Материалдар / The formation and development of General educational abilities and skills of pupils in the evening schools at correctional institu
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The formation and development of General educational abilities and skills of pupils in the evening schools at correctional institu

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Learning skills is universal for many school subjects methods of obtaining and application of knowledge (in contrast to subject-specific skills that are specific to one or another academic discipline). The educational task is all that is given to the student or nominated by him for the execution of the learning process that include verbal and visual components and that require the interaction of rational and sensual parts of learning activities. Training information skills is study skills, which provide finding, processing and using information to solve educational problems Information culture - a code of conduct in the information society, in systems, human-computer Mastering information culture implies the ability of a person is reasonable to build an individual's information environment, to weed out the excess flow, false, etc. information, to evaluate information in terms of quantity, level of information interaction values for humans.
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The formation and development of General educational abilities and skills of pupils in the evening schools at correctional institutions.

Development and education no one can be this or this. Anyone who wants to meet them, must attain their own activity, their own, their own tension.Diesterweg A.

Terminology dictionaryLearning skills is universal for many school subjects methods of obtaining and application of knowledge (in contrast to subject-specific skills that are specific to one or another academic discipline).The educational task is all that is given to the student or nominated by him for the execution of the learning process that include verbal and visual components and that require the interaction of rational and sensual parts of learning activities. Training information skills is study skills, which provide finding, processing and using information to solve educational problems Information culture - a code of conduct in the information society, in systems, human-computer Mastering information culture implies the ability of a person is reasonable to build an individual's information environment, to weed out the excess flow, false, etc. information, to evaluate information in terms of quantity, level of information interaction values for humans.

IntroductionThere is a lot of truth in that, when at times they say: the head of even the most capable person is not worth much without a good education. But to provide a person an education, you need to train him properly to carry out this complex pedagogical process. The major ongoing goal of the school is to make students a deep and lasting assimilation of scientific knowledge, to develop skills to apply them in practice, shaping the materialist world Outlook, moral and aesthetic culture. All this requires a deep understanding by teachers of the theoretical foundations of learning and develop appropriate methodological skills. All the above allows to identify clearly those tasks that need to be addressed in the learning process. As the most important ones are the following:stimulation of the educational-cognitive activity of students;organization of their cognitive activities to acquire scientific knowledge, skills and abilities;the development of thinking, creative abilities and talents;elaboration of the dialectical materialist world Outlook, moral and aesthetic culture;• improving training and skills.Speaking about the nature of knowledge, you need to keep in mind two of its semantic connotations. In one case it is the result of scientific knowledge, the other acts as the subject of learning.In close connection with knowledge are skills. Ability is the possession of means (methods, actions) of the application of the assimilated knowledge in practice. For example, the ability to solve mathematics problems associated with the ownership of such techniques as the analysis of the conditions of the problem, comparison of this condition with the acquired knowledge, a mental find ways of solving the problem through the application of certain elements of knowledge, practical steps for solving the problem and, finally, checking the correctness of the result. In this case, skill is seen as an integral element of skill as an automated action, brought to a high degree of perfection. For example, a cursory reading of the student can be considered as a skill, which is a major element of the skills of intelligent reading."In pedagogical literature there is no consensus of experts on the classification of learning skills. Guided by the structural components of educational activity (planning of tasks and methods of activity, motivation, organization actions, self-control), there are the following types of General educational knowledge (Y. K. Babanskiy)training-organizational;training and information;educational and intellectual.

The definition of "study skills"Study skills - these are skills that correspond to the actions generated in the process of learning many subjects, and will provide operations to perform actions that are used in many subjects and in everyday life.For the assimilation of individual items required so-called uskoreniye skills. They correspond to the actions generated in any academic subject, which can be operations to perform only other specific action of the subject or related subjects.For example, the skills of reading and writing natural numbers and operations on them at initial formation - a purely mathematical abilities (actions), but then when they are formed, they become operations that are widely used not only for implementation of various mathematical operations, but also for action in many other subjects (such as history or literature) and in everyday life practice. Therefore, these skills are learning. But the ability to find the grammatical basis of the sentence corresponds to such an action, which is used in the course of the Russian language. Therefore, this skill is ScopeMeter.As you can see, a clear boundary between uskorennyi and General educational skills and abilities to carry out quite difficult. However, all the training and skills that are generated in some academic subject, can be divided into two categories:1. General, which are formed among students not only in the study of the subject, but also in learning many other subjects, and has applications in many academic subjects and in everyday life practice, for example, the skills of reading and writing, book, etc.;2. Specific (uskorenie), which are formed only of students in the learning process of this subject and have applications mainly in the subject and partly in related items.

