Материалдар / Extracurricular activity «The Fabulous Journey to Wizarding world»
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Extracurricular activity «The Fabulous Journey to Wizarding world»

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Teacher: Good morning, my dear students! How are you feeling today? I`m glad to see you at our unusual lesson. As you see today we`ve got a lot of guests at our lesson. Be more active, don`t worry and try to do your best. OK? (Teacher turns on the soundtrack from Harry Potter to attract pupil’s attention) Soundtrack: (John Towner Williams - Hedwig's Theme) Description: Pupils listens to the soundtrack and tries to guess the theme of the lesson. -Today, we will have a wonderful journey to Wizarding world. What do you think which magical world will we visit?
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29 Сәуір 2022
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Grade: 6 «a»

Theme: «The Fabulous Journey to Wizarding world»

Objectives: To increase students' interest in learning English, to develop thinking skills, to strengthen the mind and creativity.

Resources : Pictures and tasks



Teacher: Good morning, my dear students! How are you feeling today? I`m glad to see you at our unusual lesson. As you see today we`ve got a lot of guests at our lesson. Be more active, don`t worry and try to do your best. OK?

(Teacher turns on the soundtrack from Harry Potter to attract pupil’s attention)

Soundtrack: (John Towner Williams - Hedwig's Theme)

Description: Pupils listens to the soundtrack and tries to guess the theme of the lesson.

-Today, we will have a wonderful journey to Wizarding world. What do you think which magical world will we visit?

-Yes, you’re right. Today, we will plunge into the world of Hogwarts, find out in which house we belong to, figure out who will be new owner of the powerful wand of Voldemort. Are you excited? So, let’s go to the platform 9¾ .There “Hogwarts Express” will wait for us.

(Teacher turns on the sound of train to create the illusion of entrance to the magic world)

Sound of train: https://harry-potter-sounds.ambient-mixer.com/storm-on-the-hogwarts-express

-So, we arrived to Hogwarts. And now, “Sorting Hat” is waiting for us to divide you into four Hogwarts houses. There are Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw.

(Teacher turns on the voice of Sorting Hat to divide pupils into houses)

Sound: “Sorting Hat Saying Names Of Hogwarts Houses”.

-Well, we divided into houses and now we’ll have a competition between four houses. The first round is “Blasted Puzzle”. So, for every team, I’ll hand out worksheets. You should solve the crossword puzzle as fast as it possible. You will have only 2 minutes. For every right answer you will get 2 magic balls.

Task of the first round:


1. What is Nevel's toad's name?

6. Who is Harry's least favorite teacher?

7. Who is the smartest student in hogwarts?

11. What house is blue?

13. Who is the most recent potion teacher?

14. Who was Harry's first friend?

15. how many Harry Potter movies are there?

17. Who is Harry's and Ginny's oldest son?

19. Where is platform 9 3/4?

21. What part of the whomping willow stalls it?


2. Where did Harry get his wand?

3. What was the first wizard food Harry had?

4. Who killed bellatrix le strange?

5. What was Harry's Owl named?

8. Who wrote Harry Potter?

9. Where did Harry kill voldemort?

10. Who is the gamekeeper at hogwarts?

12. What is the tortchure curce?

16. What is ron and hermione's duaghter's name?

18. At what age did Harry get a invited to hogwarts?

20. A magicail person is either a wizard or a __

-Excellent! The second round is “Magic Grammar”. So,in this round you should solve do the grammar task. You will have 3 minutes. For every right answer you will get 1 magic balls.

Card for 1st and 3rd team:

Put the vocabulary in these quotes from the episode (include pronouns where necessary):

  1. What happened?

Nothing, I ___. I just looked at it and the glass disappeared.

2) Strictly speaking I’m not ____ to do magic.

3) Best not to ____ this to anybody Harry.

4) At the end of the year, the house with the most points ___ ___ the house cup.

5) The dark forest is strictly ____ to all students 6) I’m guessing that Professor Snape ___ the troll ___ as a diversion.

7) Snape has already been here. He has ___ ___ ___ ___ on the harp, so it keeps playing music.

Card for 2nd and 4th team:

  1. Are the ____ true, Professor?

I’m afraid so. The good and the bad.

2) You’re a ____ Harry. And so you can do magic.

3) Is it true, Harry? Do you really have the ___ on your forehead?

4) To celebrate the beginning of term the students were given a massive ____ and so no-one was hungry 5) All of your ___ have already been brought up.

6) Well, we have a new ___ in this class. ‘Harry Potter’!

7) There hasn’t been a first year in the quidditch team for over a ___

-Good of you, you’re so smart! Let’s move on to the next round. It’s called “Creative film writer”. Now, I’ll show you an excerpt of film “Harry Potter”. I’ll give you sheets, you should listen to a line from a film and write it down. For every right answer, you’ll get 3 magic balls.

Excerpt from film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e08jMWr_fwA&t=2s

Suggested answers:

  1. Could I have your attention, please?

  2. Right. Now, today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets.

  3. Like so.

  4. One, two, three, Vera verto.

  5. Now it's your turn.

  6. Well, who would like to go first?

  7. Ah! Mr. Weasley.

  8. That wand needs replacing, Mr. Weasley.

  9. Yes, Miss Granger?

  10. Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets?

  11. Very well.

  12. Well, you all know, of course,that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age.

  13. Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff,Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin.

  14. Now, three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously.

  15. One did not. Three guesses who.Salazar Slytherin wished to be more  770 ₸ - Сатып алу

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