Назар аударыңыз. Бұл материалды сайт қолданушысы жариялаған. Егер материал сіздің авторлық құқығыңызды бұзса, осында жазыңыз. Біз ең жылдам уақытта материалды сайттан өшіреміз
Жақын арада сайт әкімшілігі сізбен хабарласады
Бонусты жинап картаңызға (kaspi Gold, Halyk bank) шығарып аласыз
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады
N.A. Tustikbaev,
Lecturer in the Department of Physical Education
Taraz State Pedagogical University
Taraz, Republic of Kazakhstan
Pedagogical ideas and traditions of folk pedagogy, reflecting human dreams, family, dream of educating the younger generation, their opinions and suggestions, show the link between past and present. National Games is a continuation of the traditional nature of national education. traditional games include the concept of life style, lifestyle, national traditions, courage, loyalty, aspiration to strength, patience, etc. values are a sign of folk wisdom.
Key words: Pedagogical ideas, World Congress on Sport in the Modern World, national competitions, competitive.
Педагогические идеи и традиции народной педагогики, отражающие человеческие мечты, семью, мечту о воспитании подрастающего поколения, их мнения и предложения, показывают связь прошлого и настоящего. Национальные игры - это продолжение традиционного характера национального образования. традиционные игры включают понятие образа жизни, образа жизни, национальных традиций, отваги, верности, стремления к силе, терпения и т. д. Ценности являются признаком народной мудрости.
Ключевые слова: педагогические идеи, Всемирный конгресс по спорту в современном мире, национальные соревнования, соревнования.
Адам арманын, отбасын, жас ұрпақты тәрбиелеу арманын бейнелейтін халықтық педагогиканың педагогикалық идеялары мен дәстүрлері, олардың пікірлері мен ұсыныстары өткен мен бүгіннің байланысын көрсетеді. Ұлттық ойындар - ұлттық тәрбиенің дәстүрлі сипатының жалғасы. Дәстүрлі ойындарға өмір салты, ұлттық дәстүр, батылдық, адалдық, күш-жігерге ұмтылу, шыдамдылық және т.б түсініктер жатады. Құндылықтар - халық даналығының белгісі.
Түйінді сөздер: педагогикалық идеялар, қазіргі әлемдегі бүкіләлемдік спорт конгресі, ұлттық жарыстар, жарыстар.
Today, the content of education in the country is in a new direction. The President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, said: “Now we are moving towards the post-industrial world, which is the triumphant dominance of education-science-innovation.” It is clear that the country's accession to world trends is the need to move to a qualitatively new level of education. The current stage of modernization of the Kazakh education and science system provides access to quality education, the acquisition of new skills, research and development of creative competencies. Education in the republic is entering a new phase.
When introducing updated educational content, it becomes necessary to introduce effective methods of physical education in secondary education. Today, the topic of physical education created in the new content. The Message of the President of the country N.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan - “Health, education and well-being of the citizens of Kazakhstan” notes that “citizens must be healthy for the rest of their lives and must be prepared for a healthy lifestyle for the environment” [1].
Physical education and sport are a combination of historical events resulting from the historical activities of people. Every year, the World Congress on Sport in the Modern World, which is held in different countries, emphasizes the importance of using health and a healthy lifestyle, as well as the use of research in the field of physical culture and sports in social and national.
Physical education and sport have been living since the appearance of human society. Through various games and contests, social relationships have been improved and the exchange of experiences has expanded.
Physical education and sport are part of a global and physical phenomenon and are not limited to government, economic and legal issues, entering into the aspect of interethnic communication.
The most important quantitative and qualitative changes in physical education and sport are the material and spiritual life of nations and nationalities, the results and paces of the formation of human society, the culture of health and healthy lifestyles, as well as the system of personal and social relationships and allow arbitrary judgments about behavioral norms.
The nature of physical education and sports serves as a basis for strengthening friendship between nations, as well as influence based on the rapprochement of different nationalities and their beliefs, but without the active intervention of individuals and groups, these phenomena cannot be born. If social, physical and sports teams do not participate in the development of these phenomena, they make mistakes and distortions, thereby creating the prerequisites for progressive development.
A special approach is to use popular mobile games. Currently, some of the available research suggests that they can be used by children of school age and adolescents. However, this issue should be considered much broader. It is well known that the game method is a special way of the complex development of physical activity. Therefore, this method can be used in sports pedagogy in various sports. In this paper, this issue is covered by the use of folk dance games in the classroom of national sports.