Place of General educational skills and abilities in the structure of education evening schools in correctional institutions and secondary schools

Study skills for students in correctional institutions play a crucial role and therefore, in the teaching and educational work necessary to solve the problem. In a typical programme of work with convicts ( see educational plan) experience in the study of personality, but to the methods of repair include the development of General educational skills and abilities( OUN). Knowing your abilities of self-learning, adaptation to new conditions, anyone is more confident and especially for students of evening schools in correctional institutions. N. A. Nazarbayev has noted in his letters to the people the importance of universal secondary education. ( see article 108 of the PEC of the RK "On General secondary education"), to that without mastering own simply impossible. In secondary schools solved the same tasks as in such as ours, and I think that for ordinary students and for pupils of correctional institutions.

The model of organization of educational process in the school at the correctional institutionEvening school of the penitentiary system has features of activities, it is necessary to take into account that as in the organization of educational process in General and in working with each student individually. The students are adults, sentenced to long terms of imprisonment having a negative experience in training weak General training and skills, gaps in basic knowledge, significant gaps in education, reducing motivation. Proceeding from the actual conditions, the purpose of pedagogical activity is the provision of an individual passage programs for each student depending on his / her personal settings for mastering educational standards and improving the quality of teaching disciplines. In this regard, the main tasks of activity of the teacher:1. To restore a positive motivation for learning activities through the individualized educational route.2. To give students basic knowledge in various academic disciplines, to establish and develop the skills to get knowledge independently.An important condition of development of the material a student is the choice the teacher of a rational system of methods and techniques of teaching. To achieve the learning outcomes of the educational programmes it is necessary to consider psycho-physiological features of students, the conditions of stay in a correctional facility, a state of General educational skills and abilities, the specifics of teaching mathematical disciplines.The lecture-test system of teaching and student-oriented technology was the basis of the private school model of organization of educational activities, evening (replaceable) comprehensive school The phased development of the educational material provided as follows: presentation and understanding of the theory in the lecture, the acquisition of skills and the development of skills in practical classes, intermediate and final control when performing practical work. Movement of students during the school year (shift contingent is up to 50%) is due to enabling execution of the program on the subject depending on the beginning of schooling each student on his arrival in a correctional facility. In this regard, the frontal form of work with the class reduced to a minimum, the student learns the educational material at his pace, if possible and if you want to help fellow students, the teacher guides his actions.

Performance metricsSchool defined settings impact of activities in each lesson.1. Lecture.Goal: organization of activities for understanding the theoretical material.Result: understanding students study concepts, relationships between them, the isolation of misunderstood.Criteria for measurement of effectiveness: the organization of feedback2. The practical lesson.Goal: organization of the activities for practicing the skills.Result: the scheduled tasks for each student.Criteria for measurement of effectiveness: execution of works on assessment criteria, according to the state educational standard.

