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City challenges and Solutions презентация

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City challenges and Solutions презентация
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“ Шет тілдер ” кафедрасы Презентация Theme:City challenges and Solutions Prepared by: Group: Accepted: Shymkent-20 99

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“ Шет тілдер ” кафедрасы Презентация Theme:City challenges and Solutions Prepared by: Group: Accepted: Shymkent-20 99

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“ Шет тілдер ” кафедрасы Презентация Theme:City challenges and Solutions Prepared by: Group: Accepted: Shymkent-20 99

Plan I. Introduction II. Main part -Main city challenges III.Conclusion IV. Used Literature

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Plan I. Introduction II. Main part -Main city challenges III.Conclusion IV. Used Literature

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Plan I. Introduction II. Main part -Main city challenges III.Conclusion IV. Used Literature

Introduction In recent decades, all over the world and in Kazakhstan, in particular, due to a number of natural reasons, urban

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Introduction In recent decades, all over the world and in Kazakhstan, in particular, due to a number of natural reasons, urbanization and intensive growth of cities have been occurring. This contributes to the emergence of negative economic, environmental and social consequences for people, some of which can be reduced by using underground space. The analysis of these problems and ways to solve them is very relevant.

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Introduction In recent decades, all over the world and in Kazakhstan, in particular, due to a number of natural reasons, urbanization and intensive growth of cities have been occurring. This contributes to the emergence of negative economic, environmental and social consequences for people, some of which can be reduced by using underground space. The analysis of these problems and ways to solve them is very relevant.

• respiratory diseases, diseases associated with unsanitary conditions and poor water quality, as well as those caused by expo

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• respiratory diseases, diseases associated with unsanitary conditions and poor water quality, as well as those caused by exposure to toxic substances • Unsustainable transport policies and wasteful use of energy lead to the release of excessive amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere • urban environmental problems undermine sustainable economic growth. Environmental problems of big cities

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• respiratory diseases, diseases associated with unsanitary conditions and poor water quality, as well as those caused by exposure to toxic substances • Unsustainable transport policies and wasteful use of energy lead to the release of excessive amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere • urban environmental problems undermine sustainable economic growth. Environmental problems of big cities

The main problems of large cities are manifested in economic, environmental and social spheres: 1.Economic problems: resourc

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The main problems of large cities are manifested in economic, environmental and social spheres: 1.Economic problems: resources (mate • lack real, financial, labor, etc.). 2.Environmental problems: • territory deficit • pollution of the atmosphere and water sources; • violation of the integrity of the subsoil and earth's surface; • changing of the climate 3.Social problems: • large concentration of people and anthropogenic factors; • high material costs to satisfy life needs; needs; • increase in the impoverished and criminal social strata by villages, • spending significant time moving people; • a large number of potential hazards; • high stress on the psyche (pace of life, amount of information, unstable environment, etc.); • shortage of recreational resources • deterioration of public health, decrease in life expectancy, etc.

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The main problems of large cities are manifested in economic, environmental and social spheres: 1.Economic problems: resources (mate • lack real, financial, labor, etc.). 2.Environmental problems: • territory deficit • pollution of the atmosphere and water sources; • violation of the integrity of the subsoil and earth's surface; • changing of the climate 3.Social problems: • large concentration of people and anthropogenic factors; • high material costs to satisfy life needs; needs; • increase in the impoverished and criminal social strata by villages, • spending significant time moving people; • a large number of potential hazards; • high stress on the psyche (pace of life, amount of information, unstable environment, etc.); • shortage of recreational resources • deterioration of public health, decrease in life expectancy, etc.

Providing clean drinking water to residents of cities and towns, water supply to industrial and municipal enterprises are a

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Providing clean drinking water to residents of cities and towns, water supply to industrial and municipal enterprises are among the primary environmental problems of urban areas. Drinking water problem

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Providing clean drinking water to residents of cities and towns, water supply to industrial and municipal enterprises are among the primary environmental problems of urban areas. Drinking water problem

Atmospheric air pollution from industrial emissions • Ferrous metallurgy • Non-ferrous metallurgy • Petrochemical industry ente

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Atmospheric air pollution from industrial emissions • Ferrous metallurgy • Non-ferrous metallurgy • Petrochemical industry enterprises • Production of cement and building materials • Chemical industry and other industries

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Atmospheric air pollution from industrial emissions • Ferrous metallurgy • Non-ferrous metallurgy • Petrochemical industry enterprises • Production of cement and building materials • Chemical industry and other industries

Household waste problem When garbage is burned, harmful and toxic chemical compounds are released into the air in large quanti

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Household waste problem When garbage is burned, harmful and toxic chemical compounds are released into the air in large quantities. Open landfills, in addition to spreading a stench, are infested with insects and rodents - sources and carriers of many infectious diseases.

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Household waste problem When garbage is burned, harmful and toxic chemical compounds are released into the air in large quantities. Open landfills, in addition to spreading a stench, are infested with insects and rodents - sources and carriers of many infectious diseases.

Consequences of exhaust gases: Photochemical fog (smog) is an aerosol consisting of smoke, fog and dust, one of the types of a

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Consequences of exhaust gases: Photochemical fog (smog) is an aerosol consisting of smoke, fog and dust, one of the types of air pollution in large cities and industrial centers.

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Consequences of exhaust gases: Photochemical fog (smog) is an aerosol consisting of smoke, fog and dust, one of the types of air pollution in large cities and industrial centers.

Used Literature 1. Pivovarov Yu.L. Fundamentals of urban studies: Urbanization and urban systems: Textbook. aid for students

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Used Literature 1. Pivovarov Yu.L. Fundamentals of urban studies: Urbanization and urban systems: Textbook. aid for students vyst, 2. Ecology of a large city (using the example of Moscow). Textbook / Under the general editorship. Doctor of Biological Sciences A.L. Malina, M.: Publishing house "PASVA", 2001-192 3. Bollaboe V.S. Current problems of large cities SPAGIZA-SPb, 1997-194c

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Used Literature 1. Pivovarov Yu.L. Fundamentals of urban studies: Urbanization and urban systems: Textbook. aid for students vyst, 2. Ecology of a large city (using the example of Moscow). Textbook / Under the general editorship. Doctor of Biological Sciences A.L. Malina, M.: Publishing house "PASVA", 2001-192 3. Bollaboe V.S. Current problems of large cities SPAGIZA-SPb, 1997-194c