Материалдар / шын жалған әдісі

шын жалған әдісі

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
шын жалған әдісі
250 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз
+13 бонус
Бұл не?
Бүгін алсаңыз +13 бонус беріледі Бұл не?
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады
Материал жариялап, аттестацияға 100% жарамды сертификатты тегін алыңыз!
Ustaz tilegi журналы министірліктің тізіміне енген. Qr коды мен тіркеу номері беріледі. Материал жариялаған соң сертификат тегін бірден беріледі.
Оқу-ағарту министірлігінің ресми жауабы
Сайтқа 5 материал жариялап, тегін АЛҒЫС ХАТ алыңыз!
Қазақстан Республикасының білім беру жүйесін дамытуға қосқан жеке үлесі үшін және де Республика деңгейінде «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық материалыңызбен бөлісіп, белсенді болғаныңыз үшін алғыс білдіреміз!
Сайтқа 25 материал жариялап, тегін ҚҰРМЕТ ГРОМАТАСЫН алыңыз!
Тәуелсіз Қазақстанның білім беру жүйесін дамытуға және білім беру сапасын арттыру мақсатында Республика деңгейінде «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жариялағаны үшін марапатталасыз!
Ресми байқаулар тізімі
Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!
Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі

1 слайд

1 слайд



2 слайд

2 слайд


SLID ESM AN IA.C O MСұрақ 1 Қарбыз көкеніс

3 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MСұрақ 1 Қарбыз көкеніс

3 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MСұрақ 1 Қарбыз көкеніс

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MЖоқ , дұрыс емес ! Қарбыз жидек

4 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MЖоқ , дұрыс емес ! Қарбыз жидек

4 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MЖоқ , дұрыс емес ! Қарбыз жидек

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә бұл қате! Қарбыз жидек

5 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә бұл қате! Қарбыз жидек

5 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә бұл қате! Қарбыз жидек

SLID ESM AN IA.C O M2 C ұрақ Жарқанаттар жұмыртқалылар .

6 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O M2 C ұрақ Жарқанаттар жұмыртқалылар .

6 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O M2 C ұрақ Жарқанаттар жұмыртқалылар .

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MЖоқ , бұл шындық емес ! Жарқанаттар сүтқоректілер !

7 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MЖоқ , бұл шындық емес ! Жарқанаттар сүтқоректілер !

7 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MЖоқ , бұл шындық емес ! Жарқанаттар сүтқоректілер !

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә , бұл жалған ! Жарғанаттар сүтқоректілер !

8 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә , бұл жалған ! Жарғанаттар сүтқоректілер !

8 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә , бұл жалған ! Жарғанаттар сүтқоректілер !

SLID ESM AN IA.C O M 3 Сұрақ Ақпан айында 30 к үн бар

9 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O M 3 Сұрақ Ақпан айында 30 к үн бар

9 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O M 3 Сұрақ Ақпан айында 30 к үн бар

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә , солай ! Ақпан айында 30 күн бар

10 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә , солай ! Ақпан айында 30 күн бар

10 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә , солай ! Ақпан айында 30 күн бар

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә, бұл жалған ! Ақпан айында 30 күн бар

11 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә, бұл жалған ! Ақпан айында 30 күн бар

11 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә, бұл жалған ! Ақпан айында 30 күн бар

SLID ESM AN IA.C O M 4 сұрақ Түс датчигі неше түсті анықтайды ?

12 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O M 4 сұрақ Түс датчигі неше түсті анықтайды ?

12 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O M 4 сұрақ Түс датчигі неше түсті анықтайды ?

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә , солай ! Түс датчигі 7 түсті анықтайды

13 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә , солай ! Түс датчигі 7 түсті анықтайды

13 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә , солай ! Түс датчигі 7 түсті анықтайды

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә , бұл жалған ! Түс датчигі 7 түсті анықтайды

14 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә , бұл жалған ! Түс датчигі 7 түсті анықтайды

14 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MИә , бұл жалған ! Түс датчигі 7 түсті анықтайды

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 5 Did this happen? True or False?

15 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 5 Did this happen? True or False?

15 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 5 Did this happen? True or False?

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples

16 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

16 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples

17 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

17 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 6 Did this happen? True or False?

18 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 6 Did this happen? True or False?

18 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 6 Did this happen? True or False?

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples

19 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

19 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples

20 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

20 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 7 Did this happen? True or False?

21 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 7 Did this happen? True or False?

21 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 7 Did this happen? True or False?

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples

22 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

22 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples

23 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

23 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 8 Did this happen? True or False?

24 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 8 Did this happen? True or False?

24 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 8 Did this happen? True or False?

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples

25 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

25 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples

26 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

26 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 9 Did this happen? True or False?

27 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 9 Did this happen? True or False?

27 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 9 Did this happen? True or False?

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples

28 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

28 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples

29 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

29 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 10 Did this happen? True or False?

30 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 10 Did this happen? True or False?

30 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 10 Did this happen? True or False?

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples

31 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

31 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples

32 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

32 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 11 Did this happen? True or False?

33 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 11 Did this happen? True or False?

33 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 11 Did this happen? True or False?

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples

34 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

34 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples

35 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

35 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 12 Did this happen? True or False?

36 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 12 Did this happen? True or False?

36 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 12 Did this happen? True or False?

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples

37 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

37 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples

38 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

38 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 13 Did this happen? True or False?

39 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 13 Did this happen? True or False?

39 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 13 Did this happen? True or False?

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples

40 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

40 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples

41 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

41 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 14 Did this happen? True or False?

42 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 14 Did this happen? True or False?

42 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 14 Did this happen? True or False?

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples

43 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

43 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples

44 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

44 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 15 Did this happen? True or False?

45 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 15 Did this happen? True or False?

45 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MNumber 15 Did this happen? True or False?

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples

46 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

46 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not TRUE! If the correct answer was true, add more info about it, or more examples. If not, explain why it’s false.

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples

47 слайд
SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

47 слайд

SLID ESM AN IA.C O MYes, it is / No, it is not FALSE! If the correct answer was false, add correct info about it, or examples. If not, explain why it’s true.

Министірлікпен келісілген курстар тізімі