Tailored work programsWork on adaptation of curricula for night schools in the penitentiary system is a step on the way of approaching to mathematical Sciences students who receive education in difficult life conditions. The organization of the curriculum in mathematics in accordance with the school model begins with drawing up a work programme on the subject. Takes into account the number of hours devoted to the subject, the form of training and other features of construction of educational activities in the school.Changes in the structure of an Exemplary program of secondary (complete) General education. These changes in the organization of educational process in the course "mathematics" are connected with a particular contingent of students of the school: many of them are either inherently weak knowledge or a significant interruption in training. As most students of the 10th grade little prepared for the systematic study of mathematics and many have large gaps in knowledge previously acquired, when learning new material will require considerable time for its development. In this regard, topics are distributed so that learning new necessarily is a repetition of the material learned in previous classes that allows to compensate the ignorance passed earlier material and to facilitate learning new. The logic of the content of the educational material on algebra and foundations of analysis and geometry in grade 10 constructed in accordance with the topics of textbooks for General education institutions, recommended by the Ministry of education and science. The sequence of presentation of the course content it is advisable to start with the more comprehensible to learners of the school at the correctional institution. A large gap in the training of the main part of the contingent, the weak base of the foundations of mathematical knowledge and undeveloped own students complicate a course in trigonometry. So at the beginning of the school year in the 10th grade scheduled passage of the topic "Functions and their properties", for example, linear and exponential functions, as this topic is of practical importance, the most accessible to students, contributes to mainstreaming THUNK and contains the material used in the study of the course of algebra and analysis began, since the 10th grade. It is also advisable to include in the program the first quarter of the repetition on the theme Functions (linear, quadratic) ascertain the status of THUNK enrolled in the 10th grade on the topic (input control). The study of the foundations of mathematical analysis is also planned in the course of the 10th class. The theme of "Derivative" continues to shape the THUNK of students associated with elementary functions and introduces mathematical analysis. Under the topic "Integral" in grade 10 the emphasis is on practical significance, namely, finding the area of curvilinear trapezoid (for example, exponential function).In grade 11 we study trigonometric functions, their graphs, properties, derivative and integral. In 12th grade we study exponential and logarithmic functions, their graphs, properties, derivative and integral. The main objective of the repetition is to codify the gained knowledge. The systematic repetition of the training material allows you to more effectively prepare students of the evening school to the state final attestation.Based on the fact that the state graduation exam geometric material is about⅓, study material for geometry is about ⅓ of the total number of hours and focused only on practical application and life experience of students.Goals implemented in practice the following:1. Generalize and systematize the theoretical data.2. Select the tasks for the formation and improvement of skills (subject and General training);3. Show the target application of the learning material in everyday life, to study mathematics at a basic level. 4. Organize the solution to the students the main objectives of the study: • To learn the basic system of collection and processing of information, learn to model scientific processes and phenomena.• To acquire knowledge, practical skills and skills for academic material.• To acquire a knowledge system and practical skills in the use of textbooks.• Learn how to determine the algorithm for the collection, processing and use of various information

Types of work in the practice sessionMethod of control and self-control in the course:
implementation of practical work the writing and test items; mathematical dictations; control works
working with handbooks and literature accompanied by a teacher

independent work with dictionaries and literature

the writing exercises under the guidance of a teacher front-end survey, individual interviews,
doing written exercisesself-control through verbal play explored

The approximate outline of the practical work: • Definition of theme of practical work. • The goals for the student in the progress of practical work. • Skills that are expected to instill in students in performing practical work. • The theoretical part preceding the practical work. • Examples of the work on the algorithm. • Practical tasks to work. • Criteria of assessment of practical work. In summarizing the practical work.All training activities in mathematics is adapted to the personal requirements of each student, Shaw said: "Activity is the only way to knowledge." Through the organization of educational activities in the school formed students ' mathematical thinking needed in the world today.

ConclusionBefore each new generation of people are primarily faced with the task of mastering the accumulated experience of mankind. For this you need to learn certain methods of educational activities. The methods of educational activities along with the knowledge and moral and emotional relations constitute the content of education and constitute the indivisible integrity: without knowledge it is impossible to learn no ways of working, experience, moral and emotional relations; at the same time, the formation and knowledge and experience of these relationships may occur only during activity. That is why educational, developing and educational objectives are realized in an organic unity.Learned the methods of studying cognitive activities become skills and abilities that make the synthesized concept of "learning to learn".Study skills are universal methods of obtaining and application of knowledge. The development of the presented classifications can create the conditions for the formation of students ' practical skills in the implementation of learning activities, which in turn will ensure the acquisition of comprehensive and lasting knowledge. Thus can be solved the problem of increasing the efficiency and quality of education, because the benefits will be measured not by how much the learner can "take" and how much of "taken" he will be able to apply in practice.The system of learning and skills has the following advantages:• requires the allocation of additional hours;• provides for the formation obshcheuchebnyh abilities and skills within each subject;• creates a unified educational space for students.It is advisable to use a common approach to the classification, composition and method of formation obshcheuchebnyh abilities and skills, which are divided into groups (levels and classes) that allowed to cover all the important aspects of educational activity of students.

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