In the history of each nation there are thinkers who can show the highest achievements of the national culture. Great Abai, who took the same place from the Kazakh people. There are a lot of things about his work. He is not only a great and diverse person, but also a modern person, as a classic of Kazakh culture. Today, Abai’s thoughts on Kazakh national sports are astounding. These ideas of the poet correspond to the modern concept of physical education and sport.
At the moment when national sport and games are the most important means of physical education, the great wisdom of the great Abai which in our mindsis the genius of wisdom. His prestige in this area is remarkable. The study of early forms of physical education associated with the literature on archeology, ethnography and history.
The need to increase the activity of a healthy lifestyle is mandated in the country to strengthen the use of physical culture, including the promotion of national sports for a healthy lifestyle, in accordance with the country's decree “Expansion of further activities of mass-oriented activities in the field of healthy lifestyle” This question is mentioned in detail in the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan [4].
It is important to use an integrated approach to the education of the younger generation, active and socially beneficial activities and their comprehensive development. For this, it is necessary to constantly improve ways of shaping civil, creative work, spiritual interests and the needs of people. Education and upbringing is a single process. Of course, people get an education in the learning process, if this process is properly organized.
Studies have shown that widespread national sports are now forgotten and now they are considering reconstruction. These include: nervousness, curve mail, falcon, horse racing, hanging apples. To bring them back to life, you first need to reconstruct the existing sports facilities and the hippodrome, as well as build a new one in many places and recreation areas, based on the “Concept for the development of national sports and folk games”.
Highly qualified athletes develop personal qualities , which in turn contribute to sports and other activities. They include: good health, self-confidence, attitude to personal development, self-esteem, restraint, self-control . Psychologists and researchers argue that if a person seeks to achieve a goal (high sporting achievements and professional performance), he will have a positive impact on his or her own goals and may invite them into his life as an energy source.
National sports and folk games are an integral part of the harmonious education of the younger generation. In modern physical practice, people who have accumulated centuries of experience and knowledge in choosing the younger generation should be used to teach the younger generation based on folk dances and national sports.
The inexhaustible treasury of national pedagogy is a powerful learning tool in the modern world, because there are many ways people can develop a healthy lifestyle and develop mass physical culture and mass sports among nations, especially among people living in rural areas of our country. The development of national sports and folk games plays an important role in strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between the peoples living in Kazakhstan.
It is important to take measures to create teams of clubs in a widespread kickboxing team game. At least one team club should be organized in each region, for example, in football, hockey and other sports. [2]
In our country, a wide range of mobile games. Specialists divide mobile games into four groups:
1. Games with natural ingredients: asyk, beshas, leek, magic scar, beaker, smoke, etc.
2. Animal games imaginable: animal, camel, white socks, blue cow and so on.
3. Games with the use of the property: chewing gum, concealment, scratching, tucked pants, belts, towels, etc.
4. Non-instrumental games: pimples, scarlet fever, shingles, teeth, teeth, fringe, hide-and-seek, etc. [4].
The behavior of men is different. The first group includes mobile games, such as aristocrats, lanterns, swings, neighbors, coins, hoops, bullets, necklaces and belts; The second group includes sports games such as chess, clash, horse breeding, gambling, kayak, kokpar, girls, silver, cross country khokpar, pedestrian racing, jogging, horse riding, camel racing, kazahsha kures, fencing, rock climbing; The third group includes games that featured the development of political and social life: khan good, evil bang, collective-hell, zeis-zheng, magic stick, hoop play.
The national games have a wonderful national health benefits for today's younger generation. All of this has been contributing to the constant growth of social and pedagogical requirements and the education of young people in accordance with society's needs [5].
To strengthen the foundations of our society, exemplary, moral education is one of the challenges today.
Pedagogical ideas and traditions of folk pedagogy, reflecting human dreams, family, dream of educating the younger generation, their opinions and suggestions, show the link between past and present. National Games is a continuation of the traditional nature of national education. Traditional games include the concept of life style, lifestyle, national traditions, courage, loyalty, aspiration to strength, patience, etc.
1. The Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Nurly Zhol - Path to the Future" (November 11, 2014). - [EP]. Availability: http://yandex.kz/yandsearch
2. Brekman II Valeology - science in health. - М .: Physical education and sport, 1990. - 180 с.
3. Conception of healthy lifestyle formation in the system of continuous education of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Valetology, physical education. - 2003. - № 1 - 11, p.
4. Ordabekov S. Medical Valeology. Taraz: Изд. дом Таразы, 2005. - 256 pp.
5. "Salamatty Kazakhstan" Program for 2011-2015 approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the organization of activities for the implementation of the program "Healthy Lifestyle". - [EP]. Availability: http://yandex.kz/yandsearch