Материалдар / tests English

tests English

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Variant I Choose the correct variant 1 The world sea surrounds the earth and … to us all.
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
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Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Variant I

Choose the correct variant

1 The world sea surrounds the earth and … to us all.

A) is belonging

B) belongs

C) has belonged

D) are belonging

E) belong

2 I know you … an advanced geography course now.

A) were taking

B) is taking

C) are taking

D) are talking

E) is talking

3 Like it or not , television… the supreme holiday attraction ever since it upstaged the cinema by showing old films.

A) has been

B) is

C) was

D) were

E) are

4 Put the verb in Past Indefinite (Simple) Passive: The museum … built in 1850

A) are

B) is

C) will be

D) was

E) are

5 Choose the right form of the verb in Passive Voice: This music … everywhere

A) is played

B) are played

C) was play

D) played

E) were played

6 Choose the right form of the verb in Passive Voice: This school … next year

A) will have been built

B) will be being built

C) will be build

D) will be built

E) will built

7 Choose the right form of the verb in Passive Voice: A cartoon by the children at the moment

A) are watched

B) is watched

C) is being watched

D) is being watch

E) are being watched

8 Choose the right sentence in Passive Voice:

A) I can't become tomorrow

B) The lesson was had by us

C) I haven't been to Moscow

D) He is told to be an honest man

E) They played chess

9 Choose the right equivalent: James should tell everyone the good news as soon as possible

A) Everyone should be told the good news

B) James should be told good news

C) Everyone should have told James the good news

D) James should tell the good news

E) Everyone should have been told

10 After the festival’s over she … a vacation with her family.

A) will take

B) take

C) taking

D) takes

E) is taking

11. Put the articles a (an), the before the noun, where it is necessary:  I have ____ book.

A) A

B) The

C) An

D) -

E) This

12. Put the articles a (an), the before the noun, where it is necessary: I am watching ____ film. I like ____ films.

A) A; a

B) A; -

C) The; a

D) -; the

E) -; -

13. Put the articles a (an), the before the noun, where it is necessary: I see ____ bird. It's _____ bird I saw yesterday!

A) The; the

B) A; a

C) -; a

D) A; the

E) The; a

14. Put the articles a (an), the before the noun, where it is necessary: We have ____ snow in Russia every winter.

A) A

B) The

C) -

D) An

E) This

15. Put the articles a (an), the before the noun, where it is necessary: _____ text that I read last week was very difficult.

A) -

B) A

C) An

D) This

E) The

16. Put the articles a (an), the before the noun, where it is necessary: I love _____ sweets!

A) -

B) The

C) A

D) An

E) This

17. Put the articles a (an), the before the noun, where it is necessary: I don't like my phone. I like _____ phone of my brother.

A) -

B) The

C) A

D) An

E) This

18. Put the correct Relative Pronoun: __ is that sitting over there on the bench?

A) Whom

B) Which

C) Whose

D) Who

E) That

19. Put the correct Relative Pronoun: I don’t understand a word __ you are speaking about.

A) What

B) Who

C) Whom

D) Which

E) That

20. Put the correct Possessive Pronoun: Jill and Jack write articles for ______ school newspaper.

A) His

B) My

C) Their

D) Her

E) Your

21. Put the correct Possessive Pronoun: Bob nodded at ____ wife as if he wanted to say «You see?»

A) Their

B) His

C) My

D) Her

E) Your

22. Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns: Can you do many things _________?

A) Yourself

B) Himself

C) Herself

D) Myself

E) Themselves

23. Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns: Does your friend Nick often talk to you about _________?

A) Yourself

B) Himself

C) Herself

D) Myself

E) Themselves

24. Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns: Did your mother buy anything for _________ last week?

A) Yourself

B) Himself

C) Herself

D) Myself

E) Themselves

25. Choose the correct verb form in Present Simple: I _____ Spanish with my sister.

A) Studies

B) Studied

C) Will study

D) Study

E) Was studied

Материал жариялап тегін
сертификат алыңыз!
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