Материалдар / “Health is our Wealth”
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“Health is our Wealth”

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
PLAN OF EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY “Health is our Wealth”. Aims:  fostering a careful attitude to one's health;  promotion of healthy lifestyles,  development of language, cognitive abilities,  value orientations, feelings and emotions, creative skills  use the learned material in new communication situations.
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
16 Қаңтар 2022
3 рет жүктелген
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Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады


Date: February

Grade: 6

Theme: “Health is our Wealth”


  • fostering a careful attitude to one's health;

  • promotion of healthy lifestyles,

  • development of language, cognitive abilities,

  • value orientations, feelings and emotions, creative skills

  • use the learned material in new communication situations.

Visual aids: healthy lifestyle brochures, notebook, slideshows, daily routine posters, fruit and vegetable drawings, box, syringe, thermometer, phonendoscope, apple tokens.

Didactic handouts: task cards.



-Good afternoon, everybody! I’m very glad to see you. How are you? Today we’ll speak about our health. You’ll agree that our health is in our own hands. Thousands years ago ancient Greeks said: The first wealth is health. “Health is the best wealth”. There are a lot of other proverbs about health. I think keeping health is very important for everyone.Health is one of the urgent problems in the world. There is nothing more mportant than health. “Health is our wealth” wise people say, because you cannot be good at your studies or well if you don’t take care about your health. Today you can show your knowledge about health too. We have two teams. The names of our teams are “Vitamins” and “Chocolates”.You get apples for right answer. Apple is symbol of health. I wish you good luck.

I . Gamе “Finish right proverbs”

1.Health is……………. . keeps the doctor away

2. Wealth is……………. . the best wealth

3. Early to bed and………. early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

4.Eat to live…………… but not to live to eat

5.An apple a day……… health

6.Don’t worry…………. not   be happy

II. Game “ Useful and unuseful food”.

For the first team: write as many words (food- products, plants) as you can that are useful for our health (e.g. fruit, vegetables, fish, meat, poultry, nuts).For the second team: write as many words as you can that are harmful or unhealthy for us (e.g. chocolate, sugar, coffee, sweets, butter, etc.)

III. Game Guess the Word”.

Сөздер: Велосипед, май, дәрігер, йогурт, торт, алма, шалғам, жұмыртқа

Words: Bicycle, oil, doctor, yogurt, cake, apple, radish, egg.

Key: body care.

Сөздер: Май, алма, диета, денсаулық, өрік, банан, мұз, шай.

Words: Вutter, apple, diet, health, apricot, banana, ice, tea.

Key : a bad habit

Оқушылар сөздерді қазақ тілінен ағылшын тіліне, және аударылған сөздердің бірінші әріптері, сөз тіркесін құрыңыз бірінші кілт бол. Бірінші болып жазған команда және сөз тіркесін дұрыс жазды, алма алады.

IV. Game “ Friendly Numbers”.

19 20 15 13 1 3 8 1 3 8 5 (stomachache) 8 15 19 16 9 20 1 12 (hospital)

4 5 14 20 9 19 20 (dentist) 8 5 1 18 20 (heart)

20 5 13 16 5 18 1 20 21 18 5 (temperature) 2 12 15 15 4 (blood)

Топтарға алфавит ұсынылады, олардың әріптері нөмірленген (а - 1, б - 2 және т.б.), көшбасшы сандар жазылған карточкаларды тез көтереді, оқушылар олар жазылады, содан кейін сөздер ашылады.

V. Game “Good habits and bad habits”. Divide into two columns.

Eating whole meal bread, eating sweets, eating low fiber food, exercising, physical inactivity, not keeping diet, drinking alcohol, smoking, drugs, a healthy diet, sleeping 3 hours, getting up early, regular meals, having breakfast, playing computer games a long time.

Good habits

Bad habits

VI. Game “We are for healthy life”. Draw the advertisement.

Two teams draw their work. It takes 7 minutes.

VII. Game “Brain storming “. Competitions for captains.

Answer the questions by theme «Health” and “Keep fit”

Name an organ in the mouth used for tasting, swallowing or speaking.

What food is bad for your teeth?

What Kazakh proverb about health do you know?

What is the colour of blood?

Where do you go when you have a toothache?

Where can you buy medicine?

What winter sports do you know?

Is strong coffee useful for your health?

How many times a day should you clean teeth?

What summer sports do you know?

What dairy products do you know?

What is dangerous for health?

How long must you sleep every day?

What food has all vitamins for small children?

What is the translation of word “drug”?

What do you do before eating?

VIII. Game «Match right information for each vitamin A, B, C, D, E»

Vitamin A in carrot, fish oil, eggs

A to protect eyesight, increase resistance infection.

Vitamin B in liver, eggs, yeast

В.to strengthen nervous system. Cooking destroys vitamin B, take it


Vitamin C in cherry, orange, lemon, fruit, vegetables (сucеmber, red beet)

C.increase resistance to infection. It helps to recover after illness,

take it daily

Vitamin D in milk, eggs, fish, yeast

D to help the body in formation of bones and strong teeth.

Vitamin E in soya, fruit (pomegranate, banana, grapes, pear, apple, o).

E to improve poor blood circulation, in treatment of thrombosis,

varicose veins.

IX. Game” What is in this box?” Guess quickly!

It is very important for doctor because he listens to heart of patient. When you are ill the doctor can give tablets and injections with big and small sewing needles. When you have hot. You take it, put it for 5 minutes and then look at it. If it is very high you call the doctor.

X. Conclusion.

-Now it’s time to finish our game. I am very glad to have such clever pupils. You were so active today. You know a lot of things about health. But only the members of one team are the winners today.

-Let’s congratulate them all together. Clap your hands, please. Thank you for the game. Thank you for attention! Good bye!

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