knowledge and their inclinations and abilities. But the concept of remote learning English and slow reverse the connection between the student and the teacher complicates learning, significantly limits the didactic possibilities of radio and television lessons.


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