Материалдар / Кіші мектеп жасындағы балалардың коммуникативті дағдыларын зерттеудің теориялық тәсілдері
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Кіші мектеп жасындағы балалардың коммуникативті дағдыларын зерттеудің теориялық тәсілдері

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Зерттеушілер бастауыш мектепте оқитын 6 жастан 12 жасқа дейінгі жас аралығындағы әртүрлі тілдік қабілеттердің бірнеше жағдайын анықтай отырып, балалардың дағдылары мен сөйлеу дамуын байқау үшін ерекше. Баланың даму психологиясы тұрғысынан алғанда алынған мәліметтерге баланың өміріне тікелей немесе жанама байланысты бірнеше факторлар әсер етеді. бастауыш сынып, тіл байлығы және оны талдау.
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ТЕМА: Теоретические подходы к изучению коммуникативных навыков у детей младшего школьного возраста

ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЬ: Жамбал Айдана


Кіші мектеп жасындағы балалардың коммуникативті дағдыларын зерттеудің теориялық тәсілдері

Жамбал А.


e-mail: aidana.zhambyl0111@mail.ru

Аңдатпа. Зерттеушілер бастауыш мектепте оқитын 6 жастан 12 жасқа дейінгі жас аралығындағы әртүрлі тілдік қабілеттердің бірнеше жағдайын анықтай отырып, балалардың дағдылары мен сөйлеу дамуын байқау үшін ерекше. Баланың даму психологиясы тұрғысынан алғанда алынған мәліметтерге баланың өміріне тікелей немесе жанама байланысты бірнеше факторлар әсер етеді.

Тірек сөздер: бастауыш сынып, тіл байлығы және оны талдау.

Теоретические подходы к изучению коммуникативных навыков у детей младшего школьного возраста

Жамбал А.



e-mail: aidana.zhambyl0111@mail.ru

Аннотация. Навыки и развитие речи у детей уникальны для наблюдения, исследователи обнаружили несколько случаев различных языковых способностей в возрастном диапазоне от 6 до 12 лет, которые все еще учатся в начальной школе. С точки зрения психологии детского развития на полученные данные влияет несколько факторов, прямо или косвенно связанных с жизнью ребенка.

Ключевые слова: Анализ, Языковые навыки, Начальная школа

Theoretical approaches to the study of communication skills in children of primary school age


Zhambal A.

e-mail: aidana.zhambyl0111@mail.ru

Abstract. The skills and development of children's language are unique to observe, the researchers found several cases of varying language abilities in the age range of 6-12 years old who are still in primary school. From the perspective of child development psychology, the findings are influenced by several factors that are directly or indirectly related to the child's life.

Key words: Analysis, Language Skills, Primary School.

Human character has been attached to a person's personality and shown in the behavior of his daily life. Since birth, humans have had the potential of character that is shown by their cognitive abilities and innate traits. Innate characters will develop if you get a touch of learning experience from the environment. The family is the first learning environment that children get and will be a strong foundation to shape character after adulthood. The results showed that around 50% of the variability of adult intelligence had occurred when a child was four years old. The next 30% increase occurs at the age of eight years, and the remaining 20% in the middle or end of the second decade (Suyanto, 2010). The development of intelligence is accompanied by mental development of other personalities until adolescence. After adulthood, intelligence and personality behavior has been relatively stable, therefore if you want to form intelligence and character, the most appropriate time is at the age of children to adolescents.

Children's language skills in their development can be seen and assessed directly from the child's speaking ability in various social situations, because it is very possible that there are different ways and styles of speaking for different situations and interlocutors.

Since their birth and maybe even before, children start learning about the world around them. Day by day they can count on wider sensorimotor functions that open their cognitive development in new ways. In the period of their life that goes from few months to 3–4 years, the hands are fundamental in conveying knowledge. A child points something and he/she handles, touches, tastes and manipulates while understanding an object’s features and functions. The orientation of modern pedagogy towards the humanization of the upbringing and educational process actually puts forward the actual problems of creating conditions for the development of the personality of each child, optimism, his personal self-determination. This problem is especially acute at a mature level in relation to younger schoolchildren, since, according to psychological and pedagogical research, the process of personal development and self-determination of children of this century has recently been studied. This is a deep immaturity of their emotional-volitional sphere, a lag in the indicators of the system of social relations, age identification, problems of family education. Interaction between an adult and a child is primary to theory of development of higher psychical functions developed by L. S. Vygotsky. A key difference between a child and an animal lies in the fact that the child develops in a cultural environment. As was emphasized by Vygotsky, the higher psychical function was nothing but a transformed natural psychical function. This transformation is performed through the acquisition of cultural means, a medium for which is an adult. One of the spectacular examples with which Vygotsky illustrated this process was the formation of indicatory gesture (Vygotsky, 1983). Initially it appears as a failed grabbing movement — before reaching a certain age, a child stretches forwards trying to grab even the objects he/she cannot reach.

Analysis of the theory and practice of the formation of communicative skills of younger students indicates its significant shortcomings. Scientists do not pay attention to the consideration of pedagogical conditions and ways of forming the communicative skills of younger students. Little attention is paid to the formation of the communicative skills of younger schoolchildren, taking into account their individual development indicators (the level of development of communicative skills, the presence or absence of deviations in mental development); the possibilities of such practice-oriented means of forming communicative skills as plot-role-playing games, trainings are not fully used; no attention is paid to the formation of adequate self-esteem as one of the important conditions for the development of communication skills.

List of used literature

  1. BelolutskayaA.K. (2006). Analizosobennosteydialekticheskihstrukturmyshleniadetei I vzroslykh [Analysis of specific features of dialectical structures in child and adult thinking]. Moscow: Russian Academy of Education.

  2. Alifanova E. M. Formation of communicative competence of children of preschool and primary school age.

  3. Piaget J. Origins of intelligence in the child. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1936.

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