Материалдар / "Learning about map reading"

"Learning about map reading"

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
- use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world -understand a longer sequence of supported classroom instructions; -ask simple questions to get information about a growing range of general topics;
26 Қараша 2021
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

6 grade

Variant I

  1. Miras ____________ two sisters and one brother.

A) has got

B) haven’t got

C) have got

D) have

2. Mr and Mrs Obama ____________ three sons.

A) has got

B) have got

C) hasn’t got

D) has

3. Tony and I are drummers. We ____________ drums at home.

A) has got

B) hasn’t got

C) have got

D) has

4. Jonathan ____________ a skateboard. It’s red and blue.

A) have got


C) haven’t got

D) has got

5. I _______Spanish with my sister.

  1. listens

  2. study

  3. studies

D) eat

6. My sister _______a shower every morning.

A) take

B) drinks

C) takes

D) watches

7. This house _______to my grandmother.

  1. visit

B) comes

C) belong

D) belongs

8. The dogs ____________ a little house.

A) has

B) have

C) hasn’t

D) got

9. The baby ____________ two teeth.

A) haven’t

B) have

C) has

D) got has

10. Moira and Mac ____________ a helicopter.

A) has

B) hasn’t

C) got has

D) have

11.We ________ to go for a walk in the morning.

  1. like


  3. walk

  4. walked

12.You write with it. What's that?

  1. Pen

  2. Board

  3. Pencilcase

  4. bag

13.My husband and I______a lot of money on books.

  1. spend

  2. buy

  3. spends

  4. has

14.You put your books in it. What's that?

  1. Bag

  2. Pencilcase

  3. Ruler

  4. notebook

15.John______milk twice a day

  1. drinks

  2. eats

  3. have

  4. drink

16. Find the opposite of the adjective: “good”

A) better

B) bad

C) nice

D) pretty

17. My brother ____________ a new T-shirt.

A) have

B) has

C) got

D) haven’t

18. What month is after September?

A) October

B) July

C) November

D) August

19. What day is before Monday?

A) Tuesday

B) Sunday

C) Friday

D) Saturday

20. I _______ a computer in my room.

A) hasn’t

B) has

C) have

D) am

21. Find the correct sentence.

A) This is David’s book.

B) This is David book.

C) This is David books.

D) These are David’s book.

22. Find the correct sentence.

A) This is my teacher. Her name is Madina.

B) This is my teacher. Their name is Madina.

C) This is my teacher. Your name is Madina.

D) This is my teacher. His name is Madina.

23. Find the opposite of the adjective: “cheap”

A) expensive

B) bad

C) nice

D) good

24. What month is after December?

A) September

B) May

C) November

D) January

25. Find the correct sentence.

A) These are the girls’ pens.

B) These are the girls’s pens.

C) This is the girls’ pens.

D) These are the girls pens.

26. Paul ______a lovely parrot.

A) am

B) have

C) has

D) are

27. Are you a student?

A) Yes, I am

B) Yes, I am not

C) No, I am

D) No, I aren’t

28. Find an odd word: “music, sport, insect, art”

A) insect

B) sport

C) music

D) art

29. He _____ his homework after school.

A) does

B) do

C) write

D) study

30. Tim _______some balls.

A) haven’t got

B) am

C) have

D) has

6 grade

Variant II

1. Find an odd word: “pen, notebook, bag, exercise”

A) pen

B) exercise

C) bag

D) notebook

2. Choose the correct sentence.

A) Karen bag is green.

B) Karen’s bag is green.

C) Karen bag’s is green.

D) Karen’s bag’s is green.

3. What month is before July?

A) September

B) August

C) June

D) May

4. This DVD isn’t cheap. It’s very ______.

A) expensive

B) bad

C) good

D) noisy

5. I ______ a new teacher of English.

A) are

B) has

C) is

D) have

6. He’s from France. He’s French. I’m from China. I’m _____.

A) Chinese

B) Chinean

C) Chinees

D) Chineese

7. What day is after Tuesday?

A) Wednesday

B) Monday

C) Friday

D) Thursday

8. You _____ very popular.

A) are

B) is

C) have

D) am

9. She____ next to the window.

A) isn’t

B) aren’t

C) am

D) are

10. They _____ a good guitar.

A) aren’t

B) have

C) has

D) are

11. Find an odd word: “tennis, mouse, football, match”

A) match

B) tennis

C) football

D) mouse

12. ____’s your name?

A) What

B) When

C) Where

D) How

13. ______’s your father from?

A) What

B) Where

C) Who

D) When

14. She watches_______

A) work at five o’clock

B) lunch at school

C) TV after school

D) homework in the evening

15. This is our classroom; we _____ our schoolbags in here.

A) got
B) have

C) are

D) has

16. He ____ up at five o’clock.

A) gets

B) get

C) goes

D) start

17. _______ you like your new school?

A) Do

B) Does

C) Are

D) Is

18. Mr. and Mrs. Smith ____ an old car.

A) have

B) get

C) has

D) buys

19. ________ do you live?

A) Who

B) When

C) Where

D) Whom

20. When is your birthday?

A). My birthday is Friday.

B) My birthday on Friday.

C) My birthday is on Friday

D) My birthday on is Friday.

21. Do you like cycling?

A) Yes, I do.

B) No, I do

C) Yes, I don’t

D) No, I doesn’t

22. We _____ students here.

A) are

B) is

C) don’t

D) am

23. Is ______ your sister?

A) these

B) this

C) his

D) her

24. The aren’t ________ computer games.

A) some

B) any

C) a

D) an

25. I ______a big house.


B) do

C) has

D) hasn’t

26. I have got a book _____ art.

A) about

B) on

C) at

D) in

27. Hi, Anna. _____ is my friend, Maks.

A) This

B) These

C) That

D) His

28. Here are my _______ friends.

A) brother’

B) brother

C) brother’s

D) brothers’s

29. I am (13) years old.

A) thirty

B) thirteen

C) thirten